Kiritsugu Emiya drove at full speed, while Altria ran all the way on her own two feet. The two arrived at Mount Enzo at almost the same time. When they met, the Heroic Spirit Emiya suddenly appeared in front of them.

Altria immediately took out the Shunsei Sword and pointed it at the Heroic Spirit Emiya and became alert.

"Stop, Saber! He is not an enemy." Emiya Kiritsugu quickly reached out and suppressed Altria's hostility.

"……"Put Emiya Kiritsugu in front of her. Altria frowned slightly, but finally decided to trust Emiya Kiritsugu's judgment and put away the holy sword.

During this period, the Heroic Spirit Emiya did not say a word, nor did he seem to be on guard. He did not seem to be worried at all that the two people on the opposite side might suddenly attack and hurt people.

This was indeed the case. Now that Alice had been abducted by a third party, his own strength was not dominant. In this case, Emiya Kiritsugu would rather win over the rest of the fighting force as allies to take back Alice than to destroy the enemy. Emiya

Kiritsugu did not know why the Heroic Spirit Emiya had saved him before. Since the other party had taken such an action, it proved that he was willing to talk to him, so he went straight to the point and said

"I won't say any more polite words. You just saved me and told me the location of the enemy, and now you are waiting here, so just tell me directly - what is your purpose? What do you need us to do?"

"……"The Heroic Spirit Emiya was silent for a while. He didn't have any purpose. He just wanted to witness what kind of person his adoptive father was before he saved him. That's why he has been following him recently. He just happened to encounter that situation when he saved him. This kind of thing can't be said directly. In addition, the situation is really urgent now. He simply told the truth about the Holy Grail War to divert his attention.

"Anyway, come with me first.

I'm waiting here because I can't handle what's coming next by myself.

This place is still some distance away from the entrance to the underground cavity, so I can take advantage of this time to explain it to you.

" As he said this, the Heroic Spirit Emiya took the lead and walked towards the direction of the underground cavity, with Kiritsugu Emiya and Altria following closely behind him.

"This starts with the servants summoned by Einzbern in the last Holy Grail War.


"It's the Servant summoned by Einzbern in the last Holy Grail War. Who on earth is that guy? How could he continue to have influence on the Holy Grail until now?"The situation once again points to the Servant summoned by Einzbern in the last Holy Grail War. Emiya Kiritsugu, who has been worried about investigating this matter recently, is eager to learn the truth from the Heroic Spirit Emiya, and can't help but ask anxiously.

"Again? Well, the little girl told you, didn't she tell you the truth directly?" The Heroic Spirit Emiya asked curiously, but then seemed to have figured out the key, and continued to answer his own questions:"Yes, with your personality, you should trust the information you have investigated more than what you heard from others.

It's not surprising that the little girl would behave like this, but the situation is urgent now, and there is no time for you to investigate slowly.

I will tell you the truth directly, believe it or not.


"In the last Holy Grail War, Einzbern tried to summon a god in order to win, but failed. What he summoned was just an ordinary person who bore the name of a god. It was a natural result. Not to mention that the Holy Grail could not provide a spiritual foundation large enough for the gods to descend, the object they summoned was not a being that could descend on the surface of this world."

After a pause, the Heroic Spirit Emiya said the real name of the Servant summoned by Einzbern last time.

"They wanted to summon Angra Mainyu, the main god at the apex of dualism in ancient Persian Zoroastrian mythology."

"Of course, that kind of existence could not be successfully summoned, so what Einzbern summoned was just a sacrifice that bore the same name as the evil god, but was actually only symbolic. Unfortunately, although this Servant is essentially just an ordinary person, his nature is more like a collection of wishes than those heroic spirits who left behind legends."

Hearing this, Kiritsugu Emiya and Altria both remembered what Yu had said to them, and Kiritsugu Emiya murmured to himself:"The Holy Grail absorbed the defeated Servant of Einzbern, which is equivalent to making his symbolic wish inside."

"Yes," the Heroic Spirit Emiya continued Emiya Kiritsugu's words,"bearing all the evil in the world, the Holy Grail accepted this wish and was therefore contaminated by this wish, causing the colorless power inside it that was supposed to fulfill the wish to become the evil of this world that can destroy everything."

"The wish-making mechanism of the Holy Grail has been polluted by the evil of this world. No matter what wish the person who obtains the Holy Grail makes, it will be distorted by the Holy Grail and the most evil means will be used to realize his wish, such as——"

At this point, the Heroic Spirit Emiya turned around and glanced at Emiya Kiritsugu."——If someone wishes for world peace, the Holy Grail will destroy all people in the world, and even all life in the world. After all, according to its logic, as long as there is no life in the world, there will be no struggle, and the world will naturally be peaceful."

"This evil way is not the Holy Grail I am pursuing."After hearing this, Altria said with some difficulty, while Emiya Kiritsugu remained silent, but his pace quickened.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of the Great Hole, but it looked like a scene of demons dancing wildly. Various black shadows stood distortedly on the road, and the moment they broke in, they all looked at them with their lifeless eyes.

"These are the shadows of servants who retired from the Holy Grail War in the past. Although they are degraded counterfeits and cannot release their Noble Phantasms, their combat experience and instincts are not compromised at all. And as long as the Holy Grail still has magic, these guys can regenerate infinitely, which is very tricky to use as a means of containment."

The Heroic Spirit Emiya looked at the black shadows in front of him and explained their origins to the two, then materialized his weapons and put arrows on his bows.

"I will clear the way and contain the enemy here, and you two will rush in when the time is right. After you go in, you will have to rely on yourselves, but please remember one thing, if you are too late to save people, you can only destroy the Holy Grail, and never try to destroy the Small Holy Grail, it is only the key to open and fix the door, the hole on it is what is really important."

After saying this, Heroic Spirit Emiya bowed like a full moon, and then shot an arrow into the sky. The arrow exploded in the air, turning into countless arrow rains, drowning all the black shadows in front.

After the rain of arrows, all the black shadows were in pieces and no longer in human form, but they soon began to recover. Kiritsugu Emiya and Altria took this opportunity to rush to the entrance, while the Heroic Spirit Emiya shot and blew up those black shadows that recovered faster one by one in the back.

When Kiritsugu Emiya and Altria disappeared from the sight of Heroic Spirit Emiya, he also stopped shooting arrows and drew out the two short swords Gan Jiang and Moye.

"Although I was forced to work overtime by the restraining force this time, it was not a wasted trip to witness this ending."With a smile on his face, he rushed forward to fight the black shadow who was about to recover.

But before he took two steps, countless thunder and flames fell from the sky, sweeping away all the black shadows.

"It seems that you have already dealt with your family affairs, and it is worth waiting for me. Then it is my turn to verify the level of your projection magic."

The Hero King said in the air on the Vimana, then jumped down and stood in front of the Hero Emiya

【The second volume will be on hold for a few days. I forgot my keys at home when I went out yesterday. Now I am back home and locked my computer inside. All my manuscripts are in there. This period of time is also a good time to catch up on Shakugan’s information and settings. 】

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