"How did you know?" Irisviel covered her mouth in surprise. There was nothing surprising about the Holy Grail being able to grant wishes. This was what the three great families had publicized. However, the third method was different. This was a secret that only the three great families knew and had never been leaked. Otherwise, the ritual of the Holy Grail War would have long been occupied by the so-called nobles in the Clock Tower, and it would not have been able to continue for nearly 500 years.

Emiya Kiritsugu's brows also frowned. Unlike Irisviel, he didn't care much about the third method. What he needed was the wish-granting function of the Holy Grail. His focus was on the fact that Yu knew that Irisviel was the container of the small Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail that appeared at the end of the Holy Grail War was not a specific thing.

The Holy Grail War was a ritual involving magic.

By summoning the Heroic Spirits on the Realm Record Belt, giving them a body shaped by magic, and then using the universal wish-granting machine that could fulfill any wish as bait, they were made to fight on the land of Fuyuki City.

The defeated servants will not disappear directly.

Their souls containing huge magic power will return to the realm record tape with this memory.

The role of the small holy grail is to collect this magic power and soul, and use this magic power to fix the hole made when the servant's soul returns to the realm record tape.

This hole is both the door to the root and the key to mastering the third law.

The small holy grail is that key.

And Irisviel is the small holy grail of this Holy Grail War - to be precise, her heart.


Holy Grail War was jointly constructed by the three families. Tōsaka provided the spiritual veins, Matou provided the command spells, and Einzbern provided the ritual circuit and the small holy grail.

The Holy Grail War was carried out four times, but the first three failed.

The first time was because of internal fighting.

There was a fight within the three families over the ownership of the wish, and it ended in vain.

The second time was because of the servants.

The summoned servants did not listen to the command of the master, and finally made a mess, and it ended in vain.

It was also after this Holy Grail War that the command spell system was perfected.

The third time was due to improper management.

The Servants who were in high spirits in the battle directly destroyed the Holy Grail, and nothing was gained.

So this time, Einzbern made the Holy Grail into a living person to prevent it from being damaged by being involved in the fight between Servants.

Because it was the first attempt, this was news that should only be known by the Einzbern family, but it was revealed by Yu.

The fact that Irisviel was the container of the Holy Grail was kept highly confidential by Kiritsugu Emiya, because no matter who the final winner was, the Holy Grail would always appear from above the Holy Grail. As long as Irisviel was by his side, he would be the first to get the Holy Grail.


Emiya Kiritsugu felt that the situation was difficult. The other party knew too much, and the source of the information was unknown.

He could only change the subject first,"I know about the servants summoned by Einzbern in the last Holy Grail War. I have already investigated it, and I believe there will be results soon. So in exchange, what can you do for us later? ?"

"this……"Yuu looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong? You can't do it?" Emiya Kiritsugu said calmly.

"No, there are too many to even begin with. What do you want me to do?"

"Can you remove the curse on Saber's hand?" Emiya Kiritsugu asked tentatively.

"Theoretically it can be done, but I can't guarantee it."

"In theory?"Emiya Kiritsugu was a little unhappy, but he didn't show it because he was the one asking for help. He was a killer, and the nature of his job determined that he was very strict in dealing with people. For Emiya Kiritsugu, can is can, can't is can't, and ambiguous answers are the most taboo in his work.

"My method is to use mystery to attack mystery.

I don't think Lancer's Noble Phantasm can surpass my existence in terms of mystery, but I haven't performed any treatment.

That's why I say it can be done in theory, but the result is not guaranteed in practice.

"Yu thought about it and felt that it was not reliable to use something that was not sure as a condition for negotiation and cooperation.

In order to guide Emiya Kiritsugu to investigate the truth, she threw a bait,"Well, for the sake of sincerity in future cooperation, let me reveal that I have absolute control over the Servant Chong.

From the perspective of compatibility alone, no Servant can beat me in a head-on confrontation.

