The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 95: Middle 2 advanced cancer

   "Herbert, you bastard..."

   Swendy felt that he was about to smoke, gnawing his teeth and swearing to make the other person look good, but I couldn't think of a good opinion for a while.

   He felt that he had been humiliated like never before. He was so angry that he suddenly saw the saber worn by his new captain, pulled it out with a loud noise, and roared, "I'm going to kill you!"

   It was just a clamor, gestures for a long time, but did not really make a move.

   "If I were you, I would never do this." A lazy voice beside him said.

   Swendy was taken aback, only to realize that there were a few more people around him. It was the young Andis who spoke, and said angrily: "Who are you?"

   "Didn't you just keep clamoring to see me?"

   Xiao En still looks mentally depressed. Recently, too many patients have seriously affected his sleep and practice. He has already begun to consider whether to transfer some more staff over or reduce his business.

After all, he conducts medical experiments. Collecting data is the main thing, saving people and curing diseases is the second thing. He does not have a sense of mission to save people in the world. He is not cold-blooded, but in this turbulent world. Wars are the worst disaster to people. , To save more people, not to practice medicine, but to find ways to eliminate the chaos of war, is the fastest.

   "This friend of mine has a bad temper. If he accidentally hurts himself, it won't be beautiful!"

   "You threaten me? What are you? You dare to threaten me?" An angry Swendy pointed at Sean with a long sword and roared, "Do you know who I am? How dare you threaten me?"


   If there is a mirror to take it in, Sean’s expression at the moment is definitely very embarrassing.

   To what extent does this person have to be narcissistic? Do you think that his name and his prominent life experience that everyone in the world should know?

   Although he did know the identity of the other party, it was also because of the butcher of Valesta, and he had deliberately inquired about the reason.

   There are so many normal people, but I forgot that there is such a wonderful species as middle and second juvenile in the world.

There is no doubt that the one in front of you is the best among them. Noble background, rebellious age, and arrogant personality have created the opponent's heavenly boss, the second child, and his third child. He is the savior of the world and the whole world is surrounded. With his strange ideas.

   The best way to deal with this kind of person is to tell him with cruel reality that he is just a tiny piece of dust in this world, and his existence will not change the world at all.

   Xiao En avoided the opponent’s sword, and said without a smile, "Threatening? How come? Even if I give me two courage, I dare not, I just kindly remind you, if you are not willing to listen, you can continue."

Svendy is like a blasted hedgehog, who caught and pierced whom, and sneered: "You think I'm stupid? I can't see that there is something wrong with Sir Herbert. It must be your untouchables. You barbarians do the most. What you are good at is the voodoo Gu technique. It must be what you did to Sir Herbert. That's right, it must be so. Quickly say, what kind of evil you did."

   After listening to the other party’s arrogant speculation, it doesn’t matter whether others believe it or not. Anyway, he believes it himself and is complacent about his intelligence.

   Shaun was stunned, it seems that he underestimated the opponent's second grade.

Svendy said with a haughty look like a cock: "As the fourth heir to the Adolf family and the guardian knight of the Holy See of the Holy See, I order you to immediately restore Sir Herbert to normal. It depends on your healing for Sir Herbert. For good reason, let the past go, otherwise I will hold you legally responsible."

   Xiao En is a typical person who eats soft but not hard. Regardless of his previous life and this life, especially this kind of secondary brain damage, people can't give birth to any good feelings. He just wants to rub on the ground and rub again.

If Swendy and kindly come to the door, Sean may not be able to save face, collect some medical fees and return the Valesta Butcher with both hands. After all, his cooperation with the corpse collector is not righteous, and he has not consulted the client from beginning to end. And the opinions of slave owners.

   It is not how much Sean agrees with this kind of slavery, but the whole environment. The rights of slave owners are protected by law, and his behavior is illegal.

But now, Sean pretended to be stupid and stunned: "Did you admit the wrong person? What Sir Herbert? You mean him? Haha... Sir, you are so funny, look at him, how is he like a jazz? This is simply an insult to the Jazz. You must have admitted the wrong person. This is my servant, the servant who has followed me for many years, the steamed bun! The steamed bun, is it delicious?"

"Bun! Bun! Delicious! Delicious!" When the butcher of Valesta heard Sean's greeting, he held the bun with his hands with a silly smile on his face. He didn't know that he was responding to Sean. He said that the buns are delicious.

"You're talking nonsense! Nonsense, he is obviously Sir Herbert, Herbert? Selter, how did the captain of the guard I brought from the royal capital Valesta become your servant bun? Herbert Selter, you are Herbert? Selter, you are Sir Herbert the Butcher of Valesta, not a **** bun!"

