The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 859: ? Deteriorating situation

Emerald urbanites in this situation are mostly elderly people like Daddy Keen, those with severe symptoms from the beginning.

   "Don't move, don't touch them, don't approach them!"

   "Go away, everyone goes away!"

   "Idiot, I told you to retreat, didn't you hear it? Do you want to end up like this, retreat, you can't help him, but you will get yourself in."

   "What's the matter? Why can't they touch? Why can't we help them?"

   "They are not pure diseases. They are parasitized by nightmare worms. If you approach them rashly, those nightmare worms that have been pressed will most likely be transferred to you."

   "Nightmare bugs? How is it possible? Haven't the nightmare bugs been blocked out of the divine power shield? If you don't go out, how can you get the nightmare bug?"

   "Is it a mistake?"

   "If I make a mistake, I can't make this mistake. My grandfather, my grandmother, and my mother all died because of this. This is definitely a unique phenomenon in the process of getting rid of the nightmare bug."

   Some old people in the Emerald City changed their colors when they saw the situation in front of them, and some horrible and **** memories that they thought they had forgotten poured out.

   nouns came to their minds one by one.

   Seed of Nightmare.

   The beginning of the nightmare.

   puppet bug.

   Twisted Dreamworm.

   No matter how the name changes, it describes a species.

   The larval shadow seed that twists the nightmare.

   Before the cataclysm, these invisible and intangible horror existences had wreaked havoc on the plane of Abigail for a long time.

   The parasitic mode of this special parasite is special, and there is no obvious sign of disease.

   When I found out, I was often dying, and the whole person's temperament had changed drastically. It is not surprising that I did any crazy and unbelievable behavior.

   If this kind of parasitic occurs to ordinary people, the harm is relatively minor, at most it will be a mass murder, harming the closest people around you.

   If this kind of parasitic appears on the city lord, king, this kind of high-powered person, it will trigger a national disaster.

   Before the cataclysm, the **** battle on the Abilga plane lasted for half a century. Their instigation and separation in the middle played an important role.

   They didn't escape from this parasitic threat until after the cataclysm, the city shield took shape.

   I didn't expect that they thought they were absolutely safe, and the sealed environment was no longer safe.

   The young people who originally didn't care much, after hearing the name, they stung like a poisonous needle and backed away.

   Although they haven't experienced that horrible age, they don't know how many times they have listened to those old people.

   "The messenger is here, the messenger has taken action, and the messenger must have a way to heal them..."

   "Yes. The messenger must have a way..."

   "My Envoy, please, save my father, save him..."

   It is now an important node for Sean to further accumulate his personal reputation in the Emerald City. Of course, he cannot be like the one who fooled Ulaanbaaji at the beginning.

   He has been closely observing the conditions of those emerald city citizens.

   When a local patient fell, the energy clone rushed to him with the wind.

   His judgment is the same as those of the elderly emerald urbanites.

   These people are parasitized by the Seed of Shadows, and the situation is still relatively serious.

   The same question came to Sean's mind.

   How did these seeds of shadow come in?

   Sean has been around the Emerald City in the past few days.

   The law shield covering the city is completely airtight.

   Including those waters, this partition is in the city, and the twisted nightmare has no loopholes to drill.

   Could it be that they spread in like shadow energy along the Abigail World Tree's oxygen supply system to these cities?

   is not right.

   How powerful is the Abigail World Tree itself.

   At best, the absorbed shadow master shadow energy is too late to be completely digested. How could it be possible to allow the shadow seed to swim back and forth in its core organs?

   The Seed of Shadows has not yet had such a tenacious vitality.

  Thinking about it.

   There is only one such possibility.

   That is the seeds of these shadows, which are spawned by those shadow energies in the bodies of these patients.

in other words.

The seed of shadow is not only condensed and formed on the body of the shadow master. The shadow energy separated from the body of the shadow master can automatically become the seed of the shadow once it has gathered enough and has enough nutrients and fertile soil. .