If you can get the real names of the Servants summoned by Einzbern in the last Holy Grail War, then for the rest of the Holy Grail War, I can provide you with logistical support.

Specifically, I can provide you with some information I know, and some post-war recovery treatment, including the curse on Saber's hand.

In addition, I can help you solve a Servant for free, but this is up to me to decide.

What do you think?"

Emiya Kiritsugu did not bargain and immediately decided,"Okay, but you have to set a self-imposed mandatory essay."

"All right, then please hurry up and investigate. I'll go out for a walk first. Bye!" You waved and left Einzbern Castle humming a little tune.

The rest of the people stayed in the conference room in silence until half an hour later.

"Kiritsugu, Yuu has already left the castle."After realizing through the perception magic set up in the castle that Yuu had indeed completely left the castle, Irisviel reported this to her husband.

"Got it. Then, Airi and Saber, you have spent a relatively long time with her. What do you think of this non-human fantasy species? No need to be too detailed, just tell us what you know."

"Very mysterious, knows almost all our secrets, and is very threatening to us servants who are made of spirits.

"Altria thought of the Chaos Tide that Yu manipulated at the dock, and the armor that was quickly corroded by the Berserker after just a few drops of contact, and felt very daunted, so she made an evaluation from the perspective of her opponent.

Irisviel thought for quite a while before answering:"What should I say about little Yu? Her behavior and way of dealing with the world give me a contradictory feeling.

Her purpose and principles of action are quite mature and have a strong purpose, but after careful contact, I found that her behavior and personality are not so mature, a little childish, but in line with her appearance.


Emiya Kiritsugu took out a pen and wrote and drew on paper, recording his wife and servants' analysis of Yu, and then added a few strokes based on what he saw last night. After finishing, he looked at the notes he had sorted out and frowned slightly,"There is still too little information, and I can't discern her true purpose. Elly, how much do you know about the news of the servants summoned by Einzbern in the last Holy Grail War?"

Irisviel shook her head. Although she was born in the Einzbern family as the Little Holy Grail of the Holy Grail War, Einzbern did not instill too much information about the previous Holy Grail Wars in her mind."I don't know much. I only know that he is a very weak Servant and was the first to be eliminated in the Third Holy Grail War."

"The first to be eliminated?" Emiya Kiritsugu lowered his head and pondered for a while, then whispered to himself:"Why do you want to know the real name of a weak servant 60 years ago? In terms of cooperation, the price of cooperation she proposed is too unequal."

After a while, Emiya Kiritsugu looked up and asked,"Well, Airi, have you contacted the Einzbern family?"

"I have contacted Ahadon, but the reply from the other side is very strange. Because the Einzbern family failed so thoroughly in the last Holy Grail War, they have sealed all the relevant information. It will take some time to unseal and review it again. It will take about two days to give a reply."In the answer, Irisviel also showed a puzzled expression. The

Einzbern is a family built by pure androids.

It was originally a magic workshop formed by the apprentices of the magicians of the Third Law.

After their teacher disappeared, they wanted to follow the teacher's footsteps and realize the salvation of mankind.

So they jointly established this workshop.

But after hundreds of years of failure, these people eventually left or died.

In the end, only the androids they made during their lifetime and the control center of the workshop, 'Ubusta Kuhaid von Einzbern', inherited their long-cherished wish and continued the unfinished work.

The experiment was successful, and later it became the so-called Einzbern family.

It can be said that, except for special cases like Irisviel, all the people in Einzbern can be regarded as robots with human bodies, uniformly distributed under the management of the control center"Ubusta Kuhaid", that is, Ahadon.

To put it bluntly, the entire Einzbern family can be regarded as a self-regulatory organization managed by a large computer built by magic. So the question is, what kind of computer takes two days to unlock a piece of data? Especially this piece of data was banned by them themselves?

"It sounds like stalling for time, but what's the point of doing this?" Emiya Kiritsugu was confused in his heart, but now it was the Holy Grail War, and dealing with the war was the top priority, so he could only suppress this doubt in his heart for the time being.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the wound on Saber's hand,"What effect does this injury have on your combat effectiveness?"

