After the interview, Su Cheng went back. He was just in the mood and said a little more.

Maybe apart from the audience in the live broadcast room, no more people will hear what he said.

The program team will definitely not release this interview video.

As for whether there are viewers who recorded the screen, I don’t know.

It is likely that if someone recorded the screen and posted it, not many people will see it.

The current push mechanism.

In addition to code control, there is also manual intervention.

The hand of capital is everywhere.

During the interview, there was such a hot search:

#Su Cheng angrily denounced capital for making creation routine and convenient for cutting leeks! # quickly topped the trending search list after it appeared.

It disappeared without a trace before the live broadcast ended.

The live broadcast room was not blocked because the National Musicians had a CCTV background.

The live broadcast of tonight's contestant interview will not be found on the Internet tomorrow.

However, the nearly one million viewers in the live broadcast room will remember this night.

There was a young man.

Angrily denounced capital for destroying���The creative environment of the language music scene cultivates traffic stars, mass-produces templated music garbage, and harvests listeners in waves.

And solemnly announced that his songs will be free forever!......


When Su Cheng finished singing"Borrow Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven", the top three of the hot search list were all occupied by Su Cheng again.

#Su Cheng's new song"Borrowing Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven"》#

#I stand at the forefront and hold tightly onto the rotation of the sun and the moon!#

#If you could borrow 500 years, which historical figure would you give it to?

#Everyone is having a heated discussion below

"The singing is so majestic and powerful that I seem to see a magnificent scene slowly unfolding before my eyes!"

"Su Cheng's voice this time was even more powerful, it was simply the voice of an emperor."

"There are too many handsome young men these days, and they lack any wildness. What men need is bloodiness and bravery. In times of crisis and difficulties, they must have the courage to take action and take responsibility. This is the masculinity that men must have!"

"Set this song as your wake-up ringtone, as if you have to attend court every day!"

"Every time the prelude starts, I feel like I'm about to ascend the throne!"

"The verse part is unstable, the breath is not strong enough, and the voice is not recognizable, the pitch is problematic, basically tone-deaf, and none of them are in tune. These are my problems"

"Don’t listen to this song when doing homework. I just listened to it for two hours and didn’t finish a single question, but I still felt so awesome!"

"I just want to ask, who added this song to the sleep-inducing playlist?"

The discussion under the third trending search is even more fanciful.

"Borrowed 500 years of life? Then I will definitely give it to the first emperor of all time, Qin Shi Huang."

"Don't even mention five hundred years, another thirty years would be enough for Master Ying Zheng."

"Eating roujiamo and speaking Shaanxi dialect on the Mediterranean coast?"

"Don’t eat pasta anymore, just eat noodles with oil!"

"We have to give credit to Genghis Khan. Five hundred years later, unifying the world is no longer a dream!"

"Is there any need to discuss who to borrow for another 500 years? Other dynasties never really treated the people as human beings. For 5,000 years, only the New China allowed the people to have enough food and meat, and to behave like human beings!"

Su Chengdu did not expect that although the last interview was not released, the song"Borrow Another 500 Years from Heaven" alone has caused heated discussions.

On major music platforms, Su Cheng's songs have dominated the charts.

Of course, except for the best-selling list.

Su Cheng's songs will probably never be on this list.......

The next day,

Hua Chenyu read the discussion about Su Cheng on the Internet.

He specifically found the article"Hero Song"》、《loyalty》、《He sang several songs such as"Farewell My Concubine" and"Borrow Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven" on repeat for a whole morning.

He was also invited to the National Musicians Contest this time.

But he did not participate.

He went to the previous two rounds, but no song made the list.

He was also nicknamed"Mage".

After a morning of thinking, he came to a conclusion.

That is, his songs are not popular because of the lyrics!

Hua Chenyu feels that composing music is his strong point and there is absolutely no problem.

He is also very satisfied with his singing skills.

Especially the high notes, he has never been afraid of anyone!

The problem must be with the lyrics!

If there is an awesome lyric, and then use your own music.

Wouldn't it be a hit?

You see, Jay Chou has Fang Wen writing lyrics for him, so there are so many classic songs.

Are Jay Chou's songs good?

Of course, they must be excellent.

But Hua Chenyu feels that his songs are not inferior to Jay Chou at all!

So, the question is, where can I find someone to write lyrics for myself?

The key is not to find it in a big way.

After all, I am called"the God of Chinese Music" by my fans!

God is omnipotent.

Buying the lyrics would ruin my image!

I called my agent.

"Xiao Wang, do you know any good lyricists?"

This agent is my confidant.

He is smart and the key is that he keeps his mouth shut!

"Brother Hua, you're right. I just met a middleman who knows a lot of people. I can ask him if he knows any good lyricists."

He is indeed the agent that Hua Chenyu has chosen. He is really reliable.

"It would be best to let Su Cheng write a song for me. I feel his lyrics are very good. If it is a historical background, it would be even better!"

Xiao Wang on the opposite side asked a little puzzled,"Brother Hua, don't you know Yang Mi? Su Cheng is signed to their studio. With your face, it's not easy to write a song."

Hua Chenyu said hesitantly,"For this word, you have to pay attention to my identity......"

Before he finished speaking, a happy voice came from the other end,"I understand, Brother Hua. With your current status, it would be a loss of face if you go directly to invite songs. Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Hua Chenyu hung up the phone with satisfaction.

He had carefully selected this agent, who is capable and smart!

You see, he understood it before he even explained it clearly!

On the other side.

After Xiao Wang hung up the phone, he immediately took out a stack of cards from his backpack.

He found a gray business card with a slightly curled edge.

He called the number on it.

"Hey, Xiao Hei, do you have any connections with Su Cheng?"

"Yes! The most popular one right now"

"I want to ask him to write a song lyrics, can you tell me how much it costs?"

"The style is ancient! With a sense of history"

"Who will sing?"

"Who else? My boss, of course."

"Hua Chenyu!"

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