After the song to be sung was decided,

Su Cheng felt relieved.

The next step was to see if there was a suitable occasion to sing.

How about a popular variety show or singing competition?

If not, just post it on the music platform, and then promote it through TikTok and other platforms.

He just sang the popular song"Hero Song", and it hasn't even been removed from the trending searches.

I believe that if he releases a new song, it will definitely be popular!

Su Cheng was daydreaming.

The phone rang again.

He took a look and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He hung up skillfully.

He has received more than a dozen calls of this kind today. Most of them invited him to join a certain agency, or urged him to upload"Hero Song" to his own music platform, and there were even a few calls inviting him to do talk shows.

Later, Su Cheng hung up directly when he saw the unfamiliar number, but he has been receiving these calls for a day.

"How about signing with an agency?"

With a contract company, all these annoying calls can be pushed to your agent to handle, which saves a lot of trouble.

You can also hire a personal assistant, but that costs money.

Penguin Music uploaded"Hero Song" to other platforms three days earlier, and gave 100,000 yuan, which has been received.

The copyright fee of the Water Margin crew is still a long way off, and we can't have hope for the operating efficiency of state-owned enterprises. We don't know when the process can be completed.

There is no money to waste!

The best way now is to sign with an agency, let professionals do professional things, and be a hands-off boss.

You can also get an agent to help you work for free.

Unfortunately, I don't have the resources in this area.

If I just find an agency to sign a contract, I don't know how to get ripped off. How did he die?

I heard that some management companies sign artists at low prices when they are not yet famous, and set sky-high liquidated damages.

Even if the artists become famous in the future, the money they earn will all go into the pockets of the management companies.

Su Cheng thought about the companies that wanted to sign him today. The conditions given by Nayoung were indeed good, more than one level higher than other companies.

Unfortunately, Su Cheng really didn't want to make a living under a boss like that.

He had his own system, and if he was not afraid of trouble, there was no need to sign a contract with a company.

How about asking Zhang Dahui?

Although the other party is mainly a producer, they, the older generation of artists, definitely have resources in all aspects.

Su Cheng can fully feel that Mr. Zhang likes him.

I believe he will not cheat me.......

"Why doesn't this person answer the phone?"

A young woman in a business suit frowned and said to herself

"Xiaojie, please be patient. Su Cheng may be busy."

The person who answered was a beautifully dressed woman. She looked away from her phone and raised her head.

It was Yang Mi, who hadn't been heard from for a long time.

Since leaving Jiaxing Media, Yang Mi's studio has been operating independently.

It has been almost a year, and the studio has not made any major moves.

Just now, Yang Mi saw on Weibo that"Hero Song" was selected as the theme song of the new Water Margin.

She can sing, but she has never heard of this song.

After checking, it was an original song.

Watching the video, it turned out to be a young actor who has not signed a contract yet.

What surprised her even more was that such a sunny and handsome young actor could sing such a masculine song. His singing skills are also very good!

After some consideration, she decided to extend an olive branch to him.

The style of this"Hero Song" is a rare tough guy style in this world, and the style of the song is completely different from those young actors.

Yang Mi keenly realized that Su Cheng is likely to bring about a different storm in the music world.

So, she immediately instructed her assistant Song Jie to contact Su Cheng.

Yang Mi's studio already had a plan to recruit artists.

It's just because Su Cheng's popularity came ahead of time.

Who knew that she made two phone calls.

No one answered!

"Sister Mi, these young and popular guys suddenly become popular and easily lose their minds. Haven't you heard that those hip-hop guys who acted like big shots were all scolded to death by netizens!"

"Xiaojie, please edit a text message and directly state our conditions to show your sincerity. This is the first singer we intend to sign a contract with. The profits will be allocated to the top singers, and we guarantee that we will not force work arrangements on you!"

"Top configuration?"

Song Jie's eyes widened. Top configuration means 90%!

And they also promised that they could not forcefully assign work arrangements!

Is this the treatment for a newcomer in the entertainment industry?

Look at this guy named Su Cheng, he has a handsome appearance and sings in a manly way.

Could it be that his boss has known him for a long time? Is the contract just for show?

Could it be that the two of them......

Yang Mi didn't know that her assistant's ideas had already run wild.

Hearing the other party's doubts, she explained,"I just listened to"Hero Song" on Penguin Music. Su Cheng's singing skills are very good! It's worth the treatment."

Seeing Song Jie's stupid face, she continued to explain:

"As for the work arrangement, I think that since he can sing such a tough song, he must not want to feel like a dependent. If there are too many forced jobs, he may not sign a contract with our studio!"

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she found that Song Jie still had a dull look on her face, with a slightly obscene smile on her lips.

Is this assistant stupid?

He waved his hand in front of her face and shouted in a louder voice:

"Hey! Xiao Jie? What are you thinking about?"

Song Jie came back to her senses, stretched out her hand to wipe the saliva that was about to flow out, and said quickly:

"OK! Sister Mi, I'll text you right away!"......

On the other side,

Su Cheng was considering whether to ask Zhang Dahui if he knew any agency.

He didn't want to be bound by a contract and hoped to have a certain degree of freedom in his future work.

It would be convenient for him to complete the main task.

After all, just like the task given by the system this time, it also came with additional conditions.

If the company arranged for him to sing on a random unpopular variety show, it would be difficult to get���Five hundred thousand listeners resonated.

Not to mention there was a restriction, these five hundred thousand resonating listeners must be under the age of 25!

Just as I was thinking about these clueless things, my phone vibrated and a text message came in.

"Mr. Su Cheng, this is Yang Mi Studio. The company really appreciates your singing of"Hero Song" and hopes to have in-depth cooperation with you. The profit distribution can give you up to 90%, and we can guarantee that there will be no forced work assignments. We look forward to your reply."


Su Cheng knew that when an agency signed a contract with a first-line artist, it was 280%, and only popular stars could enjoy a 190% split!

The text message also said that there would be no forced work assignments, and that the work tasks could be chosen entirely according to one's own preferences.

Doesn't this completely meet one's needs?

Such a good thing that fell from the sky would fall on the head of a newcomer who had just become popular with a song?


Absolutely impossible!

The other party's scam was a bit crude!

Su Cheng complained in his heart.

Then he quickly edited a text message and sent it out

"I, Qin Shi Huang! Send me money!"

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