The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 21: 2 difficult

   Bastille War Room.

   "Naughty animal! Bastard! A bunch of idiots! A bunch of rubbish!" Old Bolton jumped into a thunder, and the commanding table snapped loudly.

Prior to this, Old Bolton had already been mentally prepared, but he did not expect the situation to be worse than he expected. A squadron Cavaliers marksman said that he would be gone if he didn’t. He worked hard and wasted effort. After accumulating for thirty years, he is only a school guard now, one tenth is lost for unknown reasons, and everyone suffers from liver pain. Now he has torn Benson's heart.

"There's nothing about you here, Abel, take him to take a hot bath, eat a full meal, sleep well, and order at any time." The man next to Old Bolton was holding a civilized stick and a gentleman. The dressed middle-aged man picked up the sheepskin scroll that Old Bolton had thrown away, and brushed the dust on it very gracefully.

"I'm happy to help, Sir Sir." The old butler named Abel took the dusty marksman messenger down. After serving in the Bastille for nearly two decades, he naturally knew that this was named Klester. The weight of middle-aged people's speech.

Everyone who discusses life in the Bastille knows that Old Bolton has two right-hand men, Klester the sly fox and Eriksson the bull. There is a popular saying called "I would rather offend Bolton than sly fox. "Focus on", offended the old Bolton, there is no way to die. The desperadoes who put their heads on the belt of the Bastille are all desperadoes who put their heads on their belts. It's better to die. It is said that those half-idiots, half-silly, inhuman and ghost-like guys on the streets of Bastille are his masterpieces.

Kleist has not been following Old Bolton for a long time, only a short ten years, but when it comes to the person who Old Bolton trusts most, Shekrest has no two people, even the sons of Old Bolton. , Nor did he get the trust of old Bolton, and now the 80% of Bastille’s decree is not the hand of old Bolton, but Crest.

Kleist’s life experience is also talked about. The other party seems to have emerged out of thin air. Some people say that he is from Valletta, the capital of the Byron Alliance. Others say that he is from the westernmost part of the mainland and is tens of thousands of people away. In the twin islands far away, some people say that he is a gangster who has committed a crime, and some people say that he is the heir of a great nobleman who has failed to fight for power. For the last point, everyone is quite convinced, because he not only has profound knowledge, but also he Have a perfect impeccable aristocratic style. If there is no training from a young age, ordinary people can't do this. In the words of aristocrats, the aristocratic temperament is revealed from the bones, even if you wear the clothes of the poor , Their words and deeds are also superior, and a poor man, even if he puts him on the most luxurious clothes, is still a Xibei.

   Some behaviors of Kleist also confirmed this in disguise. He likes to be called Sir Kleist.

Sir Klester’s voice is very unique, every sentence with an aria, like an opera stage line: "It’s really crazy, but the other party did catch our painful foot. He Ajel Clarke is nothing. Amazing character, but the fourth in line in the Faerun family, we can’t ignore it.”

Another person next to Old Bolton said with a look of disdain: "The fourth-in-line heir to the shit, unless the three brothers above him are all dead, he will have his share. He is purely an unlearned. Now, the old duke’s favor is mixed into this virtue. Once the old duke is summoned by the Lord, he can live for three years. What's more, he is trapped in the mountains now, waiting for us to send troops to rescue. What are these idiots? What do you think? Ajer is also a nobleman and a man who knows how to make such a low-level mistake? Now he is making such a **** suggestion? I really think that the mountain people are just a bunch of dough, and they can be squeezed. Yuan? He knows how big the Andes Mountains are? How many people are in the Andes Mountains? It really irritates them, let alone a school guard in their district, even our Bastille was taken by them. A spit was drowned."

Speaking of the last, the sound is like a thunder, almost roaring, this person is not someone else, it is the bull Eriksen, another loyal subordinate of the old Bolton, a person is like a nickname, both in height and width are far more than ordinary people, The whole body is like a pile of muscles, and his leather armor is broken and it seems to explode at any time. The most unique thing is his lush hair, plus wearing a horned helmet, which makes him look at him suddenly. A bull is generally no different.

His nickname is not only derived from his appearance, but because of his origin, Eriksson is not a Byron, but from the cattle branch of the Odin Orcs on the Odin Prairie outside the Fracture Mountains. He is an out-and-out orc of the cow tribe, and a person who doesn’t understand the orcs. When he hears the name of the orcs, he immediately thinks of the images of various beasts. In fact, it is quite wrong. The Odin orcs as Andy back then The product of the crazy experiment of the Sorce Empire Warlock uses the Kentana barbarian as a template, and then savagely incorporates the various talent genes of the beast.

