The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 809: Mutual use

The latest website: "Okay, stop fighting." Ulaanbaaji waved his hand impatiently, "Everyone is planning for the future of the tribe, and the two can't work together? I believe that based on the knowledge and talents of the two Once united, it will inevitably be able to exert strength beyond ordinary people and achieve an earth-shattering cause."

"I have always wanted to cooperate with the chief." Barnett owed a salute to Ulaanbaa Day. "It's a pity that the chief has too deep a prejudice against me and has always refused to give me such an opportunity."

"Humph!" Skambari snorted, and he didn't know whether it was dissatisfaction with Ulaanbaa's reaction, or the answer to Barnett's words just now.

A faint displeasure flashed across Ulan Bari's face, but after all, he was not the kind of mediocre person, and would not distinguish the distance between the two sides based on the attitude of the other party.

No matter how respectful Barnett was to himself, he was just an envoy sent by Narentoya to assist him, even like Scanbar, in every word and deed of the other party, don’t even hide. For the purpose, but this purpose is beyond their imagination.

And even if Scanba Day is rude to himself, he is still planning for the future of The Odin Empire.

This time he was able to break through the line of broken veins. The mist created by Barnett and his blood sacrifice can only be said to account for 70% of the credit, and the remaining 30% is completed by Scanbari led by a group of Theodin Empire generals. of.

The scandal of Scanba Day shows that the situation under the Siodin Empire has indeed become bad to a certain extent.

Ulaanbaaji, who was thinking about it, turned his gaze to Barnett and said: "Can the envoy give me an accurate date? How many days will the blood sacrifice last? How many animals are needed? Can it not be done through a one-time blood sacrifice? Now that the line of defense has been broken, my army cannot stay here indefinitely. It must take advantage of the fact that the opponent is not fully prepared, go south in a big way and expand the results."

"This..." Barnett's words were embarrassing. "The exact time is very difficult to give. This depends on the internal resistance of the blood castle. The more intense their resistance, the longer it takes, as for one time. Sexual blood sacrifice, it’s not impossible. It’s just that the consumption is more than three times the normal consumption. Originally only one million large animals would be needed. If this happens, it will require more than three million."

"More than three million?" Whether it was Ulaanbaatar or Skamba day, they all took a breath.

The one million animals in Barnett’s mouth were not ordinary animals, but large animals.

Under normal circumstances, large animals generally refer to cattle and horses, and sheep need to pay three to one.

In Barnett, humans are considered to be very large animals, one can equal three.

If it were the peak of the Western Odin Empire, it would be difficult to raise a large animal of three million, but it would take some time to do it.

But for an empire that has been fighting for years and has suffered a lot of energy that has already invested no less than this number, it is an astronomical number.

Once this number of livestock is drawn, the West Odin Empire will not only lose its vitality, but will most likely fall apart at that time. Facing the empty Byron alliance, it will also be unprofitable. .

Even the normal blood sacrifice of one million is a heavy burden for the current Siodin Empire.

"What if we stop the blood sacrifice now?" Ulan Bari has had to consider stopping the use of this unconventional method.

"If you stop now, although the divine power that enveloped the blood fortress of Fracture will not disappear immediately, it will continue to weaken. It cannot exist forever as I promised. If the resistance inside is strong enough, it will even accelerate the divine power. Disappearing speed." Barnett answered truthfully, "Your Majesty will face more than just a broken-mouthed blood ride, it may even be an enemy that cannot be measured by common sense. If that happens, your Majesty will not blame me. Did not remind you."

"An enemy that can't be measured by common sense? What exactly? Why did it happen? Didn't you say before that, in front of your great true God, the mundane force led by Cedric would not have any resistance at all? The current resistance? What's going on? Also, why didn't you tell your majesty about this matter before the blood sacrifice? Is it because we don't propose to terminate the blood sacrifice, and you are not going to tell us? This is a fraud!" Trouble.

This time, even Ulaanbaa’s face was embarrassed.

Just like what Skambari said, this is a kind of conscious concealment, a kind of deceit, and there are even ulterior motives hidden in it.

Barnett was not embarrassed by the accusation at all. In other words, he himself had no emotion in this area and said smoothly; "These questions the chief asked are too naive. In this world, is there a perfect plan? If someone can design it, it’s no longer a human being, but a god. Isn’t it a normal thing to have various emergencies? At the beginning, I have already said that this method, we are also the first One attempt, there will be unforeseen emergencies, don't you agree? How do you talk about this matter now?

As for enemies that cannot be measured by common sense, they are purely literal. They are likely to be like our undead warriors. They are not afraid of pain, fearless, and do not need supplies, because the situation will be beyond my control. Can't give an accurate answer. "

"You..." Skambari couldn't help but get angry, but thinking about Barnett's words carefully, it is indeed as he said.

In the case of the West Odin Empire rushing to the hospital, the other party did mention these things to them lightly, but they were ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

Barnett once again mentioned the old thing: "But rest assured, your majesty, we have several emergency plans. We can help your majesty transform his warriors into undead warriors, or send a death squad into the supernatural power zone. I believe that with our help, It will speed up the cleaning of the enemy."

"I'll consider this matter carefully, you go down first." Ulaanbaaji believed that Barnett had a ghost at this time, and directly drove him out of his camp.

"Your Majesty, hello anytime, I'll just wait outside." Barnett walked very cleanly, as if he didn't feel it at all. Ulaanbaaji had already become prejudiced against him and no longer trusted him as before. Him.

After Barnett walked out of the camp, Ulaanbaaji did not speak, but cast a probing look at Skambari.

