Yu came to Altria and Emiya Kiritsugu and greeted them calmly, seemingly completely ignoring the enemy lying on the ground.

Matou Zouken was also pressed to the ground by the strong gravity. He tried to turn his head to look in the direction of Emiya Kiritsugu, and saw Yu's familiar figure. He gritted his teeth and asked in horror:"Why are you here? I should have banished you to the imaginary space. That place, even gods can't get out once they enter. How did you escape?""

"Oh, the imaginary space. I am quite familiar with that place. Entering it is just like going back home. I can get out whenever I want. After all, I was born in the imaginary space. You chose the wrong method. To me, that is not called exile." Yu looked down at Matou Zouken who was lying on the ground, and explained in a bored tone why he was not trapped in the imaginary space.

During this time, Matou Zouken was quietly making small movements.

He took advantage of the dim light in the underground space and secretly let the black mud composed of the evil of this world wander among the shadows, spreading between the blind spots of Yu and the other two people, and covering the shadows of all the servants.

Because the underground space is dark, the only light source is the red light of the Holy Grail's magic circle that flashes from time to time and the golden light blooming on Irisviel's body.

In addition, because the distance between the two groups of people is not actually close, Artoria and Emiya Kiritsugu did not notice each other's small movements.

No The evil of this world was very obvious in Yu's eyes.

Although Matou Zouken was aware that he was very careful in his movements and had carefully concealed the aura of magic, to Yu who could see even the microscopic structure of matter clearly when he was serious, his movements were no less than walking past ordinary people in a black nightgown in broad daylight.

Yu did not care about Matou Zouken's little movements.

She just looked carefully at Matou Zouken who was lying on the ground.

After understanding the other party's state, she no longer took him to heart.

Matou Zouken and the shadow of the servant he summoned are the same existence. As long as the evil of this world inside the Holy Grail is not resolved, he will not be killed in the true sense.

"Really? I didn't expect this, but it's not too late to make up for it now." As he said this, Matou Zouken slowly stood up. At the same time, a circle of black light flashed on the black shadows, and then they got rid of the shackles of gravity like old bugs and stood up one after another."Since the method of exile is useless, then turn you into one of them. To be honest, if you are willing to accept the fate of exile honestly, it will be a good ending for you."

Yu ignored Matou Zouken's harsh words, but carefully felt the field he had arranged, and found that the shackles of gravity were still in effect, which means that Matou Zouken did not get rid of the shackles by destroying the field."Simply add a layer of magic to resist the influence of gravity to your side? It's really a simple solution."

Yu directly stated the means by which Matou Zouken got rid of his gravity field, and expressed contempt for his words,"Erosion me? Just you? You can't even break the field I casually arranged, where do you get the courage to turn me into your puppet?"

"Hehehe... It's not that I can't break your tricks, it's just that there's no need to do so." Although he said so, in fact, Matou Zouken was a little nervous, because it was just as Yu said, he really couldn't break the gravity field that the other party had casually set up, and what he said just now was just a means to cover up his guilty conscience.

"Damn, what's wrong with this guy? There is no sign of any magic circle being activated in the area he arranged, and there is no vein of magic power flowing.

It's as if the gravity of the world has changed by itself.

Is it the ability to materialize fantasy? But isn't this an ability that only the True Ancestor can master?"Matou Zouken thought anxiously in his heart.

Although it seems that he has broken free from the constraints, he needs to pay a huge amount of magic power every moment to resist the gravity in the area.

If this situation continues, it will be very disadvantageous for the upcoming battle.

A quick battle, Matou Zouken decided to do so.

"Come at me all at once, don't hold back." Matou Zouken waved his hand, and the surrounding shadows followed his instructions and rushed up one after another.

Countless attacks and moves came overwhelmingly. Although it seemed chaotic, it blocked all the space for the three people to escape, forcing them to face the enemy head-on.

Altria held the holy sword in front of her, and a dazzling light burst out from the sword.

During the time when the two were talking, she did not stand there stupidly and did nothing, but constantly used the technique of releasing magic power to strengthen the power of the holy sword.

The small space underground is not suitable for releasing the holy sword, but the technique of releasing magic power is suitable for dealing with the current situation, although it will put a greater burden on his master.

The rapid extraction of magic power made Emiya Kiritsugu's heart twitch, but he endured it without saying a word.

Altria strode in front of Yu, and the holy sword pointed at the front. All enemies were swept away, and a huge sword energy flew out from the golden sword body, drowning the enemy in the front.

But Altonia's attack was not over yet. While the shadows were being dragged by the first sword energy, she raised the holy sword high. Then she slashed the second sword energy at Matou Zouken. This sword energy was like the dorsal fin of a shark, leaving a deep gully on the ground while rushing towards Matou Zouken.

Facing the incoming attack, Matou Zouken tapped his crutch lightly without panic, and a large number of servants who had been eliminated before lined up in front of him in a defensive posture, blocking the path of the sword energy and consuming the power of the sword energy to nothing.

Then Matou Zouken lightly tapped the crutch in his hand, and the previously eliminated black shadow reappeared on the battlefield. All the servants of the previous Holy Grail Wars gathered in this small underground space.

"I told you, these things are endless, and as long as the Holy Grail exists, they can never be completely destroyed. How many times can you use the attack just now? Once? Twice? It doesn't matter, I can slowly consume you until you all fall."

Matou Zouken shouted fearlessly, and then let the black shadow launch another attack.

"Let me remind you that this is not a good method - for you."

Faced with Matou Zouken's shouting, You replied calmly.

She has never been afraid of anyone in a war of attrition.

Although the magic power she can call upon is very small, in fact, her total magic power is on par with her mother Tiamat.

The only difference between the two is that Tiamat can directly use seawater to launch a tsunami, while You can only use fire hoses to pump water for impact.

In terms of total amount alone, she and Tiamat both have"magic power sufficient for interstellar navigation.


But Matou Zouken didn't know all this.

He just thought that You was just being stubborn after falling into despair, and didn't take her words to heart at all, but You's next move made him uneasy.

You put her hands together in front of her chest, leaving a palm-sized gap, and a small black dot was suspended in the middle.

Suffocating magic power came from her hands,"Since your technique can withstand more than ten times the gravity, what if you don't know this? Okay, this is the trick I just thought of on a whim - the pseudo-black hole.


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