The visitors were none other than King of Conquerors Iskandar and his master Weber, who was hiding behind the former with some uneasiness. He knew how rude it was for the King of Conquerors to break into someone else's house without the owner's consent, but he had no choice but to hide to avoid getting himself involved in the other person's anger.

But Weber's worry was obviously unnecessary. Altria just raised her eyebrows and ignored it. After the last banquet, she also knew that this king who had a different way of kingship from her was a casual person in his lifestyle. As a king, she didn't want to haggle with him over such trivial matters, and Irisviel didn't care about these things at all.

"this……"Altria glanced at Irisviel hesitantly, because of her, to be honest, Altria didn't want to start a fight in the next two days.

But the King of Conquerors had been feeling an inexplicable desire to fight since he saw Altria's Noble Phantasm released last night.

The reason why he didn't come to find her yesterday was because he thought that challenging someone who had just experienced a battle would be somewhat suspicious of taking advantage of someone's misfortune, so he had suppressed his desire to fight until now.

But at this moment, seeing Altria's hesitation, he suddenly felt a nameless anger in his heart, and he couldn't help but speak a little heavier,"Why, Saber, are you afraid? I don't mind if you want to run away.

After all, a delicate girl like you is more suitable for you as a young lady waiting to be married than a king who charges into battle.


Upon hearing this, Altria became angry instantly, and her emerald green pupils turned dark gold for a brief moment.

"I'm scared. Since you want to leave early, how about I fulfill your wish?"

"Hahaha, okay, I'll wait for you under the Fuyuki Bridge in the evening. The King of Conquerors accepted the challenge from Altria and left without saying any more nonsense.

"Um... I was impulsive. I'm sorry, Irisviel. I knew your physical condition was like this, but you still accepted the challenge of the King of Conquerors."Afterwards, Artoria felt a little regretful for getting carried away, but now that the words had been spoken, it was too late to take them back, so she could only apologize to Irisviel.

Irisviel was understanding and forgave Artoria. No one could have expected such an emergency, and she couldn't condemn Artoria for not putting down her dignity as a king and avoiding her opponent because of herself. That would only create a rift between her and Artoria.

"It's okay, Saber. This will only make the trajectory return to the original plan. I was already prepared before coming to Fuyuki. It's just that I may not accompany you to the battlefield this time. After all, no matter what the result is, I will be unable to move at that time."

"……"I'm sorry."

Faced with Irisviel's understanding, Altria was speechless and kept silent for a long time before she could only mutter"I'm sorry."

Irisviel took out the phone that Emiya Kiritsugu had left for her to use for communication and told her about the situation here.

After listening to Irisviel's account of last night's attack and the challenge to the King of Conquerors, Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a while before a deep voice came out of the phone.

"I understand, Elly, I'll come pick you up right away. Don't go back to the base we were at last time. I'll come and take you to a safe place later. Bye."

Soon after, Emiya Kiritsugu came and took Irisviel away. Artoria asked to stay here to recuperate for the next battle, and told Emiya Kiritsugu to summon her directly with the Command Spell if he encountered any situation on the way.

Before leaving, Emiya Kiritsugu thanked Artoria. He knew that his Servant's so-called recuperation was just an excuse. She just wanted him to accompany her more while Irisviel was still conscious and give them some private time together.

In the evening, Artoria arrived as promised.

"What's wrong, Saber? You're alone. Where is your princess?

Seeing that Altria went to the meeting alone, the King of Conquerors curiously asked about Irisviel's whereabouts.

"……, Irisviel is not feeling well and will not come here, and this does not affect the battle between us, does it?"

The King of Conquerors looked around and saw that there was indeed no ambush around, so he nodded and said,"Indeed, but I still think that the decisive battle between kings must have a witness.

Since your princess is ill and cannot be present, let this kid witness your part together!

" As the King of Conquerors said this, he patted Weber's shoulder and pushed him out.

Seeing that Weber had tears in the corners of his eyes but was staring at her stubbornly with an uneasy look, Altria nodded.

After they met, the King of Conquerors kept emphasizing that Irisviel was his princess and not his master.

She knew that her relationship with Emiya Kiritsugu might have been seen through by this rough-looking but delicate guy in front of him.

"Don't worry, I won't let our fight affect him. My Master is busy taking care of Irisviel and won't come here."

"Is that so? I was judging others by my own standards." After saying that, the King of Conquerors turned around and patted his Master's head, saying softly,"Well, it's time for you to wipe your tears and carefully witness the battle between kings. Don't worry, didn't you use all the Command Spells on me? I am now in an unprecedentedly complete state."

Then the King of Conquerors drew the Sword of Cyprian from his waist, pointed at Altria and laughed, and asked,"Then let me add to the last question that I didn't have time to ask at the last banquet - Saber, I want to ask you���Is the king arrogant?"

Altria also held the Sword of Promised Victory in her hand, ready to face the King of Conquerors' next attack.

When she heard the King of Conquerors' question, many images flashed through her mind, all of which were microcosms of her life.

"The king is naturally lonely."

"Is that so? Then let me tell you, Saber, you are wrong."The King of Conquerors opened his arms and spoke loudly to Artoria. As the words fell, the world changed its original appearance.

The hot and dry wind blew on everyone's face, especially Waver, who was stunned by the scene before his eyes. In a moment that could not be detected by the eyes, they went from the gurgling river bank under the setting sun to the desert under the scorching sun and the wind and sand.

"Is this an inherent barrier?!"Weber stared at all this in amazement, and then he became excited. His king could win. He was so sure of this.

"Of course not, I can't do it alone."The King of Conquerors said proudly, and figures began to appear behind him, with tens of thousands of people.

Altria's expression became ugly, and the King of Conquerors Iskandar still proudly introduced his treasure.

"These are the lands that my men and I have conquered together. Every inch of the scenery here is imprinted in our hearts."

"Even if their bodies are destroyed and their names are forgotten by history, as long as I call them, they will respond to me from the Hall of Valor through time and space. They are my treasures! They are my way to be kings! Iskandar's strongest treasure——‘The King's Army’!!"

An EX-class anti-military treasure, a unique barrier that allows the King of Conquerors to summon his subordinates as independent Servants to fight against the enemy in succession. This is the King of Conquerors' trump card.

"The king must live more authentically than anyone else and be admired by everyone!"

"The one who gathers the faith of all the heroes and sets out on an expedition with that as his goal is the king.——"

"The king is not alone, because his aspirations are the wishes of all his subjects!"

The cry of the conquering king was echoed by all his subordinates, and the sound was deafening and resounded through the sky.

Artoria's heart was shaken for a moment. The bond between the king and his subjects was too dazzling, something she had never obtained in her life of fighting.

But surrendering and waiting to die was not her style. Artoria closed her eyes, calmed her mind, and drove away the distracting thoughts from her mind.

"Then, let's fight!"

When he opened his eyes again, his pupils had completely turned dark gold.

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