The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 868: ?Real games

"Why do you have to apologize, Lord Envoy?" City Lord Roxani shook his head, "No matter how faint the person is, there is no way to transfer the responsibility for this matter to the Lord Envoy. This is caused by those **** nightmares. Even if it is revenge, I still need them, but I don’t understand. Since Bolton City has been destroyed, how can the Special Envoy get the reward? Why do we need our help?"

"This is a long story." Before coming to the Emerald City, Sean had already figured out the corresponding words. "Although the mother tree's consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep, it has never stopped helping us. , This time in Bolton, it was the same. With the help of the mother tree, I purified and recovered a new species. This new species was born in the war and was specially used to fight nightmares, but they are now in I was born in a relatively fragile state, and not strong in construction ability. I want to assemble a life sacrifice from the Emerald City to help me rebuild Bolton City."

   "Rebuild Bolton City? How to rebuild it?" City Lord Roxani took a slack and suddenly realized, "My envoy is planning to build a wizard tower in Bolton City?"

"Yes!" Sean nodded. "After the successful establishment of the Mage Tower in the Emerald City, it resonates with the city shield. You have also seen it. I am wondering, can I use the Mage Tower and Bolton City to be broken? The city shield resonates, and then you open it. After all, the entire city and the foundation of the city shield have always been there."

"This method is indeed worth trying." City Lord Roxani looked embarrassed. "If you tell the truth about the needs of the envoy, I believe that the priests of life will be very willing to assist the envoy. The question is how they will get to Bolton. City? I believe that what the envoy needs is not one or two life sacrifices, but the more the better."

"I have already figured out the method of transportation. When the city lord is responsible for comforting the soldiers, don't let them open fire rashly. I will call the soldiers I brought this time." Sean looked mysterious and unpredictable, and his consciousness passed. The rune of the law of life gave the six biological soldiers that he had brought with him to slowly approach the Emerald City.

   "Soldiers?" City Lord Roxani was full of questions.

   But soon he couldn't help but his eyes widened, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, what a big group of birds.

   "Vigilance, vigilance, vigilance, there are unknown giant birds approaching, prepare to believe in cannons, drive them away, don't let them approach the shock city shield."

   "Don't fire, don't fire, the city lord ordered everyone not to fire without permission, those giant birds are not enemies, they are the soldiers who surrendered by the envoy, who came to help protect us."

   "They were brought by the envoy? When did the envoy bring them down?"

"They look a bit different from the giant birds that tried to attack us in the past. The birds in the past were all indifferent and exuded an uncomfortable aura. At first glance, you know that they are not a good thing. Looking at these few, how beautiful they are, and the radiance from their bodies makes people feel very comfortable. You can see that they are not all the same."

   "That's natural. If they were really taken down by the envoy, they must have been reformed and influenced by the envoy."

   "The envoy is indeed not an ordinary person. After only going out for a week, he brought back so many and such powerful soldiers."

   The shiny appearances of the Guangming Golden Crane and the Guangming Praying Mantis really shocked the soldiers in the Emerald City, and they were talking about them one by one.

At the beginning, they seemed quite nervous. When they discovered that the opponent was just spinning outside the city shield and had no intention of offensive, they suddenly relaxed a lot. They couldn't help but criticize them, and to those who brought them. Sean gave a high evaluation.

After Guangming Jinhe finished his appearance in front of the Lord of Roxani, Sean told the truth about his plan: "Wait a minute, let the priests of life help build a big ship, and then they can drag the big ship to the priest of life. We airlifted to Bolton City. The straight-line distance between the two parties is not too far. Even if they walk along relatively safe tree poles, they will not exceed 200 kilometers. It only takes less than two hours, or even faster."

"This method is indeed feasible." City Lord Roxani nodded repeatedly, "I will call a life sacrifice, but for this matter, it is better for the envoy to negotiate with the High Priest Dewitt. How many life sacrifices by air transportation is suitable in the past, after all, life Sacrifice is now an indispensable part of our Emerald City. They are now responsible for most of the purification work of the sap, and they cannot spare them all to assist the Special Envoy."

   "You don't need to take all the time, about 300 people are enough, but the construction period will be slightly extended when the time comes." Sean gave his own minimum index.

   "My envoy, rest assured, we will do our best, and the number of life sacrifices drawn out at that time will only be more than this number, not less than this." City Lord Roxani promised, patting his chest.

   "Then trouble your Lord." Xiao En didn't shy away from the other party. Naturally, the more life sacrifices are, the better.

  Since he returned to the Emerald City, Xiao En said not to wander around in the dreamland of the Emerald City.

   With the joint efforts of the Lord of Locksani and the High Priest of Devitt, the dream state of the Emerald City has become normal, and most of the citizens of the Emerald City have entered it.

   is somewhat overcrowded.

  The dream world does not have boundaries, it is infinite.

   But those dream monsters composed of shadow energy are indeed affected by the Emerald Mage Tower and the base station nodes built around it.

   In other words, now it is the Emerald Citizens who have too many weird people and not enough dream monsters.

   Now the emerald city citizens have figured out the doorways where dream monsters appear, in groups of three or five, focusing on those nodes that are prone to dream monsters.

   Once a dream monster spawned, they rushed forward and exploded against it. The shape was not condensed before it was broken.

   Most people are still in a state of bare hands, and a small number of people are even equipped with weapons and armors, which greatly increases the lethality of dream monsters.

   A real simulation game feel.

   The truth is also true.

   A long war will always make people feel rebellious.

