The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 40: Miscalculation

   Speak seriously.

   Old Bolton is not ignorant of Sean.

Everything about the Bastille is closely related to the Andes Mountains. Just as the Andes mountain people always pay attention to the movements of the Bastille, the Bastille also pays attention to the Andes Mountains all the time, especially the more than ten years old. Bolton no longer waited for the ghost slaves to emerge, but after he consciously began to train the ghost slaves, he took control of the information in the Andes Mountains to a higher level-of course, this kind of intelligence is not instant intelligence , By the time all kinds of information reach his hands, usually a year and a half have passed, but on the whole it is enough, after all, he only needs to grasp whether there is a large power rising in the mountain.

In recent years, Sean Tang has appeared frequently in his intelligence, but it’s not a big deal. It is more of a variety of good names and has a good reputation among young Andis mountain people. The above is a natural awakening fire warlock. It is said that he was born with wisdom, learned and wise, and was kind and helpful from childhood, and took pleasure in teaching orphans.

Old Bolton’s attention to him is also limited to this. After living for so many years, he has seen a lot of various geniuses, and most of the geniuses of his age have grown taller on the graves. The geniuses are often accompanied by various geniuses. This kind of struggle, which made them famous, also brought them a lot of unexpected dangers. Playing with fire will naturally catch fire, and some geniuses will eventually become annihilated as they age. Many geniuses are self-bragged, even if you are really capable, but when you are indulged in the aura of genius and cannot extricate yourself, it is natural to be left behind over time. It is undeniable that there are Geniuses who have achieved success are rare.

Old Bolton had seen that the greatest genius among the Andis mountain people was Derrick, the King of Andes. The speed of his rise was so fast that he had not waited for him to fully react. The opponent was already on the ground, but died. After a tough battle that was not hard, the genius fell like a meteor, still falling in his hands.

   It seems that he underestimated this young man.

"Send sentinels, send a few more outposts, no, send the marksman team out, send out all the marksman, must find out the current situation of the Bastille." Old Bolton did not shy away from Clayton, It is inevitable that generals with a little bit of military knowledge will not make their own combat plans based on other people's intelligence, and send their own people to verify the information.

The scavenger Clinton was not only not displeased, but very happy. This means that the other party attaches great importance to the information he brings, and his mature and steady style means that the other party has not lost his footing by this bad news, which has increased his confidence somewhat. Min, he has now been forced to tie up with Old Bolton, and he sincerely hopes that he can win the final victory in this war.

"Yes." The Bull Eriksson took the order, and the level of anxiety in his heart was no less than that of Old Bolton. The Bastille was not only the painstaking effort of Bolton in his life, but also the painstaking effort of his life, if conditions did not allow it. , He wanted to personally lead the team to check the status of the Bastille.

"Tell me about the young genius." As expected of a man who has experienced countless storms and waves, Old Bolton quickly regained his control over his emotions because he knew that anger and anger cannot change the fact that has already happened. .

   "This... I really don't know much. I have not dealt with him as many times as I have dealt with Lord Santos."

"Then know how much to say." Old Bolton focused his attention on Sean. Skullcrusher McGee knew too well. It was just a foolish man who could not make a major event. Bastille was captured. , The core problem is still with this young man as the dominant one, trying to restore this person's style of doing things from the other's past behavior, but he is doomed to be disappointed.

The Scavenger Clayton's knowledge of Sean is indeed limited. Apart from knowing that he is a talented warlock, has a warlock mother, has good medical skills, and has adopted a group of orphans in the mountains, everything else is just hearsay. However, he himself could not distinguish the true from the false. Most of them were praises, and most of them were about medical skills.

   This is not too different from the information that old Bolton has. This undoubtedly shows a problem. Although the other party is a hairy boy, his style of work is impeccable. Many old foxes can't do it. It is definitely a difficult opponent.

After a brief discussion, Old Bolton did not immediately return to the Bastille. Instead, he divided his troops into two places. Old Bolton led the main force to be stationed on the spot, and the Bull Erickson led two guards. The starry night rushed to the great knight Ajie. The location of Seoul, the implementation of rescue work.

The plan could not keep up with the rapid changes. The situation in the Bastille suddenly changed, and the fourth heir of the Faerun family who was still waiting for rescue in the mountains changed from a hot potato to a piece of sweet pastry. If necessary, you can use him to ask Fei. The Lun family exchanged for corresponding help. Regardless of whether the fourth-ranked heir lying in the mountain was treated or not, as long as he was named as the Faerun family, the Faerun family could not completely ignore him.