   Svendy is anxious and frustrated. The most typical characteristic of this kind of person is to allow himself to be unreasonable, but not allow others to be unreasonable.

"You must have admitted the wrong person. He is definitely not the Sir Herbert you are looking for. He is the bun, my servant bun." Shaun said with certainty, "Eller, give bun two more cages of buns and another pot by the way. Sheep soup, just eat steamed buns and choke, you see, steamed buns are all hungry and thin recently, take more supplements."

   "Come on, two cages of steamed buns and a pot of lamb soup, come right away."

Eller pulled a long note, deliberately pulling the word bun to be extremely long, and he admired his boss for his ability to reverse black and white. The arrogant little **** had a black face like the bottom of a pot, which made him more comfortable. Cool, ran to the cafeteria next door.

   The food hall and the medical center are not built side by side, but are located on the same street. After all, the medical center comes in and out every day with patients and corpses. If you are neighbors with the restaurant, you don't need to do business in the restaurant.

   But it's a family after all, and there is this small door in a secret corner, which is convenient for people to enter and exit.

Soon two steaming steamed steamed buns came up, and the excited Valesta butcher banged the solid wood table and yelled, "Buns, buns, delicious, buns, like to eat. ,bun……"

   Every time he calls a bun, Shi Wendy's face goes dark, and the whole face is about to become a big Guan Gong, his forehead is sweaty and steaming.

   Seeing that his young master was about to smoke, the head guard jumped out again to brush his presence, and asked: "You said he is your servant bun, what's the matter with his injury?"

"Yes! You are explaining what happened to his injury? Sir Herbert was wounded all over by champion knight Starbucks in the arena, but it was carried out in front of the entire Solo City. You dare to say that he is not. Sir Herbert?" The chief guard reminded Swendy and asked loudly.

   Xiao En said with a sad expression: "My servant went to the Andes Mountains to gather medicine for me. He accidentally rolled down the mountain beam. He was bruised by poisonous thorns and almost died. I can't help him."

The Butcher of Valesta was injured while wearing heavy armor. The wounds crisscrossed, plus the inevitable secondary injuries in the process of dismantling the deformed armor. Some of the more serious wounds were sutured by Sean’s unqualified hand. The half-healed wounds lay crookedly on him like ugly centipedes. It was difficult to distinguish whether it was a sword injury or a scratch. It was convenient for Sean to talk nonsense.

   "You are sophistry, pure sophistry." Swendy had never seen such a shameless person. It was Sir Herbert who was clearly in front of him, so he had to open his eyes and tell lies, what kind of buns it was.

   The most important thing is that Sir Herbert didn't know which of the tendons was wrong, so he kept on agreeing with the other party and ignored himself.

   Debate is not what Shi Wendy is good at. He is usually a rascal. I didn’t expect that today I met a master who is better at opening his eyes and telling lies. I couldn’t find a better reason to refute.

"I'm stating the facts, how do I call it sophistry? I'm in my own home, and you ran over and dragged my servant to insist that it was Sir I retort and change it. Sophistry? This is a place where there is a rule of law.

Sean looked innocent. Since the two sides have broken up, he does not intend to come back. He is totally unreasonable with this kind of late second disease, because when you are reasoning with him, he will entangle you with you, it is better to follow At the beginning, he bit his mouth tightly.

   Shi Wendi babbled for a long time, and finally came out: "Do you know who I am?"

   Sean was once again shocked by the other's strange brain circuit, but still truthfully replied: "You have just introduced yourself, you are the fourth heir to the Adolf family."

   "Do you know the Adolf family?" Shi Wendy seemed to have found his magic weapon to win, and then asked.

"I don't know." Sean was not sloppy this time, but he really didn't know. He only knew that the owner of the butcher in Valtales was a noble heir from the capital of Valtales. As for how big this family is. I don't know to what extent, the complicated aristocratic relationship of the Byron Alliance is one of his shortcomings.

His understanding only stays at the level of the eight major army leaders and the eight major dukes of the Byron Alliance, and the aristocracy below is basically blind. One thing is certain, the opponent is not the eight major military leaders or the eighth duke level, because there is no Adolf in the eight surnames. .

Swendy showed an arrogant look that you dare to follow me, and immediately said with great pride: "The hereditary marquis of the Adolf family, directly loyal to the royal family of Lancelot, owns a 300-kilometer fief, sits on tens of thousands of troops, and I am Most likely to be the heir to the power of the Adolf family, aren’t you afraid?"

   Swendy once again put on the arrogant expression of a cock, a look like my family is awesome, and I am also very awesome, come and kneel and lick me.

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