The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 855: ? Positive contact

"What do you mean by the city lord?" The high priest Dewitt showed an unhappy look, "Are you questioning the identity of the mother tree messenger? Or are you questioning my professionalism on this? Even if I am dim-eyed, I will not misidentify the mother tree. The breath, especially such a strong breath, is something I have never seen before. It can't be camouflaged by just cutting a branch."

City Lord Roxani explained patiently: "The high priest has misunderstood what I mean. It's just that the city shield is related to the life and death of our entire city and 200,000 people. It should not be moved easily. If the other party is really a mother tree messenger, believe us. He’s city protective cover will not cause harm or threat to him. This is also the last test of his identity. If he can pass through the city protective cover smoothly, I will personally apologize to him and let the other party punish him. What does the high priest think?"

After this obstruction, the High Priest Dewitt calmed down and nodded and said: "This is a stable opinion of the city lord. On the contrary, I was a little too flustered because of the loss of the mother tree, and too anxious to get in touch with the mother tree. Losing your sense of measure is not your responsibility alone. Wait a minute, the mother tree messenger really blames it. I will be punished together with you."

"Look, look, he is coming, he is about to approach the city shield."

A scream from Abigail's crowd attracted everyone's eyes into the air.

After a short look and look at each other, seeing that the other party didn't open the city shield to welcome him in, Xiao En could only bite the bullet, approached slowly, and gave it a try.

This behavior is understandable.

To some extent, he is considered to be of unknown origin.

And the city shield is the foundation of their lives.

Let alone whether it can be controlled by itself, even if it can be controlled freely, it cannot be turned on and off at will.

If it was him, he would definitely treat it with caution.

All Abigail couldn't help holding his breath.

For them, Sean is more than just a mother tree messenger.

At the same time he is also a symbol of hope.

All the intelligent beings on the plane of Abigail, they can survive the cataclysm, rely on the world tree under their feet.

Once there is a problem with the World Tree, the life system they are barely maintaining will also collapse for it.

A few weeks ago, the last thing they wanted to see happened happened.

The state of the World Tree deteriorated rapidly, and the evil forces that had been suppressed by the World Tree took the opportunity to launch a frantic siege on their city.

What made them most desperate was that the natural priests lost the connection with the mother tree's consciousness, because the dream created by the mother tree was completely closed, and they lost the connection with other cities.

Their city became an isolated city suspended in the air.

And the appearance of Shaun gave them new hope.

Even if the opponent is not the mother tree messenger in the prophecy, the extraordinary combat power shown by the opponent against the warped nightmare army will help them in their immediate situation.

On the contrary, if the opponent is an enemy, the threat to them is absolutely catastrophic, and can only rely on whether the city shield can block the opponent.

As Xiao En kept approaching, that emerald green invisible barrier emerged, and a strong repulsive force pushed Xiao En out.

The pushing force is proportional to the depth of Sean's entry.

The deeper, the greater this repulsive force.

Sean couldn't help being attracted by this city shield.

Earlier, Sean simply thought that this was due to the power of the Abigail World Tree.

But when I was actually in contact, I realized that things were not as simple as I thought.

The root force does come from the Abigail World Tree, but it is not a pure energy shield, more precisely, it should be a law energy shield.

The Abigail World Tree directly changed the laws around the city, making it independent from the environment.

The situation in this tree city is like being in a completely sealed ball.

It not only has the effect of blocking the twisted nightmare from the outside, but also the effect of stabilizing the natural environment inside the shield.

I dare not say anything else, one thing Sean can be 100% sure.

The oxygen content and natural environment temperature in the tree city are much higher than those outside, and it is likely to be almost the same as their original living environment. Otherwise, the situation of the Abigail people will be worse than it is now.

In addition, natural disasters such as hurricanes, thunderstorms, and rainstorms from the outside world will definitely be greatly weakened by the city shield.

When the hurricane gets inside, it becomes a moderate to strong wind, the strong wind becomes a small wind, and the small wind becomes a breeze.

This state of law isolation is not a weakened version of the plane barrier, but what is it?

A problem that had plagued Sean for a long time was suddenly resolved.

Didn’t the Floating City of Bressan in the Ancient Andes Empire also use this technique before daring to jump into the shadows?

This technology is of great significance to the Yongye army leader and to the continent of Ashan.

Once this technology is mastered, it will completely change the way of war in the future.

Because this technology is not just as simple as applying it to cities, mobile fortresses like battleships are also excellent carriers.

At that time, you don't need to be as brutal as the city shield in front of you, you just need to be able to withstand some long-range attacks, and their combat effectiveness will soar.

It is not just a technical issue of the city shield. I believe that under the stimulus of the cataclysm, the Abigail people will definitely tap their combat potential, especially the combat potential of the twisted nightmare.

Maybe there still exists among them, the unique technology that their Yongye army leader does not have.

Shaun’s previous thinking mode was guided by the goddess Abigail, and his main focus was on the soul of the Abigail.

But he turned a blind eye to the huge wealth that was before him-the Abigail World Tree itself was an immeasurable wealth.

This is a monster spawned by extracting the original matter, laws, and energy of the entire plane.

It is the existence of breaking the law, and has a super purification ability for shadow energy.

If the material is cut out, can it be used as a natural construction or shipbuilding material?

Will it have special effects that ordinary building materials do not have?

Of course, this premise is based on the fact that Sean can think of a way to bring these materials back to his plane in large quantities.

"Come in, he really came in."

"The shield of divine power actually cracked, he has the ability to manipulate the shield of divine power!"