Skamba knew his mind, his body shone with white light and circled the entire camp.

Immediately in the entire camp, Barnett's unique cold breath dissipated.

Skambari nodded at Ulaanbaaji and said: "Safe, the other party did not play tricks."


The table case in front of Ulaanbaj was directly set off by him. The anger in his heart that he tried to cover up instantly soared and was about to gush out. He roared, "This bastard, as his uncle said before, there is a big The problem is that they are using us to achieve their ulterior purposes, ass, ass, ass..."

Ulaanbaaday and Skamba Day, just now in front of Barnett, with a red face and a white face, staged a double act.

The purpose is self-evident, just to get something substantial from Barnett.

Although the goal just wasn't fully achieved, some substantive things were detected from the opponent's mouth.

"One is the living and the other is the living dead. The two sides exist in a model, and there is essentially a conflict. How can the goals be the same? It is nothing more than mutual use. We use their unconventional methods to open the gap in the line of defense. They thought Use us for their ulterior purposes."

The current situation was completely reversed, Ulaanbaatar was raging, and Skamba day was calm, the previous look of anger was completely disguised.

"What is their purpose? Uncle has eyebrows?" After venting the evil fire that was previously suppressed, Ulaanbaaji's powerful self-control once again took the upper hand, regaining control of his reason and emotions.

"Their purpose is not completely without traces to follow. Although their current form of existence is different from ordinary people, they are transformed by humans. Some things will not jump out of this category." According to the analysis of intelligence, “their needs for material aspects have changed, but their pursuit of rights has never changed. They took the initiative to send people to assist us, with two goals.

One is to use us as an arrow to weaken or tear the line of defense against the broken veins. This line of defense is not only an obstacle for us to go south, but also theirs.

The second is that we will be experimenting with their new tactics, so that we can assist them in attacking cities in the future.

As for whether there are other purposes hidden in the blood sacrifice or in this mist, it is still unknown if it is limited by the information currently available.

But one thing is certain. Their purpose has not been fulfilled. We hope that we will continue to increase investment and the initiative is still in our hands to a certain extent.

We also don't need to fully understand their purpose. We only need to interrupt the blood sacrifice to make their purpose fail.

As I said earlier, our purpose is to use them to help us break through the line of defense, not to turn the whole world into a world of the living dead.

Our goal has now been achieved, there is no need to continue to follow them crazy.

Now we have reached the stage where the more we invest in Broken Blood Castle, the more we lose.

Your Majesty, just heard it, even if we completely terminate the blood sacrifice now, the fog that enveloped the blood fortress will not completely disappear.

It doesn't take too long. It only takes a week for our army to cross the line of defense from all over the place and fully enter Byron. At that time, even if the blood cavalry led by Cedric is intact, we will be helpless.

They have been exposed to that kind of high concentration of negative emotions for a long time, even if they are determined iron-blooded warriors, they may go crazy and brandish swords at the people around them, let alone ordinary people.

According to Barnett’s cunning character, encouraging us to use so many animals as sacrifices will never create a mist of negative energy covering the blood fortress.

I once sent a few elite rangers to explore the situation inside.

Most of them have gone and never returned, only one cowardly deserter, who fled the battle, escaped back, and then went completely crazy, shouting monsters all the time, he must have seen some kind of terrifying monster in the mist, and was shocked to be here. Vice appearance.

Even if it’s the case on the periphery, one can imagine what happens inside.

Therefore, I have reason to believe that Cedric and his blood ride are likely to be a thing of the past, and Barnett is just to allow us to add follow-up investment and want to control us through intimidation. "

Skambari’s well-founded and progressive analysis made Ulaanbaa’s nod and say: “Uncle’s analysis is very reasonable. We were a bit stunned by Barnett’s very acceptance. Since then, he has been led by his nose, and the best way to make this guy feel uncomfortable is to prevent him from getting what he wants. I will give my life and let the army gather and prepare."

"Your Majesty doesn't need to be so impatient. Although we don't want to be controlled by the other party, we haven't gotten to the point where we can completely tear our faces. We can leave some people here with Wang Zhang, and the army will go south in secret. , It can not only maintain the current situation of the blood fortress to the greatest extent, not cause trouble for our southward, but also can confuse Byron's various forces. Your Majesty should be aware of the erratic temperament of the Commons family, which is now in Miracle Peninsula. The side is full of emptiness. Once we get news that our main force has completely crossed the line of defense, it will inevitably launch a surprise attack on us from the sea."

"It's just a group of pirates who don't become a climate. Let them toss. Even if they steal the entire peninsula, as long as our forces can maintain an absolute advantage, when we sweep back, we can drive them back to the sea without any effort~ doesn't take the Commons family threat at all.

The Byron Alliance family that the West Odin Empire dealt with the most and knew best was not the Strache family stationed in the Broken Blood Fortress, but the Commons family exiled to the sea.

Because the two parties not only have a competitive relationship, but also a close cooperative relationship in private.

"Barnett's group of living dead, even if they are not used in the future, we must make sure that they are not making us mess in the back. In this way, uncle should be more considerate, so we will act according to plan!"

As soon as the plan was made on Ulaanbaa Day, a golden king tiger guard rushed in and reported: "Your Majesty, the special envoy of Barnet is heading for the blood sacrifice field."

"Blood Sacrifice Field? What is he going to do to the Blood Sacrifice Field? Isn't the blood sacrifice there already completed?" Ulan Bari raised his eyebrows.

"Not good." Skambari's reaction was obviously much quicker. "Your Majesty and I have just tried to hide the old fox, let him guess something, and may take unscrupulous coercive measures. ."

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