In a slightly secluded coffee shop on a corner of Fuyuki City, Saber, Irisviel, and Yuu sat opposite each other.

"Then let me introduce myself first. My name is You, no last name, just a first name. I came here for the Holy Grail, looking for you - to be more precise, looking for you……"As Yuu spoke, he looked towards Irisviel, and Saber also became alert, blocking Irisviel with her hand,"The Einzbern clan confirms one thing - in the last Holy Grail War, what was the true name of the Servant summoned by you, the Einzbern?"

""Hey!" Being suddenly called out by her name, Irisviel exclaimed in surprise,"Well, my name is Irisviel, you can call me Ellie, or call me Sister Ellie. Then, can I call you Yu-chan?"

""Rebuttal, don't add 'chan' after other people's names, you make me look like a child." Although the name sounds cute, if it is used on oneself, it will give people a sense of social death, so Yu did not hesitate to refute Irisviel's request to address himself.

"But You-chan, you are just a child!"Irisviel said in a familiar manner, completely ignoring You-chan's rebuttal.

"Is that what you mean?! Don’t look at me like this, I am—uh!" You was about to explain to Irisviel that he was an adult, but suddenly it occurred to him that if he really counted by age, he might still be a toddler—not even a month old.

With dark clouds over his head, You’s expression suddenly became gloomy. He couldn’t refute it now, so what should he do?

"It's up to you." You replied, leaning on the table with a bit of frustration.

"Great, I'll call you Yu-chan then." Irisviel clasped her hands together and said

"You're already calling……"Yu said weakly

"Then I ask, Yu-chan, why do you want to know the real names of our Einzbern's Servants who participated in the last Holy Grail War?" Irisviel's expression became serious as the question was asked. Although she looked a little naive and her behavior was a little out of tune, she was not a naive person and would be serious when she needed to be.

Seeing that the other party began to face her seriously, Yu also sat up straight and responded with a serious attitude. She closed her eyes and thought for a while, then opened her eyes and said seriously:"I need this situation to determine my next action, should I cooperate with you or be an enemy of [you]?"

At this time Saber interrupted with a serious face:"Can you make your own decision? Or does your Master not interfere with your behavior?"

Yu shook his head,"I don't have a Master."

"You killed him?" Saber's brows also frowned. If this was true, regardless of whether the cooperation she mentioned was true or not, and whether it would be achieved, even if it was achieved, this kind of guy was not worth trusting.

"No, I didn't kill any Master." Yu picked up the spoon and stirred the coffee in the cup.

"So you put him/her under house arrest?"

You looked at Saber strangely, then picked up the coffee and blew it."No, I don't have that hobby either."

"With a"bang", Saber slammed the table hard,"Are you kidding us?"

"Saber, don't do this." Irisviel quickly pulled Saber, shook her head at him, and motioned her to look around. Saber turned her head and looked around. Although the location of this cafe was a bit remote, it was not deserted. There were still two or three regulars in the huge cafe. At this moment, they were all disturbed by Saber's behavior and turned to look at their table of guests.

Saber sat back expressionlessly, while Irisviel smiled and apologized to everyone, and a commotion was eliminated by her.

Yu finished his coffee leisurely, then let out a long breath,"Huh - I never said that I was a Servant."

"How could it be possible!" This time it was Irisviel who exclaimed, and Saber beside her also had an expression of disbelief on her face.

"What's so surprising?" Yuya looked at Saber with a puzzled expression and said,"Irisviel is fine, but as a Servant, isn't it something you can tell at a glance? Why, ah——"Then she suddenly remembered something, and whispered in a voice that even Irisviel couldn't hear:"I almost forgot that this guy is still alive and not a Servant."

Saber's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment, and the expression on her face almost broke, but she quickly concealed it and no one noticed.

This is her secret, not even her real master Emiya Kiritsugu, or even Elly, told her.

How did the guy in front of her know it? It is rumored that before King Arthur died, he asked the last knight who was with him, Bedivere, to return the holy sword to the lake spirit.

