The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 863: ?Nightmare production base

In the abandoned city, there are no less than ten locusts that are as huge as a mountain, and they keep laying eggs and hatching.

   A large number of unparasitic migratory locusts come in and out, transporting food and nutrients for their locusts.

   As for food, it was the Abigail World Tree that was created to maintain the sap and fruit of the Abigail people in this city.

   That's why they have to stay here instead of just building nests elsewhere.

The Abigail World Tree is not something that these creatures can eat if they want to. If they don’t have these sap wells that are actively exposed, depending on the size of the World Tree, even if they gnaw to death, maybe they have not yet removed a layer of bark. Gnaw broken.

   Can’t gnaw and can’t move, will it turn into a deadly poison in the mouth?

I believe that when Abigail Goddess consciousness is still intact, this kind of factory-based, mass production distortion nightmare situation, although there is, but the situation will certainly not be particularly serious, the quantity will not be particularly large, and it can only be carried out secretly. .

   Because once the goddess Abigail’s attention is drawn, they will absolutely cut off their nutritional supply every minute, turning this place into a complete ruin.

   As the consciousness of the goddess Abigail fell into a deep sleep, the Abigail World Tree was really just a huge tree that had lost the ability to resist.

   These distorted nightmare manufacturing factories can unscrupulously produce distorted nightmares in large quantities with full firepower.

  Behind this, there is definitely the shadow mistress who knows the true condition of the goddess Abigail. A 90% chance is the shadow mistress who was severely injured by the goddess Abigail and split into several different individuals.

   They will never let go, cannibalizing the perfect opportunity to attack Abigail's plane.

   There can never be only one nest of this kind. As the number of twisted nightmares continues to increase, the number of captured Abigail cities continues to increase, and their number will skyrocket like a snowball.

   If you don’t want to contain it, it won’t take long.

   The entire Abigail plane will be filled with the twisted nightmare of migratory locusts.

   This kind of migratory locust twisting nightmare alone is not terrible, and it is similar in size to an Abigail.

   But if there are enough, it is also a devastating disaster.

   Isn’t the locust plague typical?

   How did human beings put those little grasshoppers in their eyes?

   Once they are assembled in tens of millions, they are a locust plague that makes people talk about it.

   What's more, the terrifying degree of the migratory locust's twisted nightmare is far beyond the locusts' ability to compare. I believe that in front of it, most Abigail people will have no power to fight back.

   Sean previously tried to unite all the Abigail people and carry out a sky-repair plan to save the Abigail World Tree, which now seems a bit naive.

   The Abigail plane has completely collapsed, like a sieve, with holes and pits everywhere.

   A sky-big hole, and the mud that made it up, Xiao En just found a small piece with a palm.

   There are new threats and new holes here.

  I believe that this new hole is not the last one. As his sky patching plan advances, there will be more and more.

   Patching up the sky is never a simple matter.

   Sean now knows the difficulty.

   Although the giant shadow bird eats migratory locusts and twists the nightmare, their love for the body is significantly higher, and they are ecstatic.

   Five natural enemies broke into their own tide and ate gluttonously.

   The twisted nightmares of the migratory locusts are like fried pots, some of them rush to the giant shadow bird to buy time, and some are gathering and gathering into an army.

   This kind of orderly response proves that in this lair, there is at least one shadow master who is superior in command.

   The enemy of the enemy is the allies.

   Although dozens of minutes ago, these five giant shadow birds tried to treat themselves as Chinese food.

   But when faced with these twisted nightmares that are more threatening to Abigail's plane, Sean is firmly on the side of these giant shadow birds.

   can also be thought of from another angle.

   Now the five giant shadow birds have become Sean’s pioneers, the fire attracting point.

   attracted most of the attention of the distorted nightmare, including the shadow mastermind, and naturally it was easier to expose his whereabouts to Sean who was hiding in the dark.

   The most difficult thing about the shadow master is not its powerful strength, but its good at camouflage and cunning personality.

   If it does not direct the warped nightmare operations on a large scale, it is likely to pretend to be the most common warped nightmare, and it is difficult to find that it is the mastermind.