Most of the Odin orcs still retain 90% of human characteristics, only a small part of beastization characteristics, and some mixed-races even have no beastization characteristics, except that the taller ones are not very different from the Byrons, which are used to distinguish their internal races. It’s not physical characteristics, but racial talent. Eriksson’s racial talent is the power of a bull. Once activated, his power will increase by 30% in a short period of time. Don’t think that the proportion is small, Eriksson He is good at strength himself, once his talent is turned on, he is like an angry wild bull, unstoppable.

I don’t know if coincidence is inevitable. People with heavier animalization characteristics have stronger talents, and vice versa. Therefore, Odin orcs have paid more and more attention to maintaining animalization characteristics in recent years. Just like those nobles, they began to have a purpose. Marriage is used to maintain the purity of the next generation.

It is a very strange thing for a purebred Odin orc to appear on the land of the Byron Alliance, especially if it is reused, it is even more strange. In the eyes of every Byron, the Odin orc is a barbaric. , Blood, and madness. Only the dead Odin is a good orc. Otherwise, even with shackles, the Odin is not safe.

The Bull Erickson has followed Old Bolton for much longer than Kleist the creepy fox. When Old Bolton opened up the Bastille, he already followed the other side. If it is said that Kleist belongs to Old Bolton. Think tank, Eriksson is the sharp sword in the hands of old Bolton, wherever he refers to it, even after thirty years, it is still extremely sharp.

   Kleist always had a constant smile on his face, "Your Excellency, how do you think about this matter?"

"It's not easy. Just treat this letter as if it doesn't exist, and let those idiots fend for themselves in the mountains." The method given by the bull Eriksson is simple and rude. In fact, he wants to hear it from his mouth. The suggestion of abandoning the horns is basically impossible. Most of the Odin orcs’ IQs are below the passing line, because the warlocks of the Andes Empire used them as a kind of biological war machine. Those crazy warlocks believed that the IQ was higher. The more low animal nature is, the off-road savage will be, and the higher the combat power will be. This argument is not wrong. The Andis Empire was almost destroyed by the Odin Orcs who had been backlashed.

"If things are really that simple, your Lord City Lord doesn't need to be so angry. Whether it is the fourth in line of the Faerun family or Ajer, it is not terrible. The terrible thing is the old duke." Rather than rebutting Eriksson, it is more appropriate to say to Old Bolton, "The old duke is worried that our Bastille is not a day or two, but the lord of the city has always been loyal, and the other party can’t force it. The fourth-in-line heir to the Faerun family died in the mountains, and we ignore it. That will become a real excuse. Then the old duke will propose to control the Bastille under his own hands. Anyone will choose. Not half of it will come."

   Old Bolton's face changed, and water was about to drip down gloomily, "You said this was the game that the old guy set up deliberately?"

The more you think about this, the greater the possibility. The old things in the mouth of Old Bolton are not others, but the object of his allegiance. The supreme ruler of the Manyu army, the contemporary patriarch of the Faerun family, the Duke of Faerun, Borg * Slav * Fei Lun.

Time can change many things. It can not only turn a strong and powerful young man into an old man, but also a warrior into a coward, and it can also turn a wise man into a mediocre person~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The former desert lion has long lost the wise and majestic strength of the year, but the desire for power has never been weakened, or even more prosperous, trying to control everything in his own hands. Man Yu has led the army for more than ten years. I have been turbulent, saying that those local nobles rebelled, but Old Bolton did not see a real rise of local nobles. More often, the lands that were entrusted have returned to the hands of the Faerun family. Now the Man Yu Army Leading unprecedented concentration of power.

Unknowingly, the Bastille has become the largest independent force outside the Faerun family. It not only has the largest private army of nobles, but also has a cornucopia of money that keeps spraying money out of the Bastille. If old Bolton was smart If you hand over the Bastille and the military power in your hand, whether you go to the capital or the capital, be a lord who keeps himself safe, and the old duke will never be stingy with a hereditary earl.

But the power is not something that can be put down, especially the Bastille was created by old Bolton with painstaking effort, and it is even more impossible to hand it over easily, even if the other party is his loyalty, so now both parties The relationship is tense.

   The Duke of Phelan has never used the Bastille strongly. In addition to worrying that once the Bastille is used, it will have a certain impact on the slave trade and the gladiatorial cause of the Manyu army. Another reason is that he has not found a suitable excuse.

Even if Duke Faerun is the supreme ruler of the Manyu army, if there is no valid reason, he can't take back the confederated territories casually. If it is too much, it will cause the anxiety of all the local nobles and unite to rebel. It's a small matter. Once you join other military leaders, it will be troublesome. If there are noble forces from other military leaders intervene, you will either fight a war between the military leaders or endless wrangling. Any option is a big trouble.

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