On the other side, in an ordinary Japanese-style courtyard.

Kiritsugu Emiya and the other three stayed here temporarily. This was also a base set up by Hisahi Maiya. In the remaining days of the Holy Grail War, they seemed to be planning to change one servant every day.

Irisviel was still in a coma, and it seemed that even with only the souls of two servants, it would be an unimaginable burden for her.

Kiritsugu Emiya and Artoria sat face to face with each other, with Hisahi Maiya standing beside them. There was a rare hint of impetuousness on Artoria's face, while Kiritsugu Emiya was drinking tea silently opposite.

The silent atmosphere lasted for a long time, and finally Artoria couldn't hold back her temper and asked first,"I know this is your family affair and I can't interfere, but you heard what Yu said. What are you going to do next in the Holy Grail War?"


Emiya Kiritsugu kept silent, he was still thinking.

After a long while, Emiya Kiritsugu asked Hisahi Maiya,"Maiya, what is the response from the German Einzbern family?"

Hisahi Maiya shook her head,"It's still being verified, let's wait patiently for two days."

"Two days? It's such a long and short time."Emiya Kiritsugu said lightly, and no one knew what he was thinking. This time is too long to wait for a reply, and too short to save people.

Hisau Maiya continued to express his opinion at this time,"Einzbern is indeed trying to hide something. Generally speaking, a family of androids known for their efficiency and precision would not spend so much time on one thing."

"……"Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a while, then turned to look at Artoria,"

Saber, tell me what you think."

Artoria was silent for a while, as if she was organizing her words,"It's hard to judge the truth, but there is no reason to lie."

"So that's it……"Emiya Kiritsugu closed his eyes and began to think. The two of them just looked at him without interrupting him.

Emiya Kiritsugu struggled with his conscience for a long time. Just when he was having trouble making a decision, a cough interrupted his thoughts.

""Ahem, ahem - where is this?"

Irisviel woke up.

Emiya Kiritsugu took a big step to Irisviel's side, grabbed her hand and asked anxiously:"Alice, are you okay? How do you feel?"

Irisviel did not answer him, but looked at her husband's face carefully. This face now had an unprecedented fragility, panic, impatience, and uneasiness intertwined in his eyes.

""What happened?" she asked.

Emiya Kiritsugu recounted his encounter with Yu and the subsequent conversation, and Irisviel fell silent after listening.

She thought of what Yu had said about the problem with the Holy Grail. If there was no problem with the Holy Grail, she could still persuade her husband to stick to his great ideals, but knowing that everything might be in vain, she no longer had so much determination.

In the end, Irisviel decided to leave everything to Emiya Kiritsugu to choose. Irisviel stretched out her other hand and held Emiya Kiritsugu's hand with her backhand,"Kiritsugu, your choices have always been correct, and I can't think too far ahead, so let you choose this time. It doesn't matter, no matter what your choice is, I will be with you."

After speaking, Irisviel showed a gentle smile to Emiya Kiritsugu.

Looking at Irisviel's smile, Emiya Kiritsugu finally made up his mind.

"Ah, OK, Ellie, you should have a good rest from now on, and I will take care of the rest."

Alice smiled and fell asleep again. Just these few words consumed most of her energy.

"Maiya, please go to Guanbuzi City as soon as possible. Saber, Irisviel will be in your care. Keep her safe. I'm going to investigate the Holy Grail."

Hisahi Maiya obeyed and went to prepare for the relevant matters. Artoria agreed to Kiritsugu Emiya's request. Then Irisviel stayed with Artoria because it was inconvenient to move. Kiritsugu Emiya and Hisahi Maiya also prepared their own things.

The scene returned to Yu.

After Yu left the abandoned factory, Kenneth consciously prepared a return ticket. Even if this would cause ridicule from his colleagues, he didn't care. At this moment, he just wanted to go back to the clock tower and scold the intelligence personnel of the El-Melloi family. What does it mean to go to the countryside to increase... A small ceremony promoted to add gimmicks, what kind of small ceremony can attract gods.