   The shadow mastermind in this abandoned city lair is one of the best in this respect. Before it sent a specific signal to mobilize a large number of twisted nightmares, Sean did not notice it at all.

   Because this guy is not in a twisted nightmare state, but one of many locust queens.

   To be more precise, it has reached a symbiosis mode with a locust empress.

  The body of the queen locust still reproduces worm eggs, and it reproduces the seed of shadow in the body of this locust queen.

   Xiao En initially focused his attention on those nightmares whose shadow energy fluctuated so much that they were distorted. It was normal to ignore them.

   found out where the opponent's mastermind was, especially when this mastermind also had a reproductive function, the rest was much simpler.

   Poo belly, difficulty in movement.

   is the price it must pay for its high-intensity production capacity.

   Sean didn't even use the law fighter state, and rushed up with his life staff, shaking his head and covering his face.

   After removing this locust from the locust, the shadow mastermind is not a mixture of the shadow mastermind, and the screams screamed and the juice flew horizontally.

   It's just that Sean has bombarded for a long time. After this shadow locust is still full of breath, there is no sign of explanation.

   all kinds of defects have given it the advantage of thick skin and thick flesh. It is not possible to take it off in a short while.

   The migratory locust nightmare and migratory locusts around, when Sean launched an attack on it, they suddenly flew like a pot, frantically rushing here, launching a suicidal attack on Sean, trying to rescue him.

   There is really no way to threaten Sean with one or two, but the number is large, which seriously affects his attack efficiency.

   The upper limit of physical attacks is ultimately too difficult to break. At this level of engagement, energy attacks are still the mainstay, and physical attacks can only be used as auxiliary.

   Xiao En couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and adjusted his attack method without hesitation.

  Physical attack is only Sean's habitual attack method, not all.

   "Go away all!"

   Sean gave a deep sigh, and the Life Staff gave a heavy beating on the ground.

   The power surged, and a shock wave of emerald green filled the center.

   This emerald light, to the Abigail people, is the light of life and the light of healing, which can make them refreshed and vigorous.

   At the twisted nightmare, it becomes the light of destruction, the light of death, under the impact of this power.

   Migratory locust nightmare, like the snow under the blazing sun, is melting rapidly. If it is too close for three seconds, it will be completely wiped out from the world.

   The situation of the migratory locusts with physical entities can be somewhat better, but it is also quite limited, with painful screaming and twitching, black smoke rising out of the air, and a smell of barbecue protein in the air.

   Although they have not turned into a twisted nightmare, they have been with them all day long. It is inevitable to accumulate a large amount of shadow energy in the body. These shadow energy are directly stimulated by the force of life, in a fierce way, and burned.

   When those shadow energies are stimulated and purified by the life force, they will basically be cooked.

   After that locust, it became the biggest ignited object, and the life force surged into its body like a tide.

   The Roshan-like body after the locust shivered involuntarily, making a more screaming scream.

   Along with the huge abdominal squirming, cocoon-shaped giant eggs composed of shadow energy are sprayed out like rain.

   In the next second, ferocious monsters emerged from their cocoons.

   These monsters emerging from the cocoon are three times the size of a normal flying nightmare.

   is neither a simple creature nor a mere flesh and blood, but like a giant shadow bird, it is a shadow creature in between, combining the advantages of the two.

   Sean's Light of Life met them, and it was immediately reduced.

  The igniting characteristic of the light of life is derived from the pertinence of the law of the plane to the shadow energy.

  Although these shadow creatures also have shadow energy on their bodies, they are born in the laws of the plane and are barely considered legal residents.

   is also far away from the migratory locust in appearance, but it is 70% to 80% similar to the other predator of the locust, the mantis, especially the pair of big swords on the forelimbs, which look majestic and majestic.

   After they broke out of their shells, they vibrated their slender wings and rushed towards Sean quickly. A pair of big swords kept opening and closing, and they looked like they would not give up without killing Sean.

