The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 866: ?Practical fine-tuning

This kind of circulation is not in the true sense of becoming golden, it is very easy to cause visual confusion.

   looked at it suddenly, it was golden.

   Observe carefully, it seems to be white.

   But if you look closely, it looks golden again.

   In a word, after editing and transforming Guangming Jinhe, the combat power is aside, the single-face value is very, very consistent with Sean's aesthetic point of view.

   from the inside to the outside reveals this noble and elegant, it is a sacred and extraordinary symbol at first glance, and it will never be confused with those ugly and distorted shadow nightmares.

   This is the qualitative transformation of the ugly duckling into a swan in the true sense.

   Based on this appearance alone, the power of these eight thousand laws is worth it.

   When Sean travels to the major Abigail cities, there are so few bright golden cranes guarding him, I believe it will be easier to achieve shocking effects.

   There is nothing to hesitate, and the remaining four giant shadow birds have all been upgraded and transformed by Sean with the greatest number of laws.

   There are no two identical leaves in the world.

   The same goes for the shadow giant bird.

   According to their original physical fitness, the power of laws required to upgrade and transform them is also different.

   It’s not that inferior remodeling costs more law force, on the contrary, the more powerful it consumes more.

  In contrast, the upgraded Bright Golden Crane has become more powerful.

   The power of the law is not omnipotent, it must be carried out on the basis of its corresponding.

   The bright golden crane with the least consumed only 5,900 points of power.

The one with the most    has as many as 12,000 points. Even if it is not Crane King, it is still a mid-level elite.

   When the transformation and upgrading were completed, these bright golden cranes not only disappeared from the hostility to Sean, but there was an invisible thread in the air connecting them to the rune of the law of life.

   Sean only needs to transfer his mind to these life law runes, and through these soul threads, he can remotely control them and issue corresponding simple commands such as attack, retreat, and garrison.

There are few biological warriors controlled by the runes of the law of life, and Sean can control them one by one. If the number is large, he can also choose to tie these soul threads together, issue a binding command, and let them group together. Unified action.

   This greatly simplifies the control of biological combat soldiers, making it possible to gather them into legions.

   The biggest soul thread, of course, comes from the queen ant.

   When Shaun completed the upgrade and transformation of the five bright golden cranes.

   The transformation of the queen ant is also coming to an end. Its appearance is very similar to Guangming Jinhe.

   When the shadow energy in the body is expelled and purified, the whole body exudes a soft light. Unlike the power of the light golden crane law, the main body of the queen ant is the life force.

   So, the tone is emerald green, with a layer of golden light flowing outside.

   This change did not make its appearance look like a bright golden crane, undergoing a 180 degree change.

   is not as horrible as before.

   After all, it has a big belly and has a serious imbalance between the front and rear body.

   no matter how much it changes, it cannot conform to the aesthetic point of view of the world.

   Sean doesn't care about this either, as long as the queen's function is as powerful as his own editing.

   He can't wait, he wants to see the brand new race he has created and designed.

   Sean used the next time to make preparations.

  The first thing is to manipulate the law of life runes, manipulate the Abigail World Tree, enlarge the sap well in front of the ant, and gather all the sap that was originally used to feed the entire city.

  The sap lake cannot be called, there is definitely a sap pond.

The sap pond just appeared a little outline, and the queen eagerly stretched out a moth-like siphon mouthpart directly into the sap, like a pump with full power, continuously pumping the world tree Sap.

   Although the law of the plane provides the energy and the power of the law to upgrade it, there is no way to provide material resources. These must be ingested from the outside world.

   Abigail’s world tree sap is the best source, it is enough to meet all the queen’s subsequent needs.

   As I said before, the sap specially formulated by the Abigail World Tree and supplied to the major cities of the Abigail people is not an exaggeration to call it the source of life.

   Whether it is a vegetarian organism or a carnivorous organism, you can drink it to meet your own nutritional and energy needs.

   As for the emerald urbanites, they still maintain the habit of eating fruits and twigs of bread. This is purely a memorial to the previous way of life, not a physical necessity.

   As the saying goes, the simpler the easier it is to break.

   The collapse of the natural system has forced the goddess Abigail to adopt this simple, crude and effective method.

  Since Sean knew this, he naturally made full use of it. The queen has two sets of food and digestive systems, and one set is specially prepared for her.

   After the sap is pumped into the body by the queen, it first passes through the energy separation and screening system. The main purpose is to screen and separate the shadow energy mixed in the sap.

   Shadow energy will be sent to a special purification system, and the remaining sap will be sent to the queen’s normal digestive system for material classification and transportation, providing continuous energy for body transformation and incubation of biological soldiers.

   The siphonic mouthparts of the queen ant were inserted into the sap pond within three minutes, and there was a thread of law power that was transported along the soul thread to the life law rune.

   There is such a good thing.

   Although the number of powers of the law sent over is not particularly large, it really makes Sean happy.

  Because this represents a possibility-the possibility that he collects the power of the law in large quantities through biological war soldiers.

   There are too many places where Sean needs to use the power of law.

   The power of three hundred thousand laws, two years ago, is definitely an unimaginable huge number.

   At present, it is only enough to build a second world for two cities the same size as the Emerald City.

Although the second world of major cities can be regarded as a kind of power of law investment, they will also continuously generate power of law. Some of them will be stored and retained according to Sean’s preset mechanism, waiting for Sean to harvest. .

   But if you want to make money back and make a profit, it takes time not to say.

Before opening up the second world between the cities and connecting to the Internet, Sean can only rush to harvest in reality. It will be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, and a large part of his precious time will be wasted on the road. on.

   Now Sean can fully violently fight against the twisted nightmares of Abigail's plane to gain more power for his own use.

