The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 1033: ?Tree City

"What do you want from me? Do you suspect that the witch did not die, but ran to me? I can tell you clearly, absolutely impossible, I didn't notice any strangeness." The pain of splitting the soul gradually subsided, and Prince Scanba’s sanity was gradually recovering. From a series of actions by Sean, he inferred what he intended to do.

"Since it's not in your soul, it must be in your body." Sean turned his gaze to the body of Prince Scanbaj.

Sean killed the succubus lord Sunelavo's demon's instinct that he would not do anything to save the dead.

She will protect Prince Skambari, absolutely not out of goodwill, but for her own personal purposes.

In that case, survival is the only private purpose.

What Shaun has to do is to eliminate all possibilities.

The blazing rays of light converged on Skamba Day's body.

The corpse that had been lying quietly in Skambari jumped up and ran wildly.

"Haha... you still can't hold back!" Faced with the corpse-like situation, Sean was not surprised and rejoiced. With a big wave, the white light turned into chains and tied the body of Prince Skambari. A sturdy man, he was dragged back without taking half a step, and then more white light gathered on him.

A few seconds later, Prince Scanbaj turned into a torch that was lit and burned.

The power of hell, which is not strong but the color and lustre power is very pure, poured out from it.

The succubus lord Sunelavo's face was looming in it, and said: "If you are cunning enough, cruel enough, such a perfect body, you can actually kill it? But you can never really kill one. The demon lord who owns his own territory is not only a curse of hell, but also a blessing to us. When you come again next time, I will repay the insults and hurts you have put on me today, ten times, one hundred times Here you are, I will destroy everything you cherish and value, and then I will kill you...ahhh..."

"Since I can annihilate you once, I can annihilate you a second time." Sean didn't care about the threat of succubus lord Sunelavo, and at the same time said maliciously, "I really did not completely The ability to kill you doesn’t mean that others don’t. I believe your master was waiting for you on the other side and was impatient. Five years ago, one of her arms was left on our plane, you said Will she be angry with you because of this incident? I believe she must want you to bring back the information about our plane, and I hope you can hold on to our next meeting."

"Asshole..." Shaun, who was not a threat, poured cold water directly on the succubus lord Sunelavo, making her chill from the inside out.

Because she knows very well that this is not a rumor, but the real situation that her demon soul must face after being dragged back to **** by the laws of hell.

The succubus queen Mekanshut is not likely to anger her, but will definitely anger her.

Not only because the succubus queen folded her arm here, but also because she found a space crack leading to a new plane in her territory, she did not report it to the queen at all, but wanted to swallow it alone and take the opportunity to strengthen her strength.

If it succeeds in the monopoly, even if it does not have the strength to be equal to the succubus queen, it will receive the attention and responsibility of the other party because of the skyrocketing strength, and no punishment will be involved.

If it fails, then the title of suspected betrayal will be added.

The succubus lord Sunelavo only cursed a few times, and the rest was a miserable scream.

In order to avoid Sean's eyes and ears successfully, she has very limited power in Prince Skambari's body, and it is integrated with the normal **** power in the body, it is difficult to find his existence.

At least in this respect, Sean was successfully concealed.

Shaun didn't see through her disguise from beginning to end, but simply didn't believe that she would be kind enough to protect Skamba Day.

Soon Sunelavo's last trace of power in the body of Prince Skambaz was burnt clean, and Prince Skambari's body was almost burned.

Although this kind of flame is not a real flame, it is even more terrifying than a real flame for Prince Scanbaj.

When his body was dominated and transformed by Sunelavo, too much **** power was injected into it.

When these **** powers are expelled, Prince Scanbaj’s body will not return to its original appearance, but will be distorted twice and completely destroyed.

And Xiao En didn't worry about throwing him like this, directly incurring an elemental fire, completely cremating it, and finally gathered up the bone scum, ready to pack it away.

At this level, Xiao En still felt uneasy, and also purged and burned her mummy—naturally, the fire used to burn her was not an ordinary flame, but a law of fire.

Ruoyouruowu's wailing came out from the purifying flame.

That kind of voice, is it because of the residual law power in the dry succubus body? Still other means reserved by Sunelavo.

Sean has no way of knowing it, nor is he ready to bother to study it.

The hell's tentacles are not stretched out, and once stretched out, it is difficult to completely eradicate them.

Because in addition to physical invasion, **** also has its own unique means of corrupting thoughts and ideas.

And sensuality is the usual method of the succubus lord.

In the past few years when she was around Ulaanbaatar, it was not only Ulaanbaaji that had corrupted, but the Western Odin Empire represented by it.

As long as those abnormal desires are still there, Sunelawo is not completely killed.

She will continue to spread among the crowd in a corrupt way.

The fight against the devil is a long and eternal process.

Even so, Sean was still worried.

I stayed here for another two weeks, until the huge root system of the Arshan World Tree grew, giving birth to a lighthouse tree, and then he left with confidence.

Lighthouse tree.

As the name suggests, this is the lighthouse where the huge roots of the Arshan World Tree remain on the surface, and it has many functions.

The main function is to monitor the grass and trees in the surrounding area. If you know how to use it, you can also use it to directly talk to Shaun who is sitting in the world tree of Ashan.

However, the main function of this lighthouse tree in the Cook Wasteland is to use the unique purification effect of the Arshan World Tree to purify the **** power and **** remaining here.

The succubus lord Sunelavo’s lock of **** directly affects the law.

The Yongye Army led the bombing with Dongfeng No. 5. Although it was dense, it still remained at the elemental level. This kind of impact was obviously incomplete.