   If this is the case, there will be less time left for Sean than Abigail had estimated.

   What is happening now in the Emerald City is likely to be staged in all Abigail cities.

If Sean does not find it as soon as possible, and remind them, when Sean finds most of the Abigail city, it is likely that it will have become a ghost that rages on the twisting nightmare, and the city shield will no longer protect them. exist.

   is a cage that prevents them from escaping.

   Even if they escaped from this cage, what awaits them is a more desperate future, with more hungry and twisted nightmares wandering outside.

   Guessed a hundred revolutions in his heart, Xiao En didn't stop with the movement in his hand, and threw the patient up, and hit him with a clean punch.

   "My Messenger, what are you doing?"

   "My Envoy, you will kill Daddy Keane by doing this!"

   "My Messenger, you can't do this!"

   Seeing Xiao En's behavior, the surrounding emerald city residents were another riot, and many people couldn't help but stop loudly.

   Is the other party saving people? Murder?

   Looking at Sean's fierce fist, even if it falls on a healthy adult, it may cause him to shut his breath, let alone a seriously ill and very weak old man.

   But the next scene completely shattered their cognition. I was dumbfounded and had to shut up.

   People are professional in this respect.

   Sean directly punched Daddy Keen and knocked him out. At the same time, there was a black twisted monster like a little octopus, flying out of Daddy Keen's body.

   Even a fool can see that this translucent little octopus obviously did not come out voluntarily, but was shaken out by Sean's punch just now.

   Don't ask, this is the seed of the nightmare that makes all the Abigail talked.

   After this Shadow Seed was shaken out of Daddy Keen's body, it was still full of vitality, with a black energy line like a rope connecting it and Daddy Keen's body.

   After waiting for the energy impact on his body to weaken a little, he jumped back along the rope in the shadow, trying to get into Daddy Keen's body again.

   Xiao En, who followed closely, took a copy with his right hand, and caught the unconscious father Keen under his arm, and cut it at the black energy line into a knife with his right hand.


The Seed of Shadow trembled violently as if it had been hit hard, and the octopus-like tentacles swayed frantically, no longer trying to return to the body of the original host, turning his head to the nearest emerald city citizen, and at the same time it issued Shrill low-frequency screams.

  The emerald urbanites around the Seed of Shadows only felt their heads pierced with an awl, dizzy.

  The Emerald City citizen who was locked by the Seed of Shadows was in a particularly serious situation. He stood there blankly, unaware of the pounce of the Seed of Shadows.

   "It's all out, and I want to be a demon."

   Sean is chasing after him, the speed is really fast to the extreme, there is a tendency to come first later.


   Shadow Seed repeated its old trick, turned the audio control attack, turned to Sean, tried to delay the time, so that it could parasitize other people and lurk again.


   Xiao En's typical way of returning to the other body, using sonic attack to return it, a force of power gushes out from the roar.

The power of the two is not in the same order of magnitude. Not only did the attack of the Seed of Shadows completely fail, but they were rushed straight by Sean’s sonic attack. The rushing movement was completely out of shape, and it appeared in Sean’s next instant Left hand.

   The fingers of his left hand closed, and Sean was like crushing a bubble.

   directly crush the seed of the shadow and instantly vaporize.

   Don’t forget, the double fists of Sean’s energy clone also have law runes.

   This is the existence that can cause harm to their mothers. They are such a little guy who hasn't formed yet, and they can't make waves.

   "He rests for a while, he should be fine, take care of him." Xiao En easily threw Daddy Keen to the emerald city citizen who had just been locked by the Seed of Shadow.

   The other party is still in panic and fear, and he hurriedly took Mr. Keen over and said: "Don't worry, Lord Envoy, I will take care of him. Thank you Lord Envoy."

   Xiao En waved his hand to him without turning his head, leaving only the back as far away as a wind.