   Obviously, they are the guards spawned by the locust queens to buy time for themselves.

   This migratory locust nest fully interprets the collapse of the laws of Abigail's plane.

   They don't follow the race or genetic characteristics of the law of plane at all, but integrate all the things that are beneficial to them.

   The colony of ants, the high yield of queens.

   The flying ability of locusts.

   The powerful attack power of the praying mantis.

   This kind of shadow mantis can be called an efficient killing and attacking machine, and it is also very kind to the migratory locusts blocking their way.

   That pair of big knives suddenly popped out like heavy punches, and the bodies of the migratory locusts suddenly deformed severely and were knocked out.

   Or clamping like a giant scissors, directly clamping these in the way in half.

   There is a relatively strict cooperation between advance and retreat.

  A group of praying mantises the size of a car that know how to do swordsmanship and know how to cooperate with each other. Isn’t it scary?

   Of course, this horror is relative.

   If it is an ordinary army, facing such a group of ruthless killing machines, it is absolutely catastrophic.

   Now they are not against ordinary people.

   Neither Shadow Bird nor Sean.

   Before these shadow mantises had time to rush in front of Sean, they attracted the attention of the shadow giant birds and triggered their strong happiness.

   tweeted one by one, shifting the eating place.

   flapped its wings and rushed up, pecking wildly at the shadow mantises.

   Compared to the take-off locust, the shadow mantis is somewhat difficult for the shadow giant bird.

   This kind of difficulty increases, that is, eat it from a bite.

   became the first bite. First, the target was poked half to death. After losing most of the resistance, the second bite was eaten again.

   Even for the shadow giant bird, the shadow mantis’s mantis punch is quite deterrent.

   It's all about hitting their beaks, which are harder than steel. If they are shot in their relatively fragile mouth or throat, it will be enough for them.

   However, their eating experience is very rich, and most of the shadow mantises have no such tragic situation.

There was even a giant shadow bird, dissatisfied with the speed at which the queen locust produces shadow mantises, jumped forward and pecked at its huge body twice, as if forcing it to produce more shadow mantises so that they could Take it as it goes.

   Judging from the skillful movements of the giant shadow birds, it is by no means the first time they have done such a thing.

   At this moment, Xiao En seemed to clearly feel the grief emanating from the shadow master.

   You need to know that the shadow master is different from those awkwardly distorted nightmares, it has high intelligence.

   In the twisted nightmare, it can be called yes, under one person, above ten thousand people, that is, the shadow mistress can crush them, and the remaining twisted nightmares, when they come to them, they can only obey the dispatch.

   The Shadow Matriarch failed to break through the barriers of the plane Before entering the plane, they were the leaders of twisted nightmares everywhere.

   Now its head is reduced to an automatic grain producer for a few flat-haired beasts.

   The problem is that it has to be unproductive.

   It was afraid of these flat-haired beasts, turned its head, and launched an attack on itself.

   Sean will not let go of the perfect opportunity to attack because the situation of this shadow mistress looks pitiful.

Just when the shadow giant birds inadvertently helped themselves to block a bunch of miscellaneous fishes again, the light of life emitted by the life staff gathered, and in the blink of an eye, in front of Xiao En, a semi-transparent emerald hand was formed. , Caught it directly behind the locust.

   This locust was inevitable, and was directly held firmly by this giant hand.

   The expected impact did not appear.

   The giant hand of the light of life plunged directly into the body behind the locust, directly pinching the shadow mastermind entrenched in his body.

   When it made a dragging action, the locust immediately froze in place.

   The shadow master is now the soul of the queen of locusts. Now that the soul is dragged outside, the body will naturally follow suit.

   Sean’s purpose is very simple. Since your body is too thick, just bypass its armor and start with its relatively weak soul.

   The perfect combination of the shadow master brain and the locust empress’ body is not original.

  I can't usually see it, but it's especially obvious when this aspect is targeted.

  The body of the locust empress has very weak suction power to the shadow mastermind. It depends on itself, just like an octopus, stretching its shadow energy tentacles into the corners of the flesh.

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