   The premise of this matter is that all the biological war soldiers transformed by the law of life rune can send the power of the law they have obtained to Sean.

   Shaun can’t wait to launch the first round of verification.

   With an order, the five bright golden cranes immediately rushed out and launched a new round of chasing after the migratory locust nightmare and migratory locusts in the ruined city.

   The advantages of the new form of the bright golden crane are shown. The long legs move, one step is four or five times the original, and with the assistance of the vibrating wings, the speed is quite amazing.

   Even those migratory locust nightmares, at full speed, can't escape their chase and pecking.

   As a large number of migratory locust nightmares entered the abdomen, the soul thread on the body of Guangming Jinhe reacted, and a small amount of the power of the law began to converge towards Xiao En.

   Through the first-hand editing and transformation of the law of life rune, it is no problem.

   The next thing that needs to be verified is whether the biological soldiers born indirectly through the queen have this ability.

   As the queen eats a lot, various functions of the body are put into operation. At the expense of energy consumption, the first batch of Abigail ant soldiers was born.

   A batch of ten, all light infantry ants.

Standing two meters tall, half human and half ant, the whole body is emerald green, covered with a light gummy carapace, and holding a light shield and short spear, but they can be used as weapons, not only these, they have a hidden in their tail. Stinger like a bee.

   Six anti-joint long legs, and a spike that can be placed outside is also converged at the end, which can make their six legs instantly turn into six spears for piercing.

   is definitely an out-and-out killing machine.

   After this team of Abigail light infantry ants broke out of their shells, ten soul threads were immediately connected, but they were not directly connected to the law of life rune.

   but split from the queen ant.

   Sean wants to control them, all the information needs to be transferred to the queen, and then passed to them.

   The impact is not too big, just an extra server is transferred, and it is also delivered instantly.

   Xiao En edited them into a team and chased them in the direction of Guangming Jinhe.

   Theoretical data is one thing, but actual combat is another.

   Xiao En has no bottom on the combat effectiveness of these soldiers, and takes relative safety measures to follow behind the heavy tank Guangming Jinhe for safety.

Although the    light infantry ant has a strange shape, it is quite practical, that is, it combines part of the human form with the specialties of the ant.

For example, speed, strength, and climbing are very similar to ants. The sucker structure on their legs allows them to run upside down. This is not something that humanoid species can do. The plane of Abigail is now unique. The natural environment requires this kind of complex adaptability.

   Running at high speed gave them a good impact power with the short spear in their hands, and they could easily poke a hole in the migratory locust that came from the same source as them.

   Ant soldiers confronted the migratory locusts, with absolute lethality.

   A ten-person team, faced with migratory locusts several times their own, can kill them without injury.

   But when facing the migratory locust nightmare, it was obviously a little weak. The attack fell on them, and the damage caused was severely weakened.

   Migratory Locust Nightmare faces the ant soldier, the same fox gnaws on the hedgehog, nowhere to lay his mouth.

Although    Migratory Locust Nightmare looks like a locust, his attack methods are no different from ordinary Nightmare. They all attack the soul of creatures through manipulation.

   Their big trick is to walk through the bodies of the creatures, pull their bodies out, bite and tear them, and injure them severely.

   Most of the creatures killed by the twisted nightmare can't see the external scars, but their expressions are usually very terrifying, as if they have suffered great harm and pain.

  The souls of ant soldiers are not particularly powerful, but their bodies are full of life force.

Once the migratory locust nightmare walks through their bodies, they will be burned comprehensively, typically killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred.

   The test results that Sean wanted also came out.

  In this process, the power of the law obtained by the ant soldier will indeed be transmitted back through the soul thread, but it is not transmitted to the life law rune, but is gathered in the body of the queen.

   Most of them were intercepted by the queen's body, only 10%, converged to the rune of the law of life through the queen's soul thread.

   For the results of this experiment, Sean did not feel much disappointed, nor can he say that he was very satisfied.

   For a long time in the future, the main combat targets of the Ant Soldiers in his hand are all kinds of distorted nightmares, which are lacking in lethality, and they will definitely not be successful.

   Fortunately, there is a way to think of it.

   As for the method, of course, when the queens produce these soldiers, they inject the power of law into their bodies. A little power of law is the most basic.

In order to facilitate the understanding of the control of the ant soldiers in the future, Sean even graded the ant soldiers, a total of ten stars, and each star is divided into ten levels. Each level represents the power of this also In other words, an ant soldier with a ten-star full level will have a hundred points of power.

   This classification is only temporary, the mechanism is very flexible, and it can be changed according to the strength of the enemy.

   When the ten stars are full, the moon can still rise.

   The moon is full, and there is the sun.

   The sun is full, and there is a crown.

   As long as there is a need, you can go up without limit.

   As far as these migratory locust nightmares are concerned, the star rating is enough.

   It would be a waste to leave them more. It would be better to gather them together and let Sean concentrate on deploying them to spend them where they are more needed.

   And for an ant soldier, it is very difficult to accumulate the power of a hundred points of law to rise ten stars, which means that they have to win every battle in the future war against the twisted nightmare.

Ant soldiers have to be manufactured in large quantities. It is already quite remarkable to give them a little bit of law power. This is still the price of intercepting the law power originally sent to Sean’s law of life rune, where there are extra laws. The power to give them a star.

   Sean wants to get a lot of law power from the queen, and he has a long way to go.

   Sean replaced the queen and injected a little bit of basic law into the body of the first batch of ant soldiers.

   Sure enough, this power of law has caused them to undergo a qualitative transformation. Not only their lethality against flying twisted nightmares is greatly increased, but after they are killed, the chance of obtaining the power of law is also greatly improved.

   The basic data that Sean wanted was basically obtained, and the rest was to kill.

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