The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 689: Get what you want

"You don't need to speak it in words. Furum probably doesn't understand our words. It senses what we express through telepathy. It is a master of natural recognition of lies. If you say it insincerely, it will perceive it for the first time. Here." Dragon Soul Clarence explained on the side.

"No wonder." Xiao En suddenly realized, "Can you ask it, do you know where the digging purple bug has gone?"

"You can just ask it directly. Just stare at its eyes, and you can perceive its thoughts, provided that it wants you to perceive it." Dragon Soul Clarence is not very cold about acting as an interpreter.


Furum gave out a jet of joy.

Even if Sean didn't establish his mental perception with him, he knew the answer to his question just now.

Shaun still followed the method taught by Dragon Soul Clarence, staring at Furu's eyes, and soon a telepathy that could not be spoken was established.

Some thoughts came to Sean's mind involuntarily. Most of these thoughts were not to answer Sean's questions, but to ask questions to Sean.

For example, Sean and the others, what did they do here, why did Clarence and the Giant's Soul become what they are now?

When these questions appeared in Sean's heart, even if he was not ready to answer the other party's questions, the corresponding answers still appeared in his heart involuntarily.

This is entirely an instinct of thinking and facing problems.

When this question came to mind, it meant that Furum, who had established a sensory connection, got the answer he wanted.

If there is no professional training, there is no resistance to this kind of inquiry.

Dragon Soul Clarence only called it a master of lie recognition, which really underestimated its ability. If it cooperates properly, it can immediately become a master of interrogation.


Furu got the answer she wanted, and the pink that represented joy floated all over her body.

Although dragon souls and giant souls, such dead souls should be classified as evil, their souls have been washed by the power of law. The soul container made by Sean also incorporates the power of law, and they immediately Transformed into a lawful camp.

Naturally, he was recognized by Fururu who was pure-minded and naturally lawful and kind.

Of course, Sean would not answer questions passively, and took the opportunity to raise his own questions.

For example, did you see purple bugs digging in the ground and their final destination?

Are there any other intelligent creatures here, such as mushroom people?

How big is the scope of this underground world, whether there are areas with high energy concentration, etc.

Furu is worthy of being a ghost in the ground, coupled with its powerful invisibility and spiritual perception capabilities, it is naturally capable of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Therefore, although the strength is not strong, but the survivability is very strong, the entire underground area is covered with its footsteps.

This underground area is much larger and much longer than Sean imagined.

According to Furu, it has lived here for nearly a thousand years, but I don’t know if the way it records time is different from that of humans.

Dragon Soul Clarence's guess was right, there is indeed a fungus-man association here, and most of the fungus forest here is grown by them.

However, it is not this group of mushroom people who dominate the existence here.

There are two great existences, one good and one evil.

The kind side is a legendary guardian naga.

The evil side is the legendary lich.

The two sides fought a thousand-year-old secret underground war here, in order to compete for energy nodes that can open the door of space.

The legendary lich wants to open the door of space, go to the dark area with more energy, and pursue stronger power.

The purpose of the legendary guarding naga was created to protect the energy nodes and prevent people from opening the door of space here without authorization, bringing devastating disasters to the entire world.

At the beginning, the two sides were evenly matched, and both were unkillable. Even if it was a short-term death, it would not take long to resurrect.

But as time went by, the legendary guard naga slowly began to fall into a disadvantage.

Because the legendary lich is constantly using its evil power to create undead slaves, preparing to pile up dead legendary patrol naga.

Gulu knew where the purple worm was digging, but he wanted to tell him that he had to help it do one thing, which was nothing else.

It is precisely to eliminate this growing evil force that threatens the peace of all the creatures here, the legendary lich.

"This is the lawful kindness in your mouth? It's quite qualitative. Use a message in exchange for the life of a legendary lich. Although I don't know what the concept of a legendary lich is, it is definitely not something that can survive for thousands of years. Good stubble." Sean squinted at the dragon soul Clarence, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Damn, even if you are more adorable, you can't mess with the conditions.

Even if it is to win the energy node here, it is something that I must do in the future, it is also my own initiative to do it, rather than being threatened.

"It did this because of its lawful and kind instinct." Dragon Soul Clarence took it for granted. "If you know its life habits, you won't blame it so much. The Furum clan belongs to the weird. The psionic creatures of, they don’t eat normal food, but feed on some powerful psionic creatures or existing spiritual energy. The one that provides the most food here should be the legendary lich who destroyed him. Furu himself may also lose his food source."

"Mother, these alien creatures are really troublesome." As soon as Sean rolled his eyes, he immediately adjusted his mind, adjusted his mood, and made some mental construction for himself, before turning to grunt, "Little guy, let's change one. In other words, I should be the son of the plane in your conception. It is my unshirkable responsibility to protect the harmony and stability of this world. Even if you don’t ask for it, I will take action against this legendary lich sooner or later, because of what it looks at. Energy nodes will be the biggest hidden danger in this world.

But we don't understand the situation here. If we rashly intervene, it is very likely that war will be triggered in advance. If we fail to destroy the Legendary Lich, we will be in trouble.

I am more inclined to investigate the situation here in detail and then send a powerful army to eradicate this evil force in one fell swoop.

But it is essential to bring my army over and tame the earth-digging purple worm, and the earth-digging purple worm is also related to another energy node, which is larger than the energy node here. The threat is also greater, and we must deal with it first. "

Sean's tone and eyes are as sincere as he can be.

Because what he said was not deceitful or false.

He just hid all his personal purposes in awe-inspiring righteousness.


Furlu's big eyes swayed involuntarily, and his body was in a pleasant light pink, which obviously agreed with Sean.

But it always feels a bit wrong, and a bit unspeakable.