After You left, you no longer paid attention to Kenneth's movements. After wandering around for a while, seeing that nothing special happened, you decided to go home.

Back in front of the castle gate in the suburbs, You was about to push the door open, and a black flash of light shattered the castle gate into pieces, and continued to attack her face.

Fortunately, since being attacked by Berserker Lancelot at the dock, You set up an automatically triggered barrier on his body to block this attack. It came down.

While the black light was still struggling with You's barrier, another black light suddenly attacked again.

This time, the barrier had no effect and was directly broken.

You used his excellent dynamic vision to see the true face of the attacking object.

They were two familiar treasures.

Except that the color was all dyed black, they were clearly the two spears in the hands of Lancer Diarmuid, the Red Rose of Demon Breaking and the Yellow Rose of Destruction, one long and one short.

The black spear did not lose its original function.

It directly broke through You's barrier and attacked Xi's throat.

You quickly grabbed the spear head and put it It held tightly in his hand and could not move forward.

You also took this opportunity to see the true face of the attacker.

As expected, it was Diarmuid who had just left the scene at noon today, but now he was covered in black smoke, red lines flickered on his body, and his eyes were empty, without reflecting anything, like a puppet.

You understood what was going on as soon as he saw this state,"The erosion of the evil of this world, no, it should be said that the shadow servant was re-created according to the servant's information, can that thing move in the outside world so soon?"

You directly activated the power of Dark Star Pupil, and the magic power that made up the body of the shadow servant instantly became unstable. In a few seconds, it produced the same light particle special effect as when the servant left the stage, except that the color changed from gold to black.

Before You could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge force came from behind, and the barrier was broken again, but this time it was broken by someone with extremely concentrated force. The subsequent attack did not hurt her, but it also knocked her petite body away. Taking advantage of the gap in the air, You looked back and saw that it was another old acquaintance, the one she personally delivered to her yesterday. Berserker Lancelot.

The two horns opened and sprayed magic power, using the impact force to offset inertia, and Yu just stopped in mid-air. She was about to launch a counterattack, and the blackened Diarmuid threw out the treasure in his hand again, this time it was a spear with magic-breaking effect. The whistling momentum of the spear was like a missile, but Yu dodged it with a slight shake, but then she noticed that the light in front of her eyes dimmed a little.

Lancelot seized the opportunity when Yu's eyes left them, flashed to her back, and swept her giant horns with a powerful shot. Yu's balance was immediately broken, and she spiraled to the ground


You lay on the ground, silent.

Then she jumped up, dusted herself off, and faced the two shadows.

"Really, I can easily kill any of them in a one-on-one fight, but it's so difficult to kill two of them together. After all, my combat experience is still insufficient, and I don't think I'm really suitable for one-on-many battles. Sorry, I'm going to cheat."

After saying that, the tide of chaos appeared under You's feet. Seeing that the battle was about to break out again, an old and familiar voice came into You's ears.

"Not two, but three."

Matou Zouken? This old bug is still alive? You was a little surprised. How long can he survive if he is still alive?

But, three?

You was immediately alert, but it seemed a little late.

Countless magic circles continued to appear around her. These magic circles had no direct contact with her, but surrounded her in a circle with a radius of about ten meters. You was wondering what this was going to do, and with a click, a sound like broken glass came into her ears.

You's face changed, and when she was about to break out, the scenery around her suddenly changed.

Outside, the place where You was standing just now was like a hole dug out of the entire space, and a black gap that was shrinking continuously appeared. Matou Zouken also walked out from behind the two shadow servants at this moment.

"This is the exile trap that Caster, who retired from the Holy Grail War, spent a day setting up. In order to prevent your eyes from having any special abilities to see anything wrong, it was specially integrated with the original monitoring technique of this castle. It seems to be quite effective. In this way, the troublesome guy is out of the game."

On the other side, after figuring out the environment he was in, Youyong said with a hint of surprise:"Imaginary space? Am I exiled? But, it feels like home."

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