The sky darkened before he knew it. Not long after the King of Conquerors flew away, the King of Heroes also said goodbye and left. After the Heroic Spirit Emiya looked at Kiritsugu Emiya hiding in the dark, he turned into a spirit and disappeared. Only Yu was still thinking hard. By the way, Altria took over the plate that the Heroic Spirit Emiya had dragged before he disappeared, and was now feasting on it. The rest of the people had their own thoughts, and she was the only one who was still thinking about eating.

Kiritsugu Emiya was already packing up the important items. In his opinion, since the Servants had figured out all the layout of the base, even the location of the kitchen and the ingredients, he could be said to have been jumping back and forth on the edge of hell these days. He definitely couldn't stay in this castle. He was now trying to figure out how to avoid Archer's surveillance. It was a headache for him that Archer could hide his aura like Assassin.

Speaking of Assassin, Yu was now thinking about him. It was not until the end of the banquet just now that she realized that she seemed to have never noticed where Assassin and his Master had gone.

Logically speaking, Assassin should be Hassan the Hundred Faces, but there was no group of gymnastics troupe members who appeared and were crushed into slag by the emperor just now, so this matter is not so absolute.

Speaking of which, Assassin's Master Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Kiritsugu are still a pair of enemies who love and hate each other.

Because of some understanding of this person's personality defects, Yu doesn't like to contact him, so she doesn't know much about his movements, which makes her feel that she is a little passive now.

Kotomine Kirei is no worse than Matou Zouken when it comes to doing things.

Although that was after he awakened to pleasure, with the world line having deviated so much, Yu can't tell what state he is in now, so he can only ask Irisviel beside him.

"Irisviel, do you know the information about Assassin and his Master?"

"Huh? You don't know?"

When Irisviel heard You ask this question, she asked You in surprise.

"I haven't paid attention to him, so of course I don't know. Why would there be such a question?"You tried hard to roll her eyes to express her feelings, but because she couldn't do it and it was too deliberate, she looked a little cute. Seeing this, Irisviel burst out laughing and couldn't help but pinch her cheek.

"Don't laugh, I'm asking a serious question!" You suddenly felt unhappy and turned her head slightly to avoid Irisviel's contact. She didn't dare to slap Irisviel's outstretched"claw" with her hands, fearing that she might hurt her if she didn't control the strength well.

"Sorry, sorry." Irisviel put her hands together and apologized insincerely, then took advantage of Yuu's relaxation and stretched out her hand to pinch him.

"Because you, Xiaoyou, act like a little adult when it comes to the Holy Grail War, and I thought you knew everything."

Facing the"claws" that Alice extended again, You was too lazy to resist. She felt that she was thick-skinned and wouldn't feel anything, so she just let it go. Then she said something that only she understood at this time,"I don't know everything, I just know what I know."

Alice rubbed You's cheek and asked with a smile,"Then what else do you know, Xiaoyou? Can you tell me, Sister Alice?"

"Then… Berserker has already left the stage. Irisviel, are you okay?" You asked directly.

Irisviel’s smile froze for a moment, and then turned into a bitter smile:"Einzbern really can’t hide any secrets from you."

"What? Lancelot——"

Upon hearing this, Altria stopped eating in shock, and after a moment of silence, she looked at You and asked,"Did you do this?"

"Ah, yes, I went to Enzoyama this morning, and Berserker attacked me under the orders of his master, so I made him leave immediately."

"……, thank you."After a moment's silence, Artoria opened her mouth to express her gratitude to You.

You was a little puzzled:"Why thank you? I thought that even if you were not hostile to me, you should have a grudge against me."

Artoria put down the food in her hand, sat cross-legged, and began to explain with a serious expression on her face:"Lancelot should have been an upright knight, but now he has been turned into such a twisted appearance by the Holy Grail.

I don't know why he became like this in the future, but I think it must be related to me.

Whether you despise me or laugh at me, when I heard that he was leaving, I was actually relieved in my heart.

Maybe in this Holy Grail War, I was not prepared to face him.

So I have to thank you; thank you for giving Lancelot relief.


"Really? It's human nature, but you." You said, turning to look at Alice Fei'er,"How about just leaving it like this?"

"……This is the fate of the Einzbern family that has lasted for a thousand years. It cannot be escaped, and Kiritsugu will not escape it either." The conversation between Alice and Yu made Artoria confused. She turned to look at Alice for an explanation, but Alice just shook her head with a melancholy expression and said nothing.

Yu stretched out his right hand towards the moon in the sky and looked at his palm in the bright moonlight. A circle of silver-white halo appeared around his palm under the moonlight, and he suddenly said to Alice,"It's decided. After the Holy Grail War, I will take the Third Law away. It's up to you to decide how you will live your life after that."

"Xiaoyou, you——"Irisviel was about to say something when a voice suddenly interrupted her.

""Aili, Saber, I have something to discuss with you."

Emiya Kiritsugu came over at this time. Although he said he had something to discuss with them, he looked more like he was coming to give them a notice.

"This stronghold is no longer safe. I just thought about it and decided to abandon this castle."

Artoria and Irisviel did not object. After all, a stronghold that was known to the enemy would not only be useless, but would also expose themselves to danger. They understood this principle.

"I'm glad you didn't discuss this kind of thing in front of me as if I were an outsider, but I don't need to hide from anyone in this war, so I'll stay here."

Yu looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and thought for a while, then suddenly asked,"Any results on the true names of the Einzbern servants in the Holy Grail last time?"

"……, still investigating." Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a while, then told Yuu the result.

"Do you know what happened to Assassin and his Master?"

"Assassin is currently missing. As for his master, Kotomine Kirei, he left Fuyuki City yesterday afternoon and went to the Cathedral Church for further studies. I saw this with my own eyes."

"Mapo is gone?" You was stunned for a moment after hearing the news,"Why?""

"Mapo?" Emiya Kiritsugu was stunned, then realized that this should refer to Kotomine Kirei, although he didn't know why Yu gave him such a nickname.

"Why are you asking these questions?" You don't have to show your eagle until you see the rabbit?

" You clapped his hands and said with a smile:"Let's exchange information. You give me the situation of Assassin and his master, and I will tell you some information about Archer."

""Yes!" Emiya Kiritsugu agreed immediately, because these were not confidential information, and he could find out the reason by just checking. Using this popular information to exchange for the information of some enemies that he currently valued was a sure win.

"Kotomine Kirei failed to control the Servant he summoned.

As soon as the Servant appeared, he was deprived of the Command Seals on his hand, and then he used an unknown method to cut off his connection with the Holy Grail War.

In other words, not only did he lose the right to participate in the war from the beginning, but he was also deprived of his qualifications as a Servant without a Master in the subsequent contracts.

In this state, Kotomine Kirei was a complete outsider.

He was originally arranged by the Holy Church to perform tasks here.

After he completely lost his role in the Holy Grail War, he would naturally be given new arrangements, so he just left.

I originally thought that this news was a smokescreen arranged by them, but I didn’t know the news was true until yesterday when I was sure that the other party had really left.

As for Assassin, he has not shown up until now, and no one knows what he is doing or what he wants to do.


Cut off the connection with the Holy Grail War? Is Assassin so powerful? Yu thought about it carefully for a while, and then realized that there seemed to be such a existence

"Could it be Wang Hassan? Is Grandpa targeting me? That shouldn't be the case. Firstly, he should be in the seventh singularity, and secondly, I can't turn into a beast like my mother!"

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