Furlu's eyes finally turned to the dragon soul Clarence, who believed in this dragon soul who was in the same camp as his own, compared to a human with a changeable temperament like Sean.

Dragon Soul Clarence nodded with a serious look; "I can testify to this point. The master is the son of the plane of this world. This is what I have witnessed with my own eyes. It is precisely because of sharing the power of the law in him. I was able to maintain my saneness. With this body, the master, as a lord, is more or less tainted with evil aura, but the overall body is lawful and kind. You can trust me like you. , Trust him."


Furu shook his big eyes, turned and flew forward, directly using his actual actions to express his choice.

It really works.

A hint of joy flashed across Xiao En's face, and he felt that he had touched the way to deal with these alien creatures.

Many things, whether it is good or evil, can't be so clearly distinguished, it all depends on the perspective from which one looks at the matter.

For example, let's talk about mining energy mines.

Sean spared no effort to mine here, of course, to dig out more energy crystals for the development of the territory, this is absolutely selfish behavior.

But in terms of plane safety, emptying the energy crystals here is to maintain the safety of plane laws.

Emphasizing the former or emphasizing the latter are two ways of speaking.

The same goes for hunting and digging purple bugs.

It depends on how to enlarge and beautify this matter.

It is easy to fool Furu who is innocent, but difficult to fool the old and cunning dragon soul Clarence. This guy looked at him with deep meaning.

It seems that in private, it is necessary to communicate with good students. Its lawful and kind golden sign is quite easy to use.

With Furlu, the ghost in the ground, Sean and the others' speeds have obviously increased a lot, and they have avoided a lot of places with many underground races.

If there is no Furlu, Sean and the others will have to fight a few battles before they can pass there smoothly.

After all, they can only follow the traces of the digging purple bug. That guy is also a dominant existence here. It is because other creatures see it and walk away. There is no reason for it to avoid other creatures.

For a while, the burrowing purple worm even walked through the core battlefield of the legendary lich and the legendary guarding naga. If there is no Furlu, this little guy comes to the door, maybe Sean and the others are already unprepared. Under the circumstances, it collided with the undead slave of the legendary lich and caused a conflict.

In view of this situation, Sean doesn't know whether to say that the little guy Fururu is smart or stupid.

On this journey, Sean was an eye-opener, fully witnessing the diversity of species in the dark regions.

Fungus people, deinonychus, gray dwarves, underground gnomes, Zedi bear people, cavemen, etc., these relatively common creatures in the dark regions have seen them, except for the famous drow elves. .

Having said that, if the drow elves really appeared here, it would not be a matter of the legendary lich and the legendary guarding naga duo competing for hegemony, but the three legs fighting against each other, or the drow family dominating. Enslaved all living beings.

The ancestors of many creatures here came through the door of space inadvertently to escape the cruel rule of the drow.

The area here is much larger than Sean imagined.

In addition to the repeated cultivation of the burrowing purple worms, there are naturally formed gray dwarves and underground dwarves who have continued to excavate and organize for many years. In Furlu's own words, there is already the scale of a complete dungeon.

As for the land-digging purple worm returning here, it is really because the rich metal ores here, especially the metal ores under the energy node, which has been infiltrated by countless years of energy, is its favorite. He even built a giant nest here.

When Xiao En and the others, under the leadership of Furu, touched the burrowing purple worm's nest, the guy was curled up and fell asleep, apparently healed in this way.

Sean yelled in his heart, God helped me too.

Since meeting the little guy Furlu, my luck in this underground hunt is being reversed.

Not only found the opponent easily, the current battlefield is also very conducive to fighting.

The old nest of the digging purple bug is built on metal mines. These metal mines that have been soaked in energy exude a dark luster, so that there is no way to see things here.

The most important thing is that the space for digging the purple worm’s nest is large enough to allow them to deploy tactics.

Under Xiao En's order, the three giant souls, sticking to the wall of the cave, cautiously wandered past, and surrounded the digging purple worm in a four-cornered manner with the dragon soul.

But in terms of size, their enveloping contrast looks a little ridiculous.

The ground-digging purple worms coiled into a group were huge and somewhat terrifying, like a small hill, in the dim light, you could not even see his full picture.

But Xiao En dare to say to surround it, naturally he has his own confidence.

"Do it!" Following Sean's order.

The dragon soul and the giant soul uttered a roar at the same time, the soul rushed out of the small soul container, and at the same time plunged into the huge body of the earth-digging purple insect.

However, when they came out of the body of the digging purple worm again, they had already pulled a part of the purple worm's soul in their hands, and began to madly pull out.


The digging purple worm only had time to make a half-scream, and its body completely froze there.

Without the control of the soul, no matter how strong your body is, it is still an empty shell, a vegetative person.

It is almost zero if you want to tame the digging purple bug by conquering the flesh.

Now Sean should stop going and start with his soul consciousness.

The result was as good as Sean expected. Even if the Digging Purple Worm is stronger than the Dragon Soul Clarence, it still has three helpers!

Caught off guard The soul of the digging purple bug was dragged out half of the spot on the spot.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Digging Purple Worm was obviously unwilling to tie his hands so easily, twisting his soul crazily in the air.

Affected by the part of the body that was still in the body, the flesh body of the digging purple worm also twisted crazily, like a big cabbage worm, tumbling its body crazily.

The mountain shook suddenly.

"Be honest with me." Xiao En pointed his hand, and an ice spear immediately shot out, firmly nailed into the body of the ground digger.

The cold air permeated, and the purple carapace and the muscles underneath changed color at the same time.

The digging purple bug not only shivered with pain in the body, but even the soul twitched involuntarily.

With this twitching effort, the soul was immediately dragged out by the dragon soul and the three giant souls.

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