These remaining breaths will have a negative impact on the creatures that live here for a long time.

This is vividly demonstrated in the West Odin Empire that stayed here, looking for traces of Ulaanba Day.

As time goes by, everyone's anger has clearly soared. What was originally just a very ordinary verbal conflict may evolve into a **** conflict.

The most negative effect is the carnal aspect. Many Odin orcs feel that they are like beasts in heat. Some of them can't control their lower bodies. Ghosts and gods get into the camp of their companions, and this is also an important reason for the **** conflict.

By the time they were pushed away from this land, their number had dropped sharply by one-third.

All the Odin orcs who left here didn't even have the courage to look back, and there was an inevitable fear in their eyes.

Since then, Cook Wasteland has a new nickname-Devil Land.

Even if the leader of the Yongye Army took over here and completed the purification and transformation of this place, there are still many Odin orcs who are unwilling to graze here.

After finishing the finishing work on the Cook Wasteland, Sean returned to Ashan Tree City non-stop.

Lingdu Xinbrisang is only the administrative center of Yongyejun.

And Ashan Tree City is the core of the development of Yongye Army Leader.

This tree city is worthy of its name. The entire tree city is built around the Arshan World Tree. The Arshan World Tree is at the center of the entire city. It has a huge umbrella cover like an umbrella, which shades the sky above the city center. No ray of sunlight Go through here.

Whether it is the animals or plants living below, there is no need to worry about the problem of light.

The Arshan World Tree, which is full of huge amounts of energy, glows with a soft emerald green light no matter the day or night.

This emerald light is affectionately called the light of life in Ashan Tree City.

Long-term bathing in this gentle energy light has many benefits to the body and soul. It can improve physical fitness and achieve longevity, and it can nourish the soul and make it stronger.

Although the light of life is shown in the image of light, it is not light, but a kind of energy.

And this energy is bound by the Asaan World Tree.

This relationship is very much like the relationship between elemental energy and mage tower.

Therefore, the light of life becomes a sphere and surrounds the Ashan World Tree. The closer you are to it, the higher the concentration of the light of life, and vice versa.

And this light ball composed of the light of life divides this place into two distinct worlds.

Inside the photosphere, the four seasons are like spring, and the birds and flowers fragrant.

Outside the photosphere, there is a huge temperature difference between the four seasons and day and night, even if it has a large amount of energy perfused by the roots of the Ashe World Tree, there is still scarce vegetation.

The huge root system of the Assan World Tree is not omnipotent.

It can fertilize the land, and there is no way to change the external natural environment.

To be more precise, the cost of changing the external natural environment is too great, especially this polar wasteland, which is even more costly. Instead of spending thoughts here, it is better to send energy directly to the Yongye army leader, even the Odin grassland. , The value created is far higher than here.

Under the leader of Yongye, Sean's status as a lord is higher than that of a god.

Here, Sean’s identity as a **** is much higher than that of a lord, because here, the function of leading the people has been extremely weakened. For many things, Sean only needs a thought and can easily do it. Two-thirds of the leaders here have only one task, and that is to practice and then practice.

The remaining third was to assist Shaun and Asaune's World Tree, the fine work that could not be done.

After Sean returned to the Arshan World Tree, it was like a bird coming home.

The body of the law disintegrated and formed his soul, like a fish, swimming freely in the light of life, and then submerged in the Asaan world tree and entered another world.

And Sean's soul clone is submerged in the ontology that is located at the center of the Arshan World Tree.

"Where is this place?" Prince Skambaj looked around in confusion, and kept looking at himself. He is now the female appearance of the succubus lord Sunelavo playing badly, but he has restored the original male. The posture, but there is no touch, it shows that he is still in the state of soul.

"Second world." Shaun briefly and concisely described the concept of Yongyejun leading the second world to Prince Skambari.

Although it was the first time that Skambari came into contact with this aspect of knowledge, he was born as a shaman, and he sighed sincerely, "When the lord took out the battle flag of the heroic soul, we knew that you were in the soul. With superhuman understanding ability, I didn’t expect to be so tough that you have avoided death perfectly. It’s no wonder that even if you face the cessation of having an angel legion, you won’t be let down. In that case, I will Live here?"

"Maybe in the future, but not now." Sean denied the speculation of Prince Skambari, "I have another deal to make with the Prince."

"There is still a deal?" Prince Skambari said, "I have only one soul left, and I have to rely on your lord to survive. I really don't know what qualifications I have to negotiate a deal."

"Millions of Odin's lives and deaths." Sean said straightforwardly.

"Your lord means, let me come forward to persuade those tribes of the Western Odin Empire?" How clever Prince Skambaj just makes sense.

Xiao En nodded and said: "Your Excellency Prince is a wise man. He should be very clear about the current situation. Your only support against us still no longer exists. His Majesty Ulaanbaaji has also taken in himself.

The rest of the West Odin Empire, no matter how great its momentum, can't change the fact that it is scattered.

Our Yongye Army led to eat the Odin Grassland, it was a matter of time, but the method of eating was different, and the consequences were different.

If someone takes the lead and persuades the proud Odin warriors, the harm to this grassland and the people on this grassland will be minimized. "

"Even if I have the intention, I am powerless!" Prince Skambari said helplessly, "I am dead now. No one wants to listen to the dead."

"As long as your prince is willing to reach an agreement with me, I will naturally help you solve your current predicament and let you stand in front of your people again."

"Your Excellency, don't you want me to use your previous energy clone to perform activities? This is one way." Prince Scambari immediately thought of Sean's favorite energy clone.

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