This is a tender and smooth braised pork elbow, with good color, aroma and taste. It looks very appetizing, which shows that the chef is very skilled and experienced.

If it was served by an ordinary person, the King of Heroes would have already started to eat it with relish and then commented on it.

But the one who made and served this dish to the King of Heroes was the Archer - the Heroic Spirit Emiya, so the meaning is somewhat profound. At least, Gilgamesh's face was completely black.

"What are you talking about, guest? It's just a souvenir, specially given to you. Is there anything wrong with this dish?" Yingling Emiya answered calmly, but when he mentioned the word"commemoration", he emphasized the tone.

"Hahaha..., Jin Shanshan, this dish looks pretty good. You are so lucky, why do you look a little unhappy? If you don't like this dish, how about giving it to me?" The King of Conquerors interrupted with a smile, livening up the atmosphere at the table, while Weber continued to pretend to be transparent beside him.

""Hmph!" The Hero King snorted and said nothing.

"Sir, if there is no problem, I will leave first."Heroic Spirit Emiya said in a flat tone, waiting for the King of Heroes to speak.

Because she didn't notice it before, Yu was a little surprised when she found out that the King of Heroes was a chef and said,"Archer, it's you!" She didn't expect that the King of Heroes' original rank would be replaced by him, but then she thought about it carefully, it seemed that this matter was quite natural.

If the King of Heroes came on behalf of the Restraint Force Gaia, then it is natural for the Restraint Force Alaya to take action.

Yu remembered the news he heard yesterday about the death of the killer Ryunosuke Ameyu,"You got rid of that killer, right?"

Heroic Spirit Emiya stared at Yu for a while with an inexplicable look, and then replied,"Yes, the Restraint Force thought that he might cause a crisis of the advent of the Outer God, so they asked me to clean him up."

"Outer God? Aren't they the clones of the followers?"You thought of the sea demon in the original work.


The Heroic Spirit Emiya did not answer. Under normal circumstances, only the clones of the followers would descend, but the restraining force seemed to feel that with Yu present, it would definitely attract the attention of the Outer Gods themselves. This was difficult to explain to her. After all, the Heroic Spirit Emiya did not know the cause and effect relationship.

"Forget it." She regarded the silence of the Hero Emiya as a statement of no comment, and Yu himself was not the kind of person who would get to the bottom of things. Then she caught a glimpse of the King of Conquerors feasting on the mapo tofu she ordered, so she quietly moved closer to the Hero Emiya and whispered,"I remember that the mapo tofu here should be half-lethal in spiciness? How come the King of Conquerors seems to be completely fine?"

"I have been in charge of the kitchen here in recent days. How could I allow such a weird dish to be served?"

"Really?" Why do I always feel like my expectations are dashed?

After a while, seeing that the King of Heroes had no other requests, Heroic Spirit Emiya turned around and said goodbye,"Since there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first."

At this time, the King of Conquerors finished his meal, patted his belly with his hand, and said with a satisfied expression:"Well, satisfied, satisfied! I didn't expect Archer's cooking skills are really good. If it were in my time, I would definitely make him the royal chef in the palace. By the way, Gilgamesh, didn't you say you wanted to come and taste the dishes here? Why don't I see you ordering food?"

The King of Heroes' face had returned to calm. He glanced in the direction where Heroic Spirit Emiya left, and said meaningfully:"I'll know what his level is in the future. As for whether I will make him the royal chef, it depends on my mood."

The King of Conquerors touched his head, his expression a little puzzled,"Although I don't know what it means, as long as you're happy"

"Do you have anything else to ask? I have some free time, so I can answer some of your questions."The Hero King asked You. He seemed to be very patient. He did not call You a miscellaneous cultivator, and his tone was very calm, which made You feel flattered.

You scratched her cheek. This Hero King was a little different from the Hero King in her memory. She didn't know how to start the conversation.

"What are you so reserved about? There are only a handful of people who can talk to me face to face like this. If it were the people under my rule, they would regard this as an honor they have been longing for."

"How should I put it? Because I had the impression that you appeared in the world this time as an Archer, and your personality was quite different, so I was a little confused."You explained, and then muttered in a low voice:"I thought you would kill me without caring about anything after seeing me."

"Then you don't have to worry. Even the ridiculous king in his youth would not vent his likes and dislikes on a child who was born not long ago - no matter what the other party's identity is."

You suddenly realized, 'I see, that's why I was wondering why the King of Heroes was so good to me. It seems that in his eyes, I am just a baby who was born not long ago. Although this calculation does not seem to be wrong.'

