The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 844: ?Law Giant

This layer of light film looks just like a layer of tulle, if there is nothing.

   But General Greg and the heroic giant of Odin named Nishizawa rounded the siege hammer and smashed it frantically.

   That layer of light film is like elastic cotton, it keeps getting in, but it never breaks.

   The height and aura of the super-giant shadow giant who made a prayer-like figure is rising steadily, and his appearance is getting more and more hideous. Several shadow energy tentacles are the first to burst out from his back.

   Anyone with a discerning eye can see that something is wrong.

   The super-giant shadow giants found that with their current strength, they could not do anything with Sean, and decisively prayed for foreign aid.

   As for the foreign aid target, of course it is their master, the shadow master.

   interrupt it!

   must interrupt it!

   This kind of enlightenment emerged in Xiao En's heart.

   fluttered his wings and flew in front of this super-giant shadow giant, and the law runes on his fists appeared, and against the gray light film, it was a fist of Olara.

   The shadows of the fists are so dense that Sean is madly drilling the light film like a drill, showing a concave shape.

   But no matter how Sean bombards, there is always a slight difference.

   After handing it over, Xiao En knew why this thin-looking light film was so difficult to entangle.

   because it is composed of the purest destructive power.

   directly semi-isolated himself from this plane. This is no longer as simple as a pure force confrontation, but also a legal confrontation.

  Only the suppression on the formation law can break this seemingly weak light film.

   The two-fist rule rune that has not been fed too much is unbearable.

   The law rune with the strongest lethality is at the critical moment of digestion and can't move at all.

Just as Sean bombarded the gray light film frantically, the prayer-like super giant shadow giant surged two times, and his height is estimated to exceed 20 meters. The shadow tentacles sticking out behind him are as many as a dozen. , Twisting and waving, there is a feeling of a demonic dancing.

   The super giant shadow giant raised his head again to look at Xiao En, and said with a smile: "Little guy, we meet again, let's see where you run this time."

   What is afraid of.

   The current super giant shadow giant is obviously not the original shadow giant.

   At least his consciousness is no longer, but replaced by the Shadow Master.

in other words.

   just now the super giant shadow giant, using himself as the dimensional anchor, together with the shadow mistress outside the plane barrier.

   let its consciousness and some of its power descend on him.

   In a sense, this can be regarded as a divine surrender technique.

Xiao En loses and does not lose. Although he is frightened in his heart, he said without showing weakness: "Should I call you Goddess Hull? Or Mister Hull? Your uninvited habit of breaking into other people's homes, It looks like we can’t change it, but if we can kick you out once, we can kick you out a second time, especially with the help of crooked ways to come in. I believe that the strength you are exerting now is even your own. None of them will arrive."

   As Sean said, he winked at General Greg and the others, and slowly retreated to the law rune.

   In the face of this horrible existence, the law rune, and the plane law behind it, are Sean's greatest support.

"I have many names. Some worlds call me the faceless mother, some worlds respect me and regard me as the ruler of death and night, and other worlds call me the **** of a thousand faces. The name is just a code name. It doesn’t make sense. The title of the goddess of Dark Night and Winter is not bad, I like it very much." The shadow giant whose consciousness has been replaced by the shadow mistress, Feng Qingyun replied, "My power to enter this world, even if it is Only one in ten thousandth, it is enough to deal with you ants, now I give you a last chance, the last chance to survive, let go of your soul and let me leave the mark of my origin in it, otherwise I will Let you taste what is eternal purgatory."

"Your threat to people really doesn't make any progress, it's always an empty sentence." Sean couldn't help but mocked, "Do you think I'm the same as those idiots? Let you play tricks in my soul and end. Will it be the same as this idiot? It will be replaced by your consciousness at any time! Instead of living so aggrieved, I would rather die."

   "In front of me, you won't even have a chance to die." The shadow mistress responded coldly.