"The power of the mother tree, that is the power of the mother tree. Only the power of the mother tree can do this. Now we can let go of all prejudices. He is the messenger of the mother tree."

"What are you waiting for, don't see the Mother Tree Envoy with me!"

Excited exclamations from the Abigail people attracted Sean's divergent thinking back.

Although Sean is currently manipulating the body of law, the main composition is the law of his own plane, and he can freely enter and exit the plane of Abigail. That is because he obtained a special pass from the goddess Abigail.

But when facing the collision of laws, they will still be rejected.

This is the case with city shields now.

Fortunately, he carried the life staff of Abigail's plane artifact.

With the pressure of the city shield, a reaction automatically occurred.

A pure emerald light enveloped Sean's body of law.

The previous repulsive force suddenly disappeared, as if a door was opened, allowing Sean to pass.

"Roxani, Lord of the Emerald City, see Mother Tree Messenger."

"Dewitt, High Priest of the Emerald City, see Mother Tree Messenger."

The two Abigails headed up to greet him with a swift pace and solemnly bowed to Sean, because they were too big in size.

The two Abigails not only need to raise their necks completely, but they must also speak as loudly as possible.

Because of the lack of etiquette, Sean did not rush back. The Giant of Law is like a steel guard, standing with the staff of life, the law rune on his chest flickering, opening a door.

Sean's energy clone emerged from it.

The moment he came out, Sean only felt distortion, a feeling of taking off his heavy coat, and a strong sense of weakness.

During this period of time when the energy clone was trapped in the body of the law together with its own soul consciousness, although it had also obtained great benefits because of the absorption of a large amount of the original matter, the power of the law and the fragments of the law rune, it had already broken the original limit.

But compared to the body of the law, the power gap is too great.

The body of the law now looks like a mecha, but there are still essential differences between the two sides.

Because mechas are all driven by external forces, humans are only the operators among them, and there is no difference between humans driving cars or other machinery, and they are all external forces.

The body of the law is different. It uses the rune of the law as the core and is directly connected to Sean's soul, which is equivalent to a different body.

Even if Sean came out of the body of the law, he could still remotely control the body of the law to a certain extent through the law rune.

It's just that this kind of remote control is far less direct and responds so quickly than direct control.

Sean's soul consciousness is also not what it used to be, and his adaptability is superb. It only took a few seconds to master everything again. He didn't even stretch out his wings and jumped directly from the body of the law.

When there are still seven or eight meters away from the ground, his body shape automatically adjusts to a standing state, and his speed is greatly reduced, like a feather, slowly falling down, and his expression is as calm as he can be.

Feather fall technique.

A spell very suitable for high altitude landing.

Sean is here now.

After standing in front of the Abigails, Xiao En discovered that these intelligent creatures, which were suspected of having a relationship with elves, were taller than expected. Males were generally above two meters, and females were 1.8 meters. Among the nine, there is not much difference between the five senses and the overall shape.

At least Sean glanced roughly, and did not see the unique existence of two heads, three eyes, and four legs.

In fact, in the many distorted nightmare memories that Sean absorbed through the law runes, the intelligent life of the various planes of the multiverse, although the names, languages, customs and other aspects are different.

However, most intelligent beings generally have great similarities, at best, there are subtle differences in skin color, hair color, height and body shape.

If this is the case for one or two planes, it can be explained by coincidence.

If this is the case for most planes, it is inevitable, and there must be a more advanced law that restricts the development of the major planes.

It is also possible that the intelligent beings of all planes come from the same source.

Faced with the series of operations that Sean made, those Abigail people were whispering again, obviously these were beyond their scope of cognition.

Seeing the appearance of Sean's new state clearly, the two powerful figures in the Emerald City looked at each other, and there was an uncontrollable surprise in them.

Not only was he surprised at Sean's current energy state, but at the same time he was surprised at how different his appearance was from them, which was different from any kind of intelligent life they knew.

But it was relieved in an instant, when the cataclysm came, the whole world was no longer the world they knew.

As the omnipotent mother tree messenger, the other party is slightly different from them in appearance. What is the relationship?

As long as he can bring them practical benefits, and the latest information about the mother tree is enough.

In fact, Sean has the ability to simulate the appearance of other Abigail people with his energy clone.

But it is obviously meaningless to do so. Abigail's plane is doomed to collapse. Whether these people can enter Sean's world in the state of the Holy Spirit is still unknown.

The goddess Abigail gave Sean only a soul container.

If they can’t even accept the fact that Sean is a wise being on another plane, how can they accept it?

Or even give up everything on this plane?

Roxani, the lord of the Emerald City, took the lead in opening his mouth and said: "Honorable Mother Tree you for helping us to meet the crisis of the broken city. At the same time, we apologize for not opening the divine shield to welcome you. It’s just our current situation. Your Excellency has already seen that the divine power shield is our last defense. It is related to the life and death of 200,000 people in the Emerald City and must be treated with caution."

"Your Excellency, you don't need to blame yourself. Your decision is understandable. I don't want to let those nightmare monsters take the opportunity to deal with the strange monsters because of me. You can't be too cautious." Xiao Enyi With a solemn face.

He obviously uses the purest Andean language, but when he speaks it, it has become Abigail with a slightly weird emphasis.

The translation program installed by the goddess Abigail in Sean’s soul not only has the function of listening, but also the function of speaking. This must be praised for her.

"That's good, that's good!" Seeing this special mother tree messenger, City Lord Roxani was not so difficult to communicate as it seemed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

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