"New Singer" announced the fifth round of competition songs.

Nayoung:"Brilliant You"



Ershouyueji:"Crazy Alien"


Vanshiya:《I Wanna Dance with......》

Hua Chenyu: As soon as the song list of"I Drink Alone" was released, it immediately sparked discussion among netizens

"《"Brilliant You" is dedicated to the candidates taking the college entrance examination. The night of the live broadcast happened to be the first day of the college entrance examination."

"Just sing the original version carefully, don’t make any changes to it, and mark it carefully, especially, Hello!"

"《Crazy Alien", awesome!"

"Is the second-hand rose the one with 'I can be his ancestor'?"

"Wow! I never expected that it was Shantimo singing Hello. I thought it was Little Sister!"

"Huahua is here, the national goalkeeper is secure this time!"

"The god of Chinese music! Finally, someone who can fight has arrived!"

"Can anyone tell me why there is a mage shouting in this episode?"

"World famous song"Stars"! Does Su Cheng know Russian?"

"It's the song 'Uncle Ma and Little Uncle’!"

"This is the first time that Su Shen sings someone else’s song, but this song is too difficult. Is it considered a challenge to himself?"

"Yes,"Stars" is not that easy to sing, and Su Cheng has never tried dolphin sound."

Hua Chenyu saw everyone's comments and smiled disdainfully.

He said to himself:"Su Cheng, Su Cheng, you are obviously a creative singer."

"Why don't you show your strengths?"

"It will be difficult if you continue to use new songs"

"However, it’s different if you sing other people’s songs. If you lose your own advantage, how can you fight?"

"Not only that, but they also danced to such a difficult song. I have such a strong high note, but I didn’t dare to try this world-famous song!"

Hua Chenyu is now full of confidence in this episode

《"I Drink Alone" was adapted from a rap song inspired by him.

There is no rap tune at all.

It has a strong personal style.

Not only singing, but also stage performance.

The high pitch in the middle of this song is close to dolphin sound.

"Only Shantimo's"Hello" is a threat, the others are no match!"......


Today is the first day of the college entrance examination.

Every year, the college entrance examination essay will trigger a wave of discussion among netizens.

This year is no exception.

Weibo has begun to forward the"2024 full score essay". Anyone with a little common sense knows that this kind of article is definitely fake.

However, it is like this every year, and it goes viral every year.

I don’t know what those people are thinking.

Why do they jump into the same pit every time.

Among the many hot searches related to the college entrance examination, there is one that is actually related to the entertainment industry.

#New Curriculum Standard III, Su Cheng leaked the questions! #This trending search appeared after the Chinese exam in the morning.

And it quickly became the top three.

It was more popular than tonight's"New Singer".

The top two trending searches were

#Good luck in the college entrance examination!#

#Pray for the candidates. #This kind of positive energy is definitely at the top.

Su Cheng also saw this trending search

"What the hell is this question?" I clicked on it with confusion.

New Curriculum Standard Volume III, essay topic:

"Please write an essay on the theme of"Youth Lives Up to His Youth". Requirements: Choose the right angle, determine the theme, clarify the style, and write your own title; do not copy or plagiarize; do not disclose personal information; no less than 800 words."

Su Cheng was stunned when he saw this title.

It's true that the song"Youthful China Says" he just sang really fits this theme!

Of course, the following are all memes

"Su Shen is so awesome, he can even predict the college entrance examination questions!"

"Su Su is so amazing. If I were to take the college entrance examination this year, I would definitely be admitted to a 211 university!"

"If I got the 60-point question right, I’d brag about it for the rest of my life!"

"I suggest that the relevant departments conduct a thorough investigation. Su Cheng looks like a sunny, handsome boy next door, but does he have such a deep background?"

"Please don't talk about the leaked exam papers, I'm so sad! It's really ironic. From early morning till now, I've already taken two exams, but no one has said"good luck in the college entrance examination" to me. Not my relatives, not my friends in the game, and not even the people I care about the most. Is it because I took the college entrance examination last year?"

Everyone is just making fun of me.

After all, the confidentiality level of the college entrance examination papers is very high.

Ordinary people can't get access to them, and even those who participate in the printing are not ordinary people!

I heard that those people have very regular daily routines, reading books, newspapers, and watching the news on time.

From the time point of view, it is also known that Su Cheng could not have leaked the questions.

The college entrance examination papers were printed several months ago.

And Su Cheng hadn't even made his debut at that time!......

An ordinary residential building.

Wang Haoyu was as happy as a five or six-year-old child.

In Hangzhou, the new curriculum standard volume III is used for the college entrance examination this year.

Just last night, he had just listened to Su Cheng's"Youth of China". He was filled with emotion and once wrote the words"Fine clothes and angry horses, live up to the youth" in the excerpt book. He even specially looked for the relevant famous sayings and aphorisms that he had excerpted.

And today, after the test paper was handed out.

He followed his usual habit and looked at the composition title first.

When he saw the words"Youth live up to youth".

His heart was about to jump out! I have never been so excited in my life.

Wang Haoyu felt that he was lucky this year. He actually knew the topic of the college entrance examination composition in advance.

You know, the composition of the new curriculum standard volume III is 60 points!

Last night I dreamed of the content of"live up to the youth".

Therefore, when writing the composition, I was full of emotion and wrote it in one go! Wang Haoyu felt that, not to mention full marks, it would be no problem to get more than 50 points!

Su Cheng's youthful voice came from the headphones.

"Young people are naturally wild, their bodies are like mountains and rivers with a straight spine......"

Wang Haoyu said to himself:

"God Su is really my lucky star!"......

Friday Night

《"New Singer" was broadcast as scheduled.

Before 8 o'clock, there were already 5 million people online at the same time in the live broadcast room.

You should know that Mango TV had set up membership privileges as early as the third episode.

If you are not a Mango member, you can only watch for 300 seconds.

That is, 5 minutes.

These 5 million people are basically new members.

Because before the broadcast of"New Singer" this year,���Not many people subscribe to membership.

The planning of this music variety show has really done a great job.

He Ling did not host the last episode because of other things.

As a result, a foreign singer won the championship again.

Of course, this has little to do with the host.

But netizens joked that He Ling played an irreplaceable role in"guarding the national gate."

The killer song"Gardenia Blossoms" has not been played yet.

If it really can't be defended at that time, He Ling can sing a song.

At eight o'clock in the evening.

He Ling appeared in the live broadcast room, smiling and waving to say hello

"Hello everyone, I am the host He Ling, I am back! Did you miss me?"

The audience cheered

"Tonight we welcome two singers who have unveiled the list, and two more singers who have returned."

"At the same time, Huahua also joined the competition"

"The lineup is unprecedentedly strong, and I think tonight will be extremely exciting!"

"Next, the fifth episode of"New Singer" will be unveiled"

"Officially open!"

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