On the side of the road, the Master of the King of Conquerors, Weber, was tearfully denouncing the wasteful behavior of his servants, describing how hard it was to prepare for the Holy Grail War, how much he had invested in the war, what treasures he had used to summon his servants, and so on. In short, it was just two words - no money.

Yu watched this crosstalk with great interest.

The King of Conquerors scratched his ears, and when Weber had finished speaking, he flicked his finger on his head.

"Well, my little master, I know what you said. Don't be stingy. You are fighting side by side with the great conqueror Iskandar. This honor is far more valuable than the money you paid. If you can get the Holy Grail, you will gain far more than what you paid. Also, there are guests here, so don't lose your dignity."

"Guests? Where did the guests come from on the street?" Weber was stunned when he heard this.

It seemed that he hadn't noticed her yet. You was a little amused. She was not angry about being ignored. Instead, she found the daily arguments between Weber and the King of Conquerors so interesting.

"Hi~ I'm here." You jumped out and waved, saying hello to Weber.

"Wow!……"Weber was startled and quickly ran to hide behind the King of Conquerors, poking his head to ask,"You... when did you come here?" He looked just like Little Red Riding Hood hiding behind the hunter and watching the big bad wolf.

"Am I that scary?"You was puzzled. It seemed like he had never done anything to him. Why did Weber act like a mouse seeing a cat when he saw him?

"Ha ha……"The King of Conquerors smiled awkwardly. He also felt that his Master's behavior was a bit embarrassing, so he reached out and pulled him out."I say, you've done enough, kid. We're not enemies, what are you afraid of? Besides, we can't fight in broad daylight. The Holy Grail War can only be held at night. Didn't you tell me this rule?"

"Let me go, Rider, I know, I know. But she was the one who defeated the Berserker head-on with one move, how did you manage to talk to her calmly?"

It turned out that Yu had defeated the Berserker almost instantly at the dock, and the fighting power he showed scared him, so he was naturally a little afraid when facing Yu.

"Don't worry, I'm just out for fun, not to fight anyone, and my encounter with you is just a coincidence, there's no need to be so scared!"Although I did fight the Berserker just now, that fight was not initiated by me. You muttered quietly in his heart. The

Conqueror King patted Weber's shoulder fiercely, causing him to stagger a few steps,"Did you hear that? Since there will be no fight, there is no need to be afraid. And I promised the little girl to take him to see the interesting things I found in the world during this period. Now you and I are the masters, so don't lose manners in front of the guests."

‘You are the most rude one!' Waver rubbed his shoulders and complained in his heart.

Yu stretched out his fingers and scratched his cheeks, thinking inexplicably, 'Although in a sense, it is true that I have come to human society for the first time, but I may know a little more about this world than you.’

"So where to look next?"

"Well, I know a place with a cellar of fine wine, I wonder if you are interested?" The Conqueror asked, scratching his head. Although he did think it was a good place, everyone has their own preferences, and he was not sure whether You would like to drink.

"Forget it, I am a serious minor (born 18 days?), I can't drink alcohol"

"Eh?▲◆◀I didn't expect you to be as young as you appear."The King of Conquerors was surprised. He made Xiaoyou's identity vague so that his Master could not hear.

Wei was also surprised when he heard it and said,"You are lying, right? You obviously have a mystery that even the Servants cannot resist. How can you still be a minor? Isn't this posture——"

With a clang, the Conqueror King slammed his fist heavily on Weber's forehead.

"What are you doing again? Rider."The King of Conquerors' sudden attack made Waver confused, so he covered his head and asked loudly.

Before the King of Conquerors said anything, You explained,"I'm still young and don't care about those things.

In addition, due to certain memories, I can't understand what kind of mentality others will have when they hear such words.

But I still want to remind you that age is a taboo for women.

Based on what you said just now, other women can completely regard it as a provocation, or the kind of cursing.

Don't talk about similar topics in front of any women in the future.

If you are not careful, it may really kill people.


"Uh... not that exaggerated, right? I just had a little doubt. How could it be possible?……"Weber muttered, his voice getting smaller and smaller. He probably gradually understood how stupid his behavior was, and finally kept silent.

The King of Conquerors nodded when he saw this. It seemed that this kid was not as stupid as a dead wood, and he could understand what mistake he had made just now.

Although You said that he didn't care, the King of Conquerors, as a king living in an era when gods could still perform miracles, would not really not care about it.

He pressed Weber's head and made him bow forcefully,"Although this kid did not mean to do it, he should apologize if he made a mistake.

Since you don't care, why don't you accept his apology.

" You looked at the King of Conquerors in confusion, not understanding why he made such a grand scene when he said he didn't care, and finally agreed to something,"Okay, then I accept your apology.

" The King of Conquerors was relieved when he saw this, and sighed that You was much easier to talk to than the gods of his own era.

When he was alive, if a person made a mistake in front of the gods, unless they got forgiveness from the gods directly, and the other party said"I don't care", then the person would most likely die miserably.

That's why he had to pull his master to apologize and hoped that You would accept it in person.

God knows how fast his heart beat when he heard his master say that without thinking. It was the first time he saw such a brave person who jumped in front of a goddess and said that she was an old woman pretending to be young. But fortunately, You accepted his apology in the end, and he confirmed one thing, that You was indeed born not long ago as she said.

This is interesting. Today's human order actually allows gods to be born and walk on the earth, which makes him curious about the special things about You. So he suggested:"It's almost noon. Although as a servant, you don't need to eat, but as a human being living in the world, what's the point of living if you don't eat well? I remember there is a restaurant nearby with a good reputation. Do you want to try it together?"

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