Su Cheng began to sing.

His voice was gentle, yet powerful.

"Along the gentle curves of the mountains and rivers"

"Love the Central Plains, love the North and the South"

"Facing the ice knife, snow sword, wind and rain, the affectionate companionship"

"Cherish the golden years that heaven has bestowed upon me."

Su Cheng's new skill is [God-level Emotional Resonance]. As he sang tenderly, the outline of a map appeared before the eyes of all the audience.

"The words"Let the horse go" set the entire map in motion

""Ice Blade, Snow Sword, Wind and Rain" perfectly presents the hardships and challenges to the audience.

Then it is followed by"passionate company", describing the hardships as"passionate", and a sense of optimism arises spontaneously.

The last sentence of this paragraph uses"golden years" to summarize, which sets the tone of the whole song.

That is to cherish the experience, although there are regrets, but also to face the ups and downs of fate with gratitude.

The live broadcast room was already boiling at this time

"This voice feels both gentle and majestic"

"Who wrote this? It's so elegant, every word is so refined, deleting any word will make the mood incomplete"

"After going through"ice knives, snow swords, wind and rain", I still keep a positive attitude!"

"Just a few words express one's attachment to the country, cherishment of experience, and gratitude to fate!"

"Why did a picture appear before my eyes?"

"Su Shen's voice is so immersive!"

On stage,

Su Cheng changed his gentle tone to a firm one and continued singing:

"As a man of courage and loyalty, why fear any hardship?"

"The passion remains unchanged year after year"

"Life has its ups and downs, good and evil are separated"

"All for the tomorrow in my dream!"

Kong Sijin clenched his fists quietly after listening to this.

He shouted,"Good!"

The lyrics are righteous and Su Cheng sings magnificently.

Based on these two paragraphs, the quality of this song is ten thousand times better than Zhou Chi's pop song!

"A pile of liver and gall!"

"Why fear hardships!"

"Good and evil are separated!"

Kong Sijin recalled the lyrics that Su Cheng had just sung and whispered to himself:

"The Chinese music scene is now in great need of songs that inspire people to move forward!"

The Chinese music scene, which is filled with love and"brainwashing songs", needs a change of blood!

The last sentence"All for the tomorrow in my dream!" Su Cheng raised the tone.

The momentum reached a new level

"Look at the iron hooves, trampling across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers"

"I stand at the forefront and hold tightly onto the rotation of the sun and the moon!"

"How can we live in peace and happiness when the world is flooded with blood?"

"I really want to live another 500 years!"

The voice was sonorous and powerful, and the momentum of thousands of troops rushed towards him.

Jay Chou straightened up, closed his eyes slightly, and nodded slightly to the beat of Su Cheng's singing.

The scene of the Qing army entering the pass appeared in front of him.

The Qing cavalry, accompanied by smoke and dust, trampled across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Blood flowed for thousands of miles, and countless people were displaced.

Under the iron hoof, can there be peace and happiness?

"I really want to live another 500 years!"

Su Cheng performed the regret and pity of unfulfilled ambitions, but also the spirit of not admitting defeat.

The live broadcast room exploded again.

"I got goosebumps."

"Every time I listen to Su Cheng singing, I feel like I can fight against a hundred people on the battlefield!"

"This is the voice of the emperor, domineering, heroic and magnificent!"

"Is this the situation Zheng Yanping faced at the time?"

"Standing at the forefront of the storm, holding on to the sun and the moon, what a heroic spirit!"

"Is there anyone in the live broadcast room who can tell me what it means to hold the sun and the moon in rotation? Duke Zheng was not such a big threat to the Qing army at that time, right??"

"The sun and the moon were bright, and the Zheng family’s troops were the only remaining hope and the last backbone of the Southern Ming at that time!"

"Check it out, Su Cheng has the aura of an emperor! The feudal fire cannot be left! (Dog head saves life)"......

In the middle is a band harmony.

When recording this accompaniment, Su Cheng always felt that the harmony of a band was a little lacking. It even weakened the momentum he had just sung.

So, he applied to the program team to invite all five bands to help sing this harmony part.

Su Cheng was the first to record the accompaniment, and other musicians were still nervously writing lyrics and arranging music.

The band had not started working yet.

The program team readily agreed to Su Cheng's request.

Sure enough!

The harmony sung by the five bands together felt a bit like the shouting of thousands of troops on the battlefield. There were nearly two hundred people in the five bands!

This did not weaken the momentum Su Cheng had pulled up!

It is enough to see how terrifying [God-level Breath Control] is.

After the harmony is the second chorus.

"As a man of courage and loyalty, why fear any hardship?"

"The passion remains unchanged year after year"

"Life has its ups and downs, good and evil are separated"

"All for the tomorrow in my dream!"

Jay Chou sat up straight at this time, looking at the majestic Su Cheng on the stage in surprise.

He keenly discovered that Su Cheng deliberately lowered the tone in the high-pitched part just now.

But it was because of these slightly lower tones that the chorus became more layered.

It also made the momentum of the scene even higher!

He felt that Su Cheng's singing method was far better than singing high notes all the time.

Teng Keer sang along in a low voice.

I don't know what he was thinking.

Naying stared at the young man on the stage, his face was still as handsome as when he first met him.

Even the childishness was still there.

But now, Su Cheng is no longer the Su Cheng who participated in the boy group selection.

Three original songs, each one is a hit!

What about the next song"Borrowing Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven" ?

Without a doubt, this is another song that will top the charts!

I'm afraid that even without waiting for Su Cheng to finish singing, the top four songs on all major music platforms will be Su Cheng's songs.

In the first round, she voted for Su Cheng's"Farewell My Concubine" with 500 votes.

That was because Huang Liling had the highest number of votes at the time.

And currently, the one with the highest number of votes is Zhou Chi.

Zhou Chi is another young singer she wants to promote.

He is a rare young star who can compose original songs.

For Naying, Zhou Chi's commercial value far exceeds that of Su Cheng.

So, how many votes should she give to Su Cheng?

Thinking of this, Naying looked at the other special guests.

Jay Chou and Teng Ke'er were already singing along softly, and they were obviously impressed by Su Cheng's song.

Even Wang Feng closed his eyes and clapped his hands to the rhythm

‘Find a flaw in this song!' Naying thought silently.

But Su Cheng sang this song almost perfectly!

But, no matter how well he sang, this song must not be on the list tonight!

‘What am I good at?'

Nayoung thought from another angle.

High notes!


Just now, Su Cheng's high notes were not high enough for a few words!

‘When reviewing, I will demonstrate the high notes and give other guests a reason to give low scores! '

Nayoung made up her mind and showed a confident smile.

In the center of the stage, Su Cheng's singing was also coming to an end

"Look at the iron hooves, trampling across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers"

"I stand at the forefront and hold tightly onto the rotation of the sun and the moon!"

"Blood floods the world, and peace and happiness are achieved"

"I really want to live another 500 years!"

"I really want to live another 500 years!"

Su Cheng's voice became more powerful.

If the first time he sang the chorus, it was like a huge army attacking.

The second time, it was already a roar of killing!

Su Cheng sang the last sentence twice.

He almost used up all his strength and exhaled all the air in his chest.

He pushed the momentum of the whole song to the peak!

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