"It has no effect on daily life, and it has little effect on hand-to-hand combat, but it requires both hands to release the treasure." The wound on her wrist prevented Saber from using her right hand to exert force. She raised her right hand in front of her eyes, trying to clench her fist, but in the end it was in vain.

"Does that mean that the Noble Phantasm cannot be released until the curse is lifted?"When Emiya Kiritsugu saw Saber trying to clench her right hand but failing, he had a plan in mind.

"Maiya, come with me. Ai Li and Saber experienced two battles last night, so let's rest in the castle first."

He said, without waiting for the two to answer, he pushed open the door of the conference room and walked out of the castle. Hisayu Maiya answered and followed closely behind.

""Kiritsugu, where are you going?" Irisviel asked worriedly.

The Holy Grail War had just ended overnight.

The battle at the docks had made her realize how destructive Servants were when they fought.

Saber had fallen into a disadvantage in the first battle, and even had her Noble Phantasm sealed.

She knew her husband well.

He would not just wander around the city.

The most likely possibility was that he would cause trouble for other Masters.

If Kiritsugu Emiya went out without his Servants, if a battle really broke out, he might encounter unexpected events.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to collect information about the other Servants and Masters, I won't do anything rash." Emiya Kiritsugu said with a smile, but his empty yet sharp eyes looked very unconvincing. Seeing that her husband had said so, she really had no reason to continue to stop him, so Irisviel could only remind him,"Then you be careful, and I wish you a safe journey!"

"Gathering intelligence is just a way to comfort your wife, is it okay to keep it a secret from her?" Outside the castle, Hisau Maiya asked Emiya Kiritsugu her doubts.

She knew that Emiya Kiritsugu didn't want Irisviel to see his cold and ruthless side when he was working.

Irisviel probably sensed something and didn't pursue the matter further.

The two of them were clearly standing on the same side and fighting side by side, but they were separated when it came to actually implementing the tactics.

She felt that this was unnecessary.

She felt that Emiya Kiritsugu should be honest with his wife on this matter, so as to avoid any disagreements between the two if they were caught in the future.

"……"Kiritsugu Emiya did not answer this question.

He did not want Irisviel to be involved in the dark side of his work.

He did not know how to explain this mentality to Hisahi Maiya.

Hisahi Maiya was an orphan he rescued from the battlefield in the Middle East, and he had always trained her as an assistant.

She had always been a qualified assistant, but she seemed to completely regard herself as a tool of Kiritsugu Emiya.

Everything was considered for Kiritsugu Emiya, but it was all from a work perspective.

This time, too, she was worried that this might lead to disagreements between the two in how the Holy Grail War would be handled in the future.

Seeing that Kiritsugu Emiya did not answer the question, she stared at him for a while, then said calmly,"I see, since this is your decision, I will not interfere too much."

Kiritsugu Emiya sat in the driver's seat, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then asked,"Maiya, has the location been decided?"

"It has been confirmed. I hacked into the police's city surveillance system yesterday and verified that Lancer's master is indeed staying at the Hyatt Hotel in winter. They have also booked the top three floors of the hotel. It is estimated that they have set up a magic workshop there."

"No problem, we don't have to break into the magic workshop he set up.

Choosing to live on the top floor of the restaurant was his biggest mistake in this Holy Grail War.

Magicians all have an old problem, looking down on the progress of modern technology.

He probably doesn't know that there is a discipline in modern science called directional blasting.

But then again, he really has no scruples to brazenly tell the enemy about his base on the battlefield.

Is that the so-called noble self-esteem? How boring!

"Emiya Kiritsugu blew out a smoke ring, extinguished the cigarette butt, and then started the car.

The two of them rode away in the direction of the Hyatt Restaurant in Fuyuki City.

But when the car was on the road, a faint sigh came from the forest beside the road. A gust of wind blew, and the woods rustled, but then there was no sound.

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