The Opening Summons The Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 616: The mortal enemy repays kindness, Tai A protector

"Hmph, you still have some skills."

Seeing that Qi Yu resisted the consciousness that was about to dissipate, Abi snorted coldly,

Immediately, more filthy aura emerged from all directions to protect the broken body again.

Ping Pong Pong~~~

The many illusory Qi Yu around saw that the result of his efforts did not achieve the expected effect and became more restless.

All kinds of aura strike on the protective layer composed of dirty air,

But the vision of inner demons has been broken,

Hearts are not shaken,

These demons no longer have enough cards to shake Qi Yu's will.

With the passage of time little by little,

All Qi Yu's missing consciousness returned to his body.

next moment,

The twin pupils burst out of different colors,

The huge smoke and dust emerged as a tornado rising from the ground,

With the protection of foul air,

Qi Yu stood at the very center of the tornado, like returning from purgatory.

"God's Will Stops Killing, Demon Heart Kills, God-Devil's Thought, Heaven and Earth Fall Together!"

tornado split,

With the tornado where Qi Yu is located as the core,

Due east, due south, due north, due west four brothers have separated a tornado whose power is not inferior to the core.

When the five tornadoes are all formed,

Taking the core as the axis, the tornadoes in the other four directions start to rotate in a clockwise direction. The huge pulling force makes it difficult for Qi Yuzai, who was transformed by the inner demon, to display their illusory skills.

"Human emotions are not props that you play with at will. With this trick, you will destroy your heart and kill the devil!"

Qi Yu holds a fist in his hand,

The speed of the tornado increased again,

If Abi is not accompanied by the wind and thunder in the soul world, the beep-beep-boo triggers the world to change color, and the original green mountains and green waters disappear with the dancing of the tornado.

everything turns to dust,



Nothing exists.


Before the power of the tornado dissipated, Qi Yu vomited blood and barely stood in the air.

This move has crossed the limit of the Taoist, and I am afraid that it can only be performed once in the soul of Abi Ruowu.

If you put it outside,

As the price of performing this move, I am afraid it is my own life.

Until all the dust dissipates,

Qi Yu returned to the devastated earth,

The foul air reconvened, and Abi Ruowu appeared unexpectedly,

The two also looked at each other with disdain. Even if they were enemies, everyone knew what happened just now.

"Thank you."

In the end, Qi Yu couldn't help but speak.

"Hmph, trash."

"When I go out, after the end of the heavens, I will, like Fang Xiaoxian, repay the debt I owed before."

"Hahaha, will Abi Ruowu give you ants a chance?"

"Opportunities, we will fight for ourselves."

Just talk with simple words,

The foul air dissipated, guiding Qi Yu to move forward again.

The five supernatural power locks were opened three times,

At present, there are still two imprisoned in Abi Ruowu's soul,

Four locks are the root, one lock is the source,

Only by destroying the four outermost magical power locks can we find the core key, and only by breaking the last magical power lock,

Abi Ruowu was able to escape from the Wuzhi Mountain...

A sea of ​​corpses and blood,

life does not exist,

Every time you walk forward a certain distance, you will see this desperate scene.

Nie Xiaowu forcibly endured the resentment in her heart and moved forward all the way.

She couldn't tell whether it was the scene expressed in Abi Ruowu's soul or the scene created by the five supernatural power locks.

When I went deep into this despairing scene,

The dirty air that was originally used for guidance completely disappeared.

"What the hell."

With human blood underfoot,

Nie Xiaowu couldn't help but cursed,

Those corpses that have been dead for an unknown time have rotted and stinks, and even blocked the way forward in layers.

If you want to continue on your way,

had to walk on their corpses,


A crisp sound came,

Nie Xiaowu couldn't bear it any longer, squatted on the ground and threw up,

just now,

The moment he stepped on the body of a dead man, he stepped on the rib of his chest.

that feeling,

It is impossible to describe in ordinary words.


Nie Xiaowu continued to squat on the ground and vomited.

She really can't stand this torment, why did she let herself come to such a place,

As a Taoist,

It is only for the sake of peace on earth to kill those evils,

I have never seen such a **** scene before.

I vomited for a long time,

Nie Xiaowu finally stabilized her mind.

crouch on the ground,

All the eyes can see is the black and red blood, which reflects his current appearance.

His eyes were cloudy, his hair was messy, and he had completely lost his previous spirituality.

"Do you want to give up?"

Nie Xiaowu looked at the reflection in the blood and asked secretly,

If you give up, what is your previous persistence?

If you give up,

Can the other three rescue the dangerous Fang Xiaoxian?

If you give up,

How can I still have the face to stay in the heavens and fight side by side with other practitioners,

Can not give up,

is the answer if you give up,

The firm gaze did not hesitate, Nie Xiaowu calmly looked at her own reflection, and there was a slight smile,

Right at this moment,

A scarlet arm suddenly stretched out from the blood, tightly restraining Nie Xiaowu's neck,

next moment,

Huge strength lifted her up tightly, and with the continuous stretching of the red arm, the original blood and water actually began to transform into the appearance of a person,


The blurred outline becomes real from the arm,

Nie Xiaowu struggled to break free, but the strength of her arms was indeed great.

And what's more important is that while the arm is restraining herself, the Dao energy in her body is also rapidly losing.

Seeing the blood-colored outline take shape,

Only then did Nie Xiaowu cut off the connection between her arm and herself with the referring blade.

After landing,

Nie Xiaowu quickly pulled away,

But there is not only one blood man, there is blood all around, no matter where she stands, she will be caught by the hand sticking out from below,

Without any choice,

Nie Xiaowu can only summon Tai Ah,

Step on the flying sword and walk in the air.

"This is purgatory."

fly to the sky,

Nie Xiaowu also gradually saw the complete scene of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Hundreds of miles across, a crimson,

Bloody people kept growing from the **** water. These **** people did not immediately attack Nie Xiaowu, but looked up at her every move.

As for those corpses that have decayed, it is the decay of the boarding, which has become a part of the growth of blood.

Excalibur too,

Even if unsheathed,

The powerful sword qi also covered most of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood.

But while gaining power, Nie Xiaowu also knew the flaws behind this power's advantages.

Extraordinary Sword,

If you want to play its full attack, you must get the approval of Tai Ajian,

And the reason why Nie Xiaowu was able to drive Tai A was just because of inheritance.

Tai A recognizes the Lord, protects the Lord,

All relying on the protection of the sect’s shadow tens of millions of years ago,

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