   Don't ask, he is rushing to another critically ill patient.

   The next thing, Sean did the same.

  Before everyone, including those of the shadow seeds in the patient's body, reacted, he punched it directly to blast it out of the patient's body, and then blasted it cleanly.

   This process must cause a riot.

   No way, this kind of treatment seems to be a bit violent.

   But to deal with a special enemy like the Seed of Shadows, you can only use this powerful medicine.

   A tug of war with it will not only take a long time, but will also cause greater burden and destruction to the patient's body and soul.

  This method is also based on the premise that the shadow seed in these patients has not been entangled with the patient's soul soon.

   If it is replaced by a critically ill patient like General Pedro, this kind of energy impact will not only shake out the shadow seeds in the patient's body, but may even bring out the patient's soul and hurt the patient's roots.

   The citizens of the Emerald Citizens with the Shadow Seed are obviously in the early and mid-stage symptoms. The Shadow Seed is relatively weak, not deeply rooted, and the number is not particularly large. It is mainly concentrated on the middle-aged and elderly people, and Sean can handle it fairly quickly.

   "What's the matter? How come there are seeds of nightmare here?"

   "How did they break through the city shield?"

   City Lord Roxani and the High Priest of Devitt came upon hearing the news, although they tried to keep it up, there was still a trace of panic that could not be concealed on their faces.

   The emergence of this situation means that their Emerald City is no longer absolutely safe.

   "They are an upgraded version of the disease situation..." Sean told his guess to the truth, "We have figured out a way to contain the source, and whether my guess is correct or not will be known after a period of observation."

"If the Envoy said so, it must be." City Lord Roxani said with a look of gratitude, "This time, thank you for the presence of the Envoy, otherwise the Emerald City has caused a catastrophe. We don't know how to thank Lord Envoy. Everything done for us."

   "This is the sacred mission given to me by the mother tree." Sean looked solemn and performed the role of the **** stick to the extreme. "If you really want to thank you, thank the mother tree!"

   "The grace of the mother tree, we never forget, the grace of the messenger is also not to be ignored." City Lord Roxani said sincerely.

"We have the help of the envoy, and we can escape the disaster. The cities of other tribesmen are not so lucky. We must find a way to notify the tribesmen in other cities before these monsters cause great disasters." Dewitt The priest showed deep concern, and he also thought of the problems that Sean had thought of earlier.

   They are relying on the same Abigail World Tree to survive, and the problems derived from the Emerald City from the World other cities will also exist.

"The mother tree loses consciousness, the dream is closed indefinitely, and our connection with other cities is completely broken. If we send a messenger and go along the mother tree to find and inform other cities, the chance that even a well-trained soldier wants to arrive alive , Almost zero." City Lord Roxani looked solemn, as if we were weak.

   At the end of the talk, the gazes of City Lord Roxani and High Priest Dewitt turned to Sean at the same time.

   In the Emerald City, the only person who can walk freely outside the city shield is the mother tree messenger.

   Earlier, the opponent used the power of one person to beat tens of thousands of nightmares into flowers and water, and fled.

   I believe that as long as the monarch-level nightmare is not staring at him, he will not be in any danger to his life.

   It was just that the other party had just helped Emerald City through a huge crisis, and it seemed too inhumane to let the other party embark on a new round of running around.

Shaun understood the meaning of the expressions of Lord Roxani and High Priest Dewit, and naturally nodded and said: "I don't need your request. Once the Emerald City is determined to be safe, I will embark on a new journey and try to help rescue. More cities and people..."

"The noble messenger, let us be ashamed. Here, for all the people, I thank the selfless dedication of trying to beat people. From now on, the Emerald City will be the home of the messenger. Whenever you come back, we will all A warm welcome, no matter what we need to do, we will do our best." The city lord of Roxani really doesn't know, except to give Sean the highest gratitude and praise, what to use to return the other side's help to them.

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