"Compared to the two choices you provided, I prefer my third choice, to drive you **** out again." Sean who has returned to the rune of the law said loudly, "General Gregg, Lend your power to me."

   General Greg and the others were all taken aback. I don’t know which part of Sean did this. They had never had previous training.

   But they still instinctively said: "The adults need it, just take it."

   "Okay, then I'm not welcome!" Sean is not so much asking for their opinions, as it is to notify them, and later, whether they agree or not, he will take action.

   "Gather!" Sean shouted loudly, and the chains on the law rune danced wildly and shot out silently.

   is only the target of this shot, not the remaining four ghost giants, but the eight Odin ghost giants.

  As the chains of the Eight Laws pierced through their bodies, the eight Odin heroic giants disintegrated one after another, but the heroic souls of Odin did not return to the heroic banner, but followed the chain of laws and poured into the law runes.

   As the number of Odin's souls stationed in the law runes increased, the light blooming on the law runes became more and more prosperous, and more and more law chains were drawn out.

   The chains of these laws are dancing, entangled, and a huge golden figure is taking shape.

   Under the light of this golden light, the shadow giants were full of black smoke.

   Its not yet fully formed, it has been able to bring huge damage to them, which makes them dare not stay here more, and flee crazy far away.

   Interestingly, they did not flee to the super-giant shadow giant occupied by the consciousness of the shadow mother.

   In their eyes, that is also extremely dangerous. Maybe if they backhand, they will be used as consumables to supplement their own energy.

   They know very well that the next war will be beyond the scope of their participation, and staying away is the wisest choice.

  Law rune This is to prepare the eight Odin heroic giants into one, so that they have stronger and more cohesive power.

   This is not a means Sean prepared in advance.

   is the advice provided by Law Rune to Sean when Sean just retreated to Law Rune.

   When the super-giant shadow giant used the divine descending technique to bring the consciousness and some energy of the shadow mistress into the plane again.

The    law rune produced a strong reaction, and it seemed that even the plane power that could be used was rising in a straight line.

   It's a long story.

   The law of runes condensed the giant at an astonishing speed. In just ten seconds, a giant of the sky over 25 meters tall and full of golden light appeared in front of Sean.

   Sean was stunned.

  The law of giants does not appear as an energy body, but as a physical body.

   Of course, it does not mean that it has become a flesh and blood body, but a metal body.

   is not quite right.

   To be more precise, it should be somewhere in between.

   Its body shines with the luster of metal, but also has the flexibility and completeness of a flesh and blood body, just like a whole.

   Although this situation is beyond the accident, it seems reasonable.

   After all, a lot of law power is mobilized inside.

   Shaun is no stranger to spells that directly change the form of matter through the power of law.

   Now it is nothing more than showing pure energy in the form of matter.

  The law of condensed formation The giant's hand stretched out in front of Sean's energy clone.

   Xiao En was taken aback, and then he walked over the giant hand without hesitation.

   A humanoid-sized gap was cracked in the chest of the law giant, Sean’s energy clone was directly inserted, and then a law chain was wrapped around Sean.

   At the moment when the law chain was wrapped around the energy clone, Sean's soul roared.

   Countless pictures flashed through his mind.

   contains many and complicated things.

   There are not only mountains and rivers, but also flowers, plants, and trees that grow and wither, and some humans survive and die.

   That is a very long documentary.

   That is the memory of the law of the plane.

   A plane grew out of nothing, and the birth, aging, sickness and death of all the creatures in it were of course impossible. Just now, Sean was just watching the leopard and saw some sporadic things.

   Xiao En clearly felt at the same time, after digesting and absorbing the nine shadow giants, the agility of the law rune went further.

   But it has not yet reached the point where he can command the law giants to fight alone, even with the law of the plane as a backing.

   At this time, it was Sean's turn to take the lead, and he could only take the lead, because only he was able to make a natural connection through the law rune and command the law giant.

