Su Cheng finally won the second round with 9860 votes.

《"Borrow Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven" became the second song on the list of the third National Musician.

Currently, the two songs on the list are both Su Cheng's songs.

After the results were announced, Su Cheng was about to return to the hotel.

He was stopped by the program crew.

They said there was another contestant interview session.

The host took Su Cheng to a lounge.

A circle of circular sofas.

Zhou Chi and others would definitely recognize it if they were there.

It was the place where the contestants were interviewed at the end of the first round last week.

The difference is.

There is only Su Cheng tonight.

After Su Cheng sat down, Xia Bing signaled the cameraman to start.

The live broadcast room switched to the contestant interview screen

"Mr. Su Cheng, now that the National Musicians have completed two rounds, two songs have been born, and both are yours. What do you think about this?"

Xia Bing was not interested in this kind of post-match interview.

It was nothing more than commercial praise between singers.

Su Cheng guessed that this question would be asked.

After all, it was indeed a bit shocking that he had won the highest votes in a row.

"In fact, in the first round, Huang Liling's"Give Me a Reason to Forget" was also a very good work! It is fully qualified to be on the list"

‘It's true!

Xia Bing thought to herself, it seems that this interview with the contestants is the same as the ones that have been conducted countless times before.

Nothing new!

Su Cheng paused for a moment and said,"There really aren't any particularly amazing songs in the second round."

After hearing what Su Cheng said, the live broadcast room was filled with comments.

"It turns out that Su Cheng is a straightforward boy!"

"Su Shen is not only domineering in singing, but also in speaking!"

"I'm not targeting anyone, everyone here tonight is garbage!"

"Fortunately, I didn't leave. Eat melons, eat melons!"

Xia Bing was immediately excited after hearing Su Cheng's second sentence.

Only interesting interviews can attract the audience. What's the point of polite business praise?

"Are you saying that Zhou Chi's song"Only I Haven't Forgotten" is also average? This song got the second place in votes!"

This question is a little tricky. Zhou Chi's fan base is very scary.

If you don't pay attention, you will get into trouble.

But Su Cheng doesn't care.

"It's just a catchy song. I can make ten of these songs in an hour."

What's the difference between a catchy song and a doggerel!

With Su Cheng's ability to arrange music, he can make ten songs in an hour. He's not exaggerating.

The live broadcast room was instantly in an uproar.

"It's just two songs on the list! What's the big deal? Can you judge Zhou Chi's works?"

"If you can, write me a catchy song on the spot, ten songs in an hour! Do you know how hard my brother works every day?"

"Is your song selling well? Brother Zhou Chi's song is number one on the sales chart!"

"That's right, what qualifications do you have to say that? Is it because you got the most votes in both rounds? Or because you took the top four spots on the hot song list? Or because you dominated the Weibo hot search list for two weeks? Or because you are more handsome than Zhou Chi?......"

"Are the people upstairs friendly? They almost got hurt by mistake!"

"To be honest, I like Su Cheng's straightforward character."

In fact, Su Cheng is not straightforward.

It's just that there is no need.

Just say what you think. Why go against your own ideas!

The strength is there.

If you want to be low-key, it is not allowed!

"What do you think of the Chinese music scene now being dominated by traffic stars? The songs they sing are all the"popular songs" you say’?"

Xia Bing asked another sharp question.

Su Cheng was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to ask such a question.

After thinking carefully for a while, he said:

"I don't actually dislike"popular songs". People have different aesthetic tastes. Some people like"big pixiu", some like high notes, and some like folk music and traditional Chinese style."

"It is these diverse aesthetics that make the music industry flourish."

"What is really scary is not the huge difference in aesthetics between people, but the fact that all creative tastes are converging."

Xia Bing obviously did not expect Su Cheng to answer like this.

According to Su Cheng's speaking style just now, he should have expressed his disdain for"popular songs".

Unexpectedly, Su Cheng gave such an inclusive answer.

"Do you think the tastes of creative works are converging now?" Xia Bing asked subconsciously.

Su Cheng looked at him like a fool and said,"I counted and there are 29 contestants tonight. They chose the fourth story just because it is a love story."

"Do you think that creative tastes are not convergent enough?"

Xia Bing smiled awkwardly and continued to ask,"Teacher Su Cheng, why do you think this phenomenon occurs?"

Xia Bing herself did not realize that the way she addressed Su Cheng had changed from"Mr." to"Teacher."

Before this interview, Xia Bing felt that Su Cheng was just a young rhino who had rushed into the Chinese music scene recklessly. He had talent, but he was still a young man after all.

Su Cheng's tolerant attitude towards music just now made him unconsciously respect him a little more.

Su Cheng thought for a while and said with a smile,"If I answer this question, I'm afraid the live broadcast room will be blocked!"

The live broadcast room exploded again

"Closing the live broadcast room? How does Su Cheng want to respond?"

"The dark side of the Chinese music scene? I want to hear it! Tell us now, tell us now!"

"Shit, this is a bit scary. Is this something I can listen to? Will I be plugged out of the network if I listen to it?"

"Melon seeds, cola, Wahaha, the small stool is ready!"

Xia Bing covered the headset with her hand and asked the director team quietly.

After getting the reply, she said firmly:

"But you can say it!"

Su Cheng was a little surprised. He had explained it so clearly, but the director team still asked him to say it.

"First of all, I want to make one thing clear, that is, the convergence of creative tastes is not the convergence of the audience's tastes."

Su Cheng continued,"The fundamental reason for the convergence of creative tastes is the intervention of capital!"

"The profit-seeking network of capital is constantly driving out the alternative, making it routine, templated, and replicable."

"In the long run, those who hold their own���Singers and songwriters will be increasingly obscured, while Internet celebrities who mass-produce catchy songs are becoming more and more rampant."

"Whether a song is popular or not is not entirely determined by its quality. Capital can first invest money to buy traffic and exposure, pushing up the popularity all the way, and after the fans are moved to tears, they will place orders for love and rush to the top of the charts."

"In the end, the stars and the capital partners will share the money they earn, and then prepare for the next round of profiteering."

Xia Bing was stunned for a long time without saying anything.

Can you just talk about capital matters casually?

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Su Cheng asked,"Do you think this routine is familiar?"


Xia Bing uttered unconsciously.

""We must win over the gentry and make them pay taxes and donations. Only when they pay can the people follow suit. After we get the money, we will return the gentry's money in full and divide the people's money into 30% and 70%!"

Xia Bing was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.

She didn't expect Su Cheng to be so bold. Aren't you afraid of the revenge from capital?

In this era, capital is high above, like a god.

How can a newly popular little singer resist it?

What kind of courage is this?

Dare to compare with gods with a mortal body!

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