The King of Heroes has always been very tolerant of children, and naturally he would not vent his temper on You, who he thinks is still a child.

After figuring this out, You also relaxed a little and asked again:"How is mother now?"

"She is fine. Except for the fact that she has to go to the Warcraft front every day to suppress the attacks of the Warcraft, which is a bit hard, I have given her the highest standards. Now she has replaced the useless goddess Istar and become the new patron saint of Uruk."

"???"Hearing this, You finally couldn't help but ask the question in his heart,"Who is your enemy? You can only fight a defensive battle when your mother takes action?"

At this time, the Hero King looked at You deeply,"The second beast, the beast of return, the mother goddess of creation Tiamat"


————————Time dividing line————————

Yu finally walked out of the restaurant alone.

During the conversation, the King of Conquerors intuitively felt that this was not a"family affair" that he should interfere with, so he decisively pulled his master away and invited the King of Heroes to hold a king's banquet before leaving.

His master, Weber, was eager to leave this place immediately.

In the end, he almost pushed the King of Conquerors who was still sending invitations away without anyone pulling him.

At that time, the expression on Weber's face looked like he was about to cry, but no one noticed.

Yu walked back to the castle in silence. She had learned a lot of information today, and she had to sort it out.

————————The dividing line of memories————————

""Huh?" You was confused. What was this? Killing oneself was a Type-Moon specialty, so it was a must? Even the Mother Goddess of Creation couldn't escape this law?

"My mother's true form appeared directly in the inner sea, disrupting all my plans. I almost thought the world was going to end. But later Merlin brought back my mother, who was in the same posture as you. I don't know how he convinced my mother to choose to join Uruk. In fact, I was quite surprised by this, because this matter was not within my clairvoyance at all."

"The child regresses, but in this way, the mother's specifications and output will drop sharply."You directly stated the current state of Tiamat

"I later learned the reason.

Before my mother fell into a beast on the surface of the world, she separated part of her personality and power to control her body after losing control.

With the help of Merlin, she calmed her body.

However, under the rules of the world, the instinct to create life cannot be interfered with.

My mother's power autonomously created a bunch of strange monsters.

Fortunately, my mother's incarnation was able to suppress them for a short time, buying time for Uruk.

During this time, she persuaded three goddesses to join Uruk to resist the beast tide together, and helped the purple-haired young goddess solve her fallen side.


Is this the protagonist route? What is the meaning of the master of Chaldea?

"The days that followed were dull.

Whenever I had time, I would go with Merlin to suppress my original body.

Normally, I would guide the direction of the beast tide and the intensity of its attacks in Uruk.

To be honest, thanks to my mother, this is the first time in my life that I have fought such a high-level war.

Five goddesses are under my command, seven servants are assisting, the incarnation of the Mother Goddess of Creation is in the center, and a certain guy's successor is guerrilla warfare outside.

If the opponent is really unsolvable, this lineup is enough for me to touch some gods.


You:"Is this still the absolute monster front in my impression? It feels like everything that Chaldea can do in the middle and late stages has been done by my mother alone.’

"Now the entire Warcraft front has entered a stalemate, waiting for the key to break the deadlock. Merlin is suppressing Chaldea, and Mother is suppressing you."

"Me?" You then realized that although he had always wanted to find Tiamat to save her from her fate, he never seemed to have a clue as to how to do it.

"Should I do something?"

"Don't ask me, ask yourself."

Hearing this, You looked at the Hero King with a confused face. If he knew, why would he ask him here?

The Hero King saw the confusion in You's eyes and said slowly:"You don't have to be too anxious, just take your time. Mother told me about your situation. You can't solve her problems now, but you can gain experience and grow. The reaction of inhibition also made me sure of one thing, your upper limit will never be limited to one world. What you can't do now may not be impossible in the future. It's not too late to come back when you find a way. Mother is waiting for you to save her."

"But time——"Before You could finish your words, the Hero King interrupted you.

"What are you worried about? Who am I? Who are the guys under my command? Didn't you hear clearly just now? My Uruk is not so poor that it needs a little girl to fight for her life, even if this girl is a god. The team under my command is enough for me to drag the Warcraft front until the end of the world. You just need to grow up with peace of mind and slowly find a way. If you really want to take the first step, then get the key given to you by the restraining force first."


"Right here at the foot of Fuyuki lies the source of our ongoing Holy Grail War, the Third Law: Heaven's Grail."

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