   Xiao En moved the hands and feet of the law giant. Apart from the enlarged body, there was no abnormal feeling, as if it belonged to his body, without any heavy feeling.

   is wrong.

   The perception has become clearer.

   Sean can clearly distinguish the surrounding energy concentration, the speed of wind blowing, and even the super-giant shadow giant replaced by the consciousness of the Mother of Shadows, and the behemoth entrenched behind him.

   There seems to be something similar to a bond between the two parties, crossing the spatial distance, connecting the two together.

   Needless to ask, the Shadow Mother must have conveyed her consciousness and energy to the super-giant shadow giant in this way.

   At this moment, Sean has a new understanding of the **** descending technique. It is not so much that the gods bestowed them with powerful power, but rather that they turned themselves into puppets in the hands of gods.

   After feeling that he has adapted to this new body, Sean did not wait for the law giant to fully condense and form, shook off his steps, and rushed towards the super giant shadow giant.

   The longer the delay, the more energy the Shadow Master conveys and the stronger the opponent's strength.

   Attacking before the opponent is not fully prepared is the best choice.

   Boom! boom! boom!

  Law Giants not only look like metal on the outside, but also heavy metal inside.

   A human being twenty-five meters tall is a metal creation of the same proportion, I am afraid it is no longer a dozen tons, but a few hundred tons, even thousands of tons.

   You must know that the height of Optimus Prime in Transformers is only ten meters and weighs ten tons.

   Especially when he ran away with his steps, the momentum was more terrifying.

   is definitely not comparable to the energy bodies of Odin's heroic soul giant and shadow giant. Every time you land, you can guess a pit of tens of centimeters.

   The law giant jumped in front of the super giant shadow giant in just a few steps.

   Just condensed the size of the seven-seven-eight-law giant, and had not had time to condense the weapons.

  By the way, with this weight, he doesn't need weapons either. His pair of metal fists are the best weapon.

   Shaun is a standard punch that can no longer be standard.

   The same punch.

   knocking out from the hands of a person and knocking out from the hands of a metal monster 25 meters high is not a concept at all.

  Because in the eyes of ordinary people, the fist of the law giant is no different from the head of a heavy truck.


   Before, whether it was the giant of Odin, or the energy clone of Sean, there was a helpless gray light film.

   didn't even hold a punch, just like glass, it shattered on the spot, splashing and disappearing.

  The giant iron fist of the law giant, in addition to containing terrifying brute force, is itself constituted by law, and it is opposed to the power of destruction itself.

   Even if there is no way to suppress it, it will counteract its various characteristics and let it face the brute force of the giant of the law.

   was blasted by a punch ~ ~ naturally became a matter of course.

   In order to maximize the power of the law of the energy clone, Shaun, who has devoted himself to practicing and studying boxing, dare not say that the title of boxing master is definitely worthy of the title.

   That punch punch was just a temptation, a beginning, and the right punch that he gathered behind him was the real killer move.

   The light film had just shattered, and the punch had already followed like a shadow, blasting the head of the giant shadow giant.


   There was another loud noise.

   Before the giant fist of the law giant was hit, a new light film shield stood in front of him.

   This light film shield lasted for less than a second, before being shattered by Sean again.

   But the delay in the number of breaths was enough for the super-giant shadow giant to put the giant war knife between the two, resisting the surplus of Sean's punch.

   At this time, the advantages of the law giant are fully revealed.

  In terms of size, the super-giant shadow giant who has been infused with the power of the shadow master, even on top of the law giant, plus the dozens of shadow tentacles dancing behind him, makes him even more bloated.

   But as a body of energy, its weight, I am afraid that it does not even have a tenth of the giant of law.

   In this kind of close combat, weight can be transformed into strength and defense.

   The super-giant shadow giant with congenital shortcomings couldn't hold the remaining power in the face of this punch, and was directly blasted back hundreds of meters.

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