The knight, who was afraid that King Arthur would die, failed to return the holy sword twice in a row, until the third time.

After confirming that Bedivere really returned the holy sword, King Arthur really rested and died.

At this moment, Saber was on her way back from Bedivere's third return of the holy sword.

At this time, she heard the voice of the world and made a contract with the restraining force: if she could get the Holy Grail, then she would dedicate her death to the world.

The reason why she traveled 500 years to participate in the Holy Grail War as a Servant was because the Restraint was fulfilling the contract with her - since the contract was to"give up her afterlife", then of course she was"living in the present" at this moment. Now she was like controlling a body that was exactly the same as her own across time and space. In this state, she was not even a half-baked Servant.

Yu's words raised Saber's inner fear to the highest level. As a military leader, she certainly knew that intelligence about the battle between the two armies was the most important. Before the battle, the opponent had already got a thorough understanding of her intelligence, even the color of their underwear was known, and she didn't even know who her opponent was. So it could be said that this war was half lost before it even started.

"You...——"Saber looked serious and wanted to say something, but Irisviel seemed to notice that something was wrong with the atmosphere and ended the conversation with a voice.

""I'm sorry, Yu-chan. I don't know the real names of the servants who participated in the last Holy Grail War. I have to spend some time to check this matter. I will talk to you about cooperation after I find it out, okay?"

This sentence is half true and half false. The investigation is of course true, but she can't make the decision on the matter of cooperation. She plans to talk to her husband, Kiritsugu, the real master of Saber, after returning before making a decision.

Yu of course doesn't care.

She doesn't care about this matter herself.

Anyway, everything will be known when the Holy Grail appears.

The reason why she talked to Saber's team is just to show the old bugs hiding in the dark.

The information provided by Einzbern can only let himself know which world line he is in a few days in advance.

If they really want to cooperate with him, it's not impossible.

Yu is not afraid of Kiritsugu Emiya's backstab.

Anyway, that guy can't kill him-Yu can feel that he enjoys the same immortality in this world as his mother, Matt.

"Well, Artoria, Irisviel, let's say goodbye now. I look forward to working with you next time we meet." After saying that, You slowly left the cafe and disappeared from their sight.

When You's figure disappeared from their sight, Irisviel looked at Saber with a worried look on her face,"Saber, what's wrong with you? You looked a little abnormal just now."

Saber - Artoria shook her head,"No, I'm fine. I'm sorry to have worried you, Elly. Although it's a bit presumptuous for me to say this, Elly, do you really want to cooperate with that guy?"

Irisviel shook her head and said,"I don't know. Kiritsugu has to make the decision on this matter. I just need to tell him about it. Saber, do you disagree with this?"

"Yes!" Altria admitted without hesitation.

"Why?" Irisviel's face was full of doubt.

"She knows us too well, but her own information is like an unknown black hole to us. If we want to form an alliance with her, this relationship is very unequal."Altria stated her reasons for opposing continued cooperation in a very solemn tone.

Irisviel frowned and pondered the meaning of Altria's words, but finally shook her head helplessly,"It's useless for us to think too much about this kind of thing here. In the end, Kiritsugu has to decide what to do. And, Saber, are you thinking too much? Things like cooperation must start from the unknown and slowly become familiar!"

"You don't understand, Elly. Didn't you notice two things in the conversation just now?"

Irisviel responded to the two things that Altria said.���I was very curious,"Which two things?"

"First of all, I never introduced myself from beginning to end, and even in my time, the name Altria was known to no more than a handful of people.……"At this point, Altria's upper face darkened."She never mentioned where to meet after finding the information?"

Irisviel also noticed something was wrong at this time. The former could be barely explained by the fact that she and Saber were from the same era and knew her secrets; but the latter was terrifying when she thought about it carefully - why didn't they need a place to meet? Because your every move is under my control. (MC: No, you think too much! I just forgot.)

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