"Strictly speaking, the real Holy Grail refers to Irisviel's heart, but that is irrelevant. The human body cannot bear the souls of Heroic Spirits, and the more Servants retire, the greater the burden on Irisviel's body. With only two Servants leaving, her body no longer supports her free movement. As more and more Servants retire, she will eventually lose her human identity and become a literal Holy Grail."

Artoria turned and looked at Emiya Kiritsugu angrily:"Have you always known all this?"

Emiya Kiritsugu took a puff of cigarette calmly, then closed his eyes and looked up at the sky, as if to strengthen his resolve, and finally exhaled the smoke and looked directly into Artoria's eyes."Yes, this was originally one of the plans. As long as Irisviel is still with us, no matter what the final outcome of the Holy Grail War is, the Holy Grail will definitely appear in our hands."

"Even if it means sacrificing your wife's life."

Faced with Altria's questioning, Emiya Kiritsugu remained unmoved,"Even before we set out, Aili and I had already made up our minds. Besides, what are you angry about? This is a common decision between Aili and I, and it is not something you, a Servant, should interfere with."

"……"Altria was speechless. Indeed, if the parties involved were already prepared to make sacrifices, it would be inappropriate for an outsider to intervene.

"Ano……"At this time, You raised his hand and interrupted,"It's not that I don't understand your awareness, but I have a question I want to ask you. After all, as long as the Holy Grail can play the role of storing the souls of retired servants, it doesn't matter whether it is in the form of a dead object or a living object. In this case, have you never thought about replacing Irisviel's heart? I remember that this technology is not something difficult to accomplish in the magic world."

Emiya Kiritsugu stared at the little guy in front of him who seemed to know a lot of secrets, and a little strange arose in his heart.

The other party obviously knew many secrets that the parties had never spoken out, and knew how to integrate himself into the lives of ordinary people normally, but he didn't know much about some common sense in the magic world.

Looking at You's bright cross-star pupils, Emiya Kiritsugu attributed this to her having a special magic eye that can collect information, and guessed that this magic eye must have some defects, which led to the situation that she knew some hidden secrets but was so lacking in common sense of magic.

He wrote down this guess as a piece of information, and then began to explain You's problem.

"You may have some misunderstandings about the world of magic.

For a magician, heart replacement surgery is indeed not difficult, but it is not simple either.

Let alone how troublesome it is to make or find a matching organ, most magicians who can transform the human body must prepare the relevant props and magic in advance, and these are basically performed in their respective magic workshops.

Besides, magicians only delve into their own fields, and most of them can only be regarded as scholars.

I am a magician who conducts magic research on the human body, which is really rare in today's magic world.

The Holy Grail War only lasts for seven days.

Once it starts, Irisviel cannot leave Fuyuki City.

As the master of the swordsman, I cannot leave Fuyuki either.

I simply do not have the time or energy to look for such a magician.


Emiya Kiritsugu paused and continued.

"Even if Maiya is given full responsibility and she has found such a person, the preliminary preparations alone will take four or five days, and the Holy Grail War should be almost over by then. Irisviel and I have estimated that once three Servants leave the stage, she will lose her ability to move, four will shut down all her body senses and become a vegetable, and five will lose her form and turn into a golden Holy Grail. There will not be enough time."

Yuu suddenly realized,"Oh, so that's how it is, but Irisviel collapsed after installing the souls of two Servants."

"It's just that you haven't adapted to it yet. You'll be fine after a good sleep. But your body may be inconvenient to move around."Emiya Kiritsugu took Irisviel's body from Altria and looked at her face, his eyes revealing an emotion that no one could understand.

Yu looked at Emiya Kiritsugu's expression and sighed,"You were obviously reluctant to give up the Holy Grail War, but you insisted on doing it. I told you that there was a big problem with the Holy Grail and it was impossible for it to fulfill your wish."

"I can't give up all my efforts so far just because of your one-sided words. I will investigate the actual situation myself, and I will take appropriate actions after the investigation."Emiya Kiritsugu held Alice and put her in the back seat of the car, letting her lie in the car, and said to You without turning his head.

"Corresponding actions? Do you still want to use it to realize your ideal of world peace after solving the problem of the Holy Grail? Give up, it is not a problem that you can solve alone. Or is it because the sunk cost is too high that you can no longer stop. Let me calculate, your childhood sweetheart Xia Lei and the villagers of an entire island, your father Emiya Norika, your master and stepmother Natalia——"

""Bang" a gunshot echoed in the silent ruins

"Who are you? How do you know all this?"Emiya Kiritsugu asked coldly, holding his gun, but the tiny beads of sweat on his forehead showed that he was not at peace.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, what are you doing?" The sudden attack made Altria stunned for a moment. After she reacted, an inexplicable anger surged from her heart. She stepped forward and grabbed Emiya Kiritsugu's collar. Hisau Maiya beside her immediately took out a gun and pointed it at her.

"I'm fine, but you, swordsman, are a little out of control. Is it the influence of the dragon bloodline?"Yu's voice came from behind. Hearing this, Altria immediately loosened her hand. Didn't he also realize that his emotions were a little bit wrong? He actually attacked Emiya Kiritsugu, who was still his own man. So the pillar sword stood aside, closed his eyes and calmed his mind, and at the same time tried to block the influence of the conversation between the two on himself.

"What? You still get angry." Yu then turned to look at Emiya Kiritsugu, ignoring his fearful expression, took off the bullet head that was crushed on his forehead, crushed the bullet head with two fingers and looked at the white powder inside."Origin bullet, let's not talk about whether this thing will work on me, but as long as it doesn't break the defense in a physical sense, it will not work."

Yu threw the fragments of the bullet casually,"Use the trump card to aim at the vital point, but because I deliberately provoked you just now, just regard this shot as an unintentional mistake when you lost control of your emotions."

"Living in an inhuman way, but unable to abandon the feelings of ordinary people, borrowing someone's words, you will be drowned by your own ideals sooner or later."

After saying this, You waved his hand to signal them to leave quickly. Emiya Kiritsugu and his group got into the car in silence. When they were about to start the car and leave, You's voice came from afar again.

"The Grand Puppet Master Aozaki Touko should be at the Garan Hall in Kanbushi City, Tokyo at this time. Even if not, she should be not far away. If you take a plane, two days will be enough for the round trip plus the time to find someone. As for the remaining servants, as long as you don't take the initiative to attack, they will basically not come to trouble you. If you still want to save Irisviel, then hurry up."When

Kiritsugu Emiya heard this, his hand paused slightly, and then he drove away from this place.

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