The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 542: Two-line combat, the ancestors enter the situation

A few days ago, it was also said that the entire army of Yi Wang Mansion would be assembled to take the lead in attacking the strongest King Qi.

Once the early victory can be achieved, the other princes and kings surrounding the territory of the Qi king will eat from all directions when the time is ripe, and the king of Qi will undoubtedly be defeated by that time.

But in a blink of an eye, I changed my original idea to attack King Chen.

Everyone thought Xiao Tiance was crazy.

It took less than ten days to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops to run around, isn't he here to mess around?

King Yi handed over military power to such a person, and he was really not afraid that the strength of King Yi's mansion would be wiped out.

When I think of this,

The civil and military ministers all shook their heads and sighed.

It is indeed a fantasy for a woman to be king.

"General Xiao, we may not be able to mobilize the main force to attack King Chen within a period of time."

This time even Li Yifu frowned.

The marching war is about taking precautions, but it's the first time someone like him makes changes.

"If you can't, then mobilize all the princes, guards, soldiers, and even the guards of all the civil servants and military generals of Yiwang Mansion, and send troops to the maximum limit immediately."

"If there is a heavy rain today, it is the best time."

"The territory under the jurisdiction of King Chen is full of mountains and hills. This torrential rain is our opportunity. At this time, there must be a great chaos in King Chen. If we don't take this opportunity to break them, we will lose the opportunity to expand!"

"Yi Wang, General Xiao is simply talking about dreams!"

"His Royal Highness, General Xiao is crazy."

Everyone heard that they wanted to recruit their own soldiers, and most of them stood up and opposed it.

The government soldiers are their private soldiers, they are used to cope with emergencies,

Although you can also go to the battlefield to kill the enemy,

But almost no one wants to do that,

Once the soldiers are killed in battle, they will lose their personal interests.

Moreover, in order to cultivate loyal soldiers, every minister and worker has put a lot of effort into it.

"Yiwang, don't forget that you are fighting for the world, and every opportunity will change the current situation of the battle."

"Implement my previous strategy of attacking King Qi or take down King Chen to expand territory first. We will not lose if we do both!"

Xiao Tiance said it was very firm,

The vanguard forces have already gathered at the border of King Qi and King Yi. As long as he can gather enough troops to annex King Chen, then this unprecedented battle will have taken shape.

Seeking wealth and wealth,

No one’s country is surrendered by the other party.

If Yiwang doesn't have the guts, don't expect to become the emperor!

Li Jianshi was silent,

Fighting in two lines, and still annexing two princes and kings whose strength is far surpassed by themselves,

Xiao Tiance's step was obviously playing with fire.

If you don’t do it well,

I can only kill myself,

on the contrary,

If you go in time and go right, then the overall situation of the world is likely to take shape completely because of her battle.



She can only choose one.

"Li Yi Mansion."

"The minister is here."

"According to the decree of the Guwang, from now on, the entire territory of the government will be recruited to gather soldiers, guarding the city, and all the guards of the palace will be under the control of Xiao Tiance, and the Guwang will personally sit on the border of Qiyi."

"Since you want to attack King Chen first, King Qi naturally needs enough bait to contain him, General Xiao, do you think King Lone is qualified?"

"My lord, that's enough."

Xiao Tiance smiled tacitly.

King Yi personally contained it, King Qi must not be able to figure out what is true. Even if the entire army is dispatched, relying on King Yi’s frontier combat power, it will never be a problem to resist for a month.

And this month's time was enough to completely annex Chen Wang.

"General Xiao, the life and wealth of the lonely king will be left to you."

"The king, don't worry, if you don't support you to become the first female emperor throughout the ages, Xiao Tiance will never look down."

"Well, the lonely king can't live to see General Xiao's name resounding across the country, and he won't be blindfolded either."

Li Jianshi also laughed with Xiao Tiance.

Even at this moment, her already nervous palms are all in cold sweat,

This battle,

It is worthwhile to establish one's own throne.

All the civil and military present were stunned.

I have never seen such a crazy person, even King Yi has fallen into madness.

If any party of King Qi and King Chen understands their intentions first, then King Yi's palace will be defeated across the board.

Li Yifu was also quite a bit excited,

With his current status and status, once Yiwang establishes his position,

He can even jump into being under one person, above tens of thousands of people.

This kind of temptation is enough to shine in the ancestors.

In three days,

The mighty army set off from the Yiwang Mansion, and the leader was Xiao Tiance.

In this short period of three days, Li Yifu collected 80,000 people for him.

This is the full combat power of King Yi Palace.

If it fails, Yiwangfu will become an empty shelf, a lamb to be slaughtered.

Xiao Tiance was very energetic,

Riding on a horse and leading the whole army to set off, as for King Yi, he had gone to the border one day earlier.

Before departure,

They have spread enough news that King Yi has assembled 300,000 troops to compete with King Qi.

The princes in the prosperous Tang Dynasty are all watching this battle of disparity in strength,

In the same way, every prince hoped that King Yi could gain a certain advantage in this battle. Even if it was only to defeat King Qi, they would have the confidence to cannibalize King Qi.

After all, King Qi is powerful,

If no one dares to openly confront him, the throne of the Tang Dynasty can only be his.

Yi Wang Ruosheng,

Just dug a corner of the tomb of King Qi,

If Yi Wang fails,

Other princes can only bow their heads and claim courtiers.

Outside Yiwangfu,

The army marched like a long dragon,

But there is no one who is watching from a distance in the mountains in the distance.

He seemed to smile more like a sneer,

His eyes were silent and ruthless,

When Xiao Tiance led the army to leave, he knew the other party's intentions.

"It's a risky move. As a descendant of the Xiao family, you are considered qualified."

Xiao Kuang couldn't help but praised him.

"Unfortunately, if the Xiao family let you die, you have to die."

"You think you have surpassed all the ancestors of the Xiao family, but you will never be able to carry the banner of the Xiao family without defeating me."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Your rebellious son has been removed from the Xiao family, but it's a pity that those old things can't watch you go to death with their own eyes."

The speaker was Xiao Kuang, who came out of the Xiao Family Ancestral Hall,

Forcing all the ancestors of the Xiao family to destroy their souls,

Xiao Kuang naturally wants to fulfill his promise with them, personally end Xiao Tiance, and end his madness.

A woman proclaims emperor,

Risk the world's ill will,

It is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Xiao Kuang also learned something about Xiao Tiance.

Human beings,

Such a big name,

It's a pity that he wants to re-found the country for the prosperous Tang Dynasty. He doesn't have that strength yet.

As long as Xiao Kuang is there,

Xiao Tiance can only live forever in the shadow of the famous Xiao family.

Murder and punish the heart.

Xiao Kuang wanted to fundamentally stifle all Xiao Tiance's hopes.

Looking at the fading army,

Xiao Kuang did not choose Chen Wang’s camp to deal with such offspring, and for fairness, he was convinced of defeat.

Xiao Kuang wanted Xiao Tiance to win the duel against King Chen, and at the same time let King Yi fall into absolute defeat.

Driven by the commander of King Qi's army, he forced Xiao Tiance to assemble the remnant army of King Chen to decide the victory or defeat in the territory of King Yi.

Although King Qi is not an ideal king,

But compared to Yiwang, the former is more suitable to be an emperor.

Because Wang Qi is a man.

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