The King of Conquerors put away his Noble Phantasm, the Wheel of Divine Power, and carried the wine barrel on his shoulder, and shouted to Altria and Irisviel, who had been standing in the woods watching the situation,"I think you heard what I said just now. How about it, Saber, do you dare to compete with me at the banquet?"

"Why not?"Altria replied proudly.

"Hahaha, great! Only with such courage can one be called King Arthur. Then Saber, lead the way. The venue of the banquet is your castle, and those who come here are kings from different eras. I believe you will not disappoint us, right?"

The words of the King of Conquerors made Artoria hesitate. She turned her head and sought Irisviel's help with her eyes. Although it was her own base, it would be better for her to get familiar with this place completely in just one day. If it really came to a discussion, Irisviel would be more familiar with this place.

Irisviel smiled bitterly and said,"We can provide a location, but this castle was originally designed to be used as a base. It was never considered for hosting banquets. Although there is a reception hall, the staff and reserves are not up to the standard requirements for a banquet."

"That means we can only provide the venue." After understanding, Altria frowned. Although the request for the banquet was made by the King of Conquerors, she also agreed to the proposal. But the reality is that she really can't arrange a banquet of king standards now.

The King of Conquerors waved his hand and said to Irisviel:"No, no, just the venue is enough. This is an idea I came up with on a whim. It doesn't need to be so formal. Not to mention that this is just a private banquet for the king. The king is not so delicate that he has to show his status in a magnificent way. Besides, for a banquet, wine is enough. I took a look when I was hovering in the sky just now. The garden is a good place. It is open and has beautiful scenery."

The King of Conquerors patted the wine barrel he was carrying and explained that this banquet was not a formal banquet.

After listening to it, Artoria also agreed with the King of Conquerors' explanation, so Irisviel invited everyone to the open area in the center of the garden.

After making beds on the ground, everyone sat on the ground. This scene did not look like a banquet, but more like a family picnic.

The King of Conquerors slapped open the lid of the wine barrel with a light slap, took out a spoon, scooped up a mouthful of red wine and drank it,"I heard that this is the wine vessel of this country. It looks very special. How about it, do you want a sip?" Then he handed the wine spoon with half a spoonful of red wine left to Artoria.

Artoria frowned slightly, took the wine spoon from the King of Conquerors with a look of disgust, and drank the remaining half spoonful of red wine

""Great!" The King of Conquerors praised him with a thumbs up. He praised the man for his courage to drink the wine prepared by his opponent in a hostile situation.

"What a pity! Although we just said that only wine would be enough for the banquet, it would be more appropriate to have some food now. However, it was held in a hurry after all, so there is nothing we can do about it."The King of Conquerors said, taking the wine spoon from Altria and preparing to scoop another spoonful of red wine and drink it.

"This is easy, I have a way."At this time, You spoke.

The Conqueror King looked at her curiously and said,"Can you cook?"

"How is that possible? Archer, it's your turn."You rolled your hands into a trumpet shape and shouted to the sky.

A gust of wind blew, and You's voice echoed in the night sky, but no one responded.

"Ah! Didn't he come?" After waiting for a long time, seeing no one showed up, You tilted his head and thought for a while, then shouted again with the same action:"Archer, where are you? If you are, please answer me, Heroic Spirit Emi——"

"Stop shouting, I'm here." The Heroic Spirit Emiya appeared helplessly,"Food, right? I'll go prepare it right away, you wait a moment." The

Heroic Spirit Emiya turned and walked directly towards the kitchen, but seeing his actions, Alice's face was puzzled for a moment, and then it turned slightly pale, Altonia's face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot, and Emiya Kiritsugu, who was hiding in the dark, crushed the telescope in his hand with a click.

"Maiya, has the castle's surveillance detected any abnormalities recently?"

Kuyu Maiya also shook her head solemnly,"No, everything is normal. Judging from Madam's reaction, the magic surveillance throughout the castle should not have been triggered."

"……"In other words, Archer not only avoided magical detection, but also modern electronic equipment?

"I will continue to monitor here. While you are here, go to the city and prepare a few new bases. After tonight, abandon this castle and leave directly."

Hisausa Maiya did not ask any more questions, and turned around and left the castle quickly.

The King of Conquerors looked at Archer's departing back and the gloomy faces of Saber's team, and instantly understood something, so he laughed and said,"Well, after all, we are all enemies in the Holy Grail War, so it's normal to have some small actions.

Let's solve any problems later.

Let me make it clear first, it's a banquet now, and violence is prohibited.

" As he said that, he took off the Sword of Cyprus he was wearing and placed it in the center of the floor mat, which could still be called a wine table, to show his determination not to use force at this banquet.


Altria was silent for a while, thinking that now was not a good time to solve this problem.

If she attacked Archer now, she would not only lose her kingly demeanor, but also directly slap the face of the King of Conquerors and push him to the absolute opposite side.

Maybe even the magician who would come later would attack her.

So she had to suppress this matter silently in her heart, and manifested her own treasure, the Sword of Promised Victory, and placed it in the middle of the wine table like the King of Conquerors.

At this distance, no matter who wanted to attack, even if they were controlled by the Command Spell, they would be noticed and stopped by others the moment they took their weapons back.

You yawned at this time. The scene of the King's Banquet was too classic. The conflict they would have next and every argument were circling in her mind. The boredom made You a little reluctant to stay here any longer.

So she stood up and ran towards the kitchen."I'll go to the kitchen to help you check."

Everyone present didn't pay much attention to it. First, they thought she was greedy, and second, they trusted Yu. It was a good opportunity for her to guard against Archer's possible poisoning to prevent their master from being poisoned.

Not long after Yu left, the wise king also arrived at the scene. He stared at Yu's back for a while, then turned his eyes to the banquet venue. The simple venue made him frown slightly, but he didn't say anything. He also materialized a huge golden key like Saber and threw it in the center of the venue.

The banquet of the kings officially began.


On the other side, the kitchen

"What are you doing here?"Not long after she started, the Heroic Spirit Emiya Jianyou, who was preparing the ingredients, came to the kitchen and asked her in a slightly helpless tone.

"Um - help?" You pointed his finger at his chin and thought for a while before answering, but what did that questioning tone mean?

"Then could you please help me sift the flour? Can you bake a cake?"

"No!" He answered firmly


"Ever cut a potato?"

"Never done that!"

"You should know how to wash rice, right? Just rinse it with water."

"Don't underestimate me, my mother represents the salt water Tiamat, I have inherited all her abilities, and I am very good at water-related operations."

"No, forget about sea water, use regular tap water - never mind, how are you going to help?"

"I can help you taste the food."

"……OK, I understand. Miss, there is a chair over there, please sit down."

Then the Heroic Spirit Emiya invited Yu to sit on the chair and started working in the kitchen alone.

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