Secondly, there is a real knight there. They rescued the Bastille they lost. If Old Bolton counterattacks the Bastille, it is reasonable and reasonable, the other party should provide help. At this time, one The joining of the great knights is very helpful to them. With the addition of the Bull Eriksson, they will have two great knights in charge. At that time, they will form a high-end force to oppress the enemy who only has McGee the Skullcrusher. The great knight who does not have the corresponding high-end force to contain will be a humanoid breaking the battlefield.

The straight-line distance between Old Bolton and the slave hunters was no more than 100 miles. Even if the road was a bit winding, the Bull Eriksson had already found the easy camp of the slave hunters before sunset the next day. The tragedy inside, even a veteran of the battlefield like Erickson, couldn't bear to look directly at it.

  The riot at the mountain beam, due to armor protection, even if it rolls down the mountain beam, the probability of surviving slave soldiers is as high as 50 or 60%.

   Things that seemed extremely lucky, in the absence of doctors and medicines, became extremely cruel. The wounds that were not treated in time began to pus and rot, exuding a disgusting breath.

All kinds of flies and insects are flying all over the sky. It is obviously late autumn, and the temperature difference between day and night is extremely great. It is obviously not suitable for most insect activities, but so many insects come out from there. Many wounds have white flowers and fat maggots coming in and out. , Makes people shudder.

Ajer had already set up a new stove with the uninjured people, and established another smaller camp not far away, but the location was not very good. The camp was also full of strong rancid smell, and many soldiers' faces were a little bit. Something is wrong, there are people who have a cold or a fever.

   "Retreat, retreat, retreat, hurry up!" The bull Eriksson retreated from the camp at an astonishing speed, like a rabbit being chased by a hunter.

"Help us, please, give me some water, it's so hot, it's really hot, give me a little bit of cold water." Some of the slave soldiers who could move saw outsiders coming and stood staggering. Got up and wanted to ask for help.

   "Let's release the arrows, hurry up and don't let them approach us." The bull Eriksson's expression changed wildly, and he roared out of control.

   "But, they are our own people, the people we want to respond to." The adjutant looked a little ugly.

"Idiot." The Bull Eriksson drew out a guard's spear and threw it out with his backhand. The reason why the knights and knights are terrible is not only because of their terrifying physical fitness, but their physical fitness. After reaching a certain level, other things derived from reaching the level of a knight will greatly increase the perception of the five senses. This is shown in the use of bows and arrows and spears, which are quite technical long-range throwing weapons. To be precise, , The accuracy of his head increased greatly. The slave hunter in the front was thrown a spear through his chest on the spot, nailed in place, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. I don't know if it was the cause of the dark night. The blood spurted out by the opponent was dark in the air. The fishy smell is stronger.


At this time Eriksson’s guards all reacted, and at the same time a terrifying term jumped into his mind. All hesitation and pity disappeared. Without hesitation, he sent out the spear and bow and arrow in his hand, and sent out those who had been. 'S companion, crucified in place.

   "Help us, we are our own!"

   "Help! Help!"

   "Our rescuer is rescuer is here!"

Hearing the movement, more slave hunters, supported by a strong desire to survive, dragged their bodies full of pain to the side, hoping that the new reinforcements could carry holy water for healing and help them out of the sea of ​​pain. Relief, but what awaits them is the arrow of their companions-death may also be a good way to relieve pain.

"Don't fall in love, go." The Bull Eriksson issued an order to retreat. Out of caution, his army had set up a camp a few miles away. He brought only a dozen guards over to see the situation. Judging from the situation, his caution allowed them to escape. He knew that they were not fighting the slave soldiers, but the demons in these soldiers. They had no chance of winning, and the longer they fought, the possibility of their failure. The greater the sex.

   Bull Eriksson returned to the camp non-stop, without delay for a minute, and retreated more than ten kilometers at night. If it weren't for the mountain is really not suitable for the night road, he retreated to the heart of the Bastille in one breath.

As soon as it got light, the Bull Eriksson couldn’t wait to urge the army to get up and go. When the word of the disease spread among the soldiers, none of the soldiers complained, and only hated his parents for giving birth to them. With two legs, you really can run as fast as you can, and as far as you can.

"My lord, that group of people have been following us far away. Do you want to gather archers and shoot them?" Eriksson’s lieutenant lieutenant, this time finally became smarter, not only in A sentinel was released in front of the team, and he also left his eyes behind his team. Because no soldiers were willing to fall behind, he personally led the team to stay behind. He didn't expect it to be really rewarding, since they came out of the slave camp. , There have been a group of more than a dozen knights following them not far away.

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