For Su Cheng's fans, today is a big day.

At 8 pm, prime time.

Su Cheng's personal interview will be live broadcast on CCTV Music Channel.

A total of fifteen minutes.

In order to facilitate fans to watch.

The music channel has opened a simultaneous live broadcast room on Douyin.

Before 8 o'clock, the live broadcast room has entered 8 million viewers.

You know, Su Cheng has only 20 million fans on Weibo.

Nearly half of the fans are waiting in the live broadcast room to watch their idol's interview.

In other words, Su Cheng's fans are real fans.

And the fans are very sticky.

There are many stars who seem to have tens of millions of fans on Weibo, but when they post a dynamic or a MV, there are very few reposts.

God knows what kind of fans those fans are.

This type of interview has been conducted many times by the music channel.

The number of viewers has never exceeded one million.

The gap is visible to the naked eye.

Su Cheng has been too popular recently.

A frequent visitor to Weibo hot searches and headlines.

Unlike Wang Feng in the past, he missed the headlines many times.

Music channel live broadcast room.

Preparations for the interview are ready.

The person who interviewed Su Cheng was the familiar Xia Bing, the host of National Musicians.

Su Cheng sat next to him with a calm face.

In previous live broadcasts, Su Cheng was either playing games or writing songs.

When singing on the stage, he was immersed in the singing in a second.

Interview, small scene.

Xia Bing was a little nervous.

Just now, he saw that the live broadcast room had nearly 10 million people.

This is too exaggerated!

It's just an interview, why are there so many people?

It's been less than two months since he sang"Hero Song"!

Does Su Cheng have so many fans?

Eight o'clock

"Hello everyone, I am Xia Bing, today we will conduct an exclusive interview with Su Cheng."

Xia Bing turned to the opposite side,"Su Cheng, say hello to everyone!"

"Hello everyone, I am Su Cheng."

Xia Bing continued,"Su Cheng has been very popular recently. CCTV alone has reposted the video of"Yellow Man" twice in a row."

"I think my fans must have a lot of questions for you."

"So, two days ago, we started collecting questions from the official account. After careful selection, we collected a total of 120 questions."

"Now they are all in this transparent box."

Xia Bing said, pointing to a square box on the table next to her.

It was a bit like a ballot box, except it was transparent.

There were a lot of slips of paper inside, which should be the questions from netizens.

"Next, I will randomly select questions from the list and ask them."

Xia Bing laughed,"Of course, when it comes to private questions, Su Cheng has the right not to answer."

Su Cheng had relaxed at this moment and nodded his head to answer:

"I will tell you everything I know. If it is really inconvenient to answer, I will tell you quietly when I have the chance."

"Then you have to keep your word. Let's see what the first question is."

Xia Bing said as she reached into the glass box and stirred the paper strips.

She took one out and unfolded it.

"This netizen named"Northeastern Little Sweet Girl" asked, Susu, what is your height, weight, 3D, hobbies, whether you have a girlfriend, home address, what XP do you have?......"

Xia Bing held her forehead with one hand,"This sweet girl's questions are very specific, but there are too many. Why don't we let Su Cheng answer about his interests and hobbies!"

The barrage of comments in the live broadcast room instantly filled the screen



"Answer all of them!"

"Tell me more about XP!"

Su Cheng couldn't see the comments in the live broadcast room, so he replied,"I don't have many hobbies, sleeping, eating, playing games, watching videos"

"And read novels and stuff."

Xia Bing heard Su Cheng say that and nodded,"Haha, Su Cheng's hobbies are very 'popular'!"

He said that for a reason. When he interviewed other singers before, they would usually answer similar questions, such as meditation, reading, playing the piano, etc.

At least it was the first time Xia Bing heard a singer say that he liked sleeping, playing games, and reading novels.

"So how do you feel about your gaming skills?"

Su Cheng said 'confidently':"With the wind in your favor, you can make a comeback when the wind is against you!"

The live broadcast room was flooded with comments again

"Go with the flow, invest against the wind! This is the right way to open"

"Illusion: I can fight back! I can turn the tables!"

"I've watched Su Cheng's live broadcast of the League of Legends, yes! That was the 0-6-0 match."

Xia Bing couldn't help laughing when she saw the cheerful comments in the live broadcast room.

She took out another piece of paper from the glass box and unfolded it.

"What do you think of the young and popular stars in the Chinese music scene now?"

Su Cheng pondered,"Actually, this question has been answered in the previous post-match interview, but for some reasons, the video cannot be found now."

"I can only answer this way. The traffic stars are also forced to do so. There are some reasons why they have to do so. But I hope that all artists have their own style and their own distinctive works!"

Xia Bing certainly knew about that interview, so she didn't say much and drew another slip of paper.

"Su Cheng's music style is very different from the previous Chinese music scene. Will you consider other styles of works in the future?"

Su Cheng scratched his head,"The Chinese music scene should have works of various styles, so that it can flourish. My songs are also part of the Chinese music scene and cannot be distinguished."

"As for the future, I will definitely try other styles of works, such as rock and roll, or Peking opera singing."

Xia Bing asked again,"You are now a very successful singer, do you have any advice for young people nowadays?"

Su Cheng laughed and spread his hands,"I don't have any advice for young people."

"Because I am young and I know myself well"

"I don't like to listen to advice!"

The audience in the live broadcast room heard Su Cheng say this, and the barrage of comments flew across the screen again.

"I am dying of laughter. I really don’t like to listen to suggestions. Even if it is Su Cheng’s suggestion, I will be reserved."

"Young people don’t like to listen to advice, middle-aged people don’t like to listen, and old people just don’t listen."

"What’s going on? Why does this boy Su Cheng give people the impression of being nonchalant and handsome?"

"There are two types of lazy people: handsome and not handsome."

Xia Bing took out another piece of paper from the glass box, unfolded it and said:

"This is the last question tonight. I would like to make an announcement here."

"Su Cheng will represent China in the Global Music Competition. I wish Su Cheng a good result."

After Xia Bing finished speaking, another wave of comments appeared in the live broadcast room.

Music lovers, no one is unaware of this global competition.

But unfortunately, China has never won an award.

"The last question is, have you ever thought about taking your music to the world?"

Su Cheng pondered for a long time and slowly said:

"Of course, every singer hopes that his songs can be liked by more people."

"But now, many people do not think that Chinese music is better than foreign music."

"I want all Chinese people to know"


"Let the world know that Chinese style is the coolest!"

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