   But games often make people addicted to it.

  Especially when people in the emerald city are in a predicament with nothing to do, the dream world will become their second world.

  Since Sean is capable, of course he should make the atmosphere as relaxed as possible when building a dream world.

   Even according to different groups of people, different treatment.

   There are not only adults, but also children in Emerald City.

   According to the registered age of citizens, the dream world they see is different, and even changes with their age.

  The older the person, the more real the world he sees.

  The younger the age, the more cartoonish it becomes.

   This can also be regarded as a kind of protection for those children who are slightly less able to bear.

   This kind of mechanism does not work on the dream world, but on the user's perception. There is basically no difficulty.

   Of course, everything is not chaotic, but has a clear context to follow, all based on the power of law.

Their leveling experience is the power of the law, they have enough power of the law, even if they don’t need to level up, their killing and purification of shadow energy will be greatly improved, now it’s just the other way around, showing their own power level in a level way. That's it.

   As for the equipment dropped by the dream monsters, the dream monsters of course will not produce equipment, but they will generate the power of the law. Some of them are allocated to the citizens, and some are intercepted by the dream world itself.

   Shaun just adjusted the interception mechanism, and part of it was allocated twice, and equipment was generated according to the preset equipment template. One was used as a task reward, and the other was dropped from the monster.

The former is to maintain a certain degree of fairness and provide support for those who are unlucky. As long as you kill enough dream monsters, you will have the bottom protection equipment. It can be regarded as the part of the law power taken from him, and there will be a part of it. Return it to him in the form of a reward.

The latter is pure luck and stimulates the enthusiasm for killing monsters in the emerald city. After all, doing the same thing for a long time will always make people tired. If there is extra stimulation, they will naturally be a hundred times more energetic, especially in an extremely low explosion rate. In a real simulation game, once a piece of equipment is released, not only will the party be as excited as a chicken blood, but the people around will also be greatly stimulated.

   This is fully demonstrated in the emerald urbanites.

   When Sean entered it, a golden sword burst out, and the surrounding atmosphere was instantly ignited.

   "Blast, burst, big burst, it is a golden sword, an artifact with five basic damage points. With it, dealing with these mobs is as easy as cutting vegetables, absolutely one cut."

"Hey, with this artifact, the fool is still robbing the mobs here, and he will definitely report to the sacrificial side, change his job to develop the warrior, and help the priests open up a new map. It is said that the monsters there are all in groups. There is no need to huddle together to grab monsters like us, and the explosion rate is much higher."

"Why don't you say that the risk factor has also greatly increased? If you accidentally die three times in a row, then you will fight back to the original shape overnight, and continue to come back to grab mobs like us! Well, isn't that the best example , The winner of the second golden sword is not successful only by luck, but also needs sufficient strength as support. The rule set by the envoy is fair and reasonable."

   "By the way, how many golden swords have been released so far? The fourth one?"

   "The fifth one, one came out late last night."

"There was another one last night? Three of the five were from the second half of the night. It seems that the people on the forum are right. The burst rate in the second half of the night is high. Starting from today, I will adjust my work and rest habits. Maybe a golden sword is mine."

"Should I **** you out to wake you up? It has been more than a week since the dream has been restarted, and it has only been five times, and it is more than one hundred and ten thousand people. This is less than one in thirty thousand. Are you sure there is such a thing? Luck, can it hit you? Rather than waiting for the golden sword to explode, it is better to place expectations, complete the Thousand Slash, take the Thousand Slash Sword, although a little bit of basic damage is less, but you can take it repeatedly, merge and strengthen it, five handles I can make a golden sword together."

"You have no interest for a long time. Others have daydreams and have to wake them up. Why is Qian Zhan Sword so easy to get? I have robbed it for a week, and I didn't even have half the handle, let alone. Five handles."

"This is also impossible. The priests are leading the priests to build a new base station to extend our dreams and expand them into new maps. Once the new maps are expanded, there will be more The monster refresh point, the situation will improve a lot. In the near future, a refresh point for each person is possible."

   "I hope this day will come sooner."

   "Have you heard of it? There was news from outside just now that the messenger is back!"

   "The messenger is back? Why did the messenger come back so soon? Didn't it mean that he went to find the capital of Lun En? Did the empire have suffered an accident?"

   "I don't know, I only heard that this time the messenger did not come back and brought several unknown giant birds as big as a dragon."

   "Really? What are you waiting for? Go out and have a look."

"Go out and fart. When you go out and wander around, our refresh point will be gone. Besides, when you go out, everything is too late. Maybe the Envoy has entered a dream long ago, and waiting here is the same. ."

   "What you said makes sense..."

Rudely observing the situation in the dream of Emerald City, Sean smiled and nodded at the high priest DeWitt: "The high priest has maintained this place very well. The most basic virtuous circle has been established. Just follow the current rhythm. Keep going down, not only the dreamland itself is constantly growing, but also the best help for the mother tree. The greatly improved environment in the Emerald City and the rejuvenated branches and leaves around are the best proof."

"This is not my credit, but the messenger. You have paved the way for us. We just need to go down." Compared to a week ago, the high priest Dewitt was more respectful. He gave an admiration, because the more he knew about the Mage Tower and the dream, the more extraordinary he felt.

  Although it is still called a dream, the dream created by Sean is far from the original dream.

   Some seem to be just fun means, but they have mobilized the enthusiasm of all citizens, and unknowingly, they have done something that is beneficial to everyone.

   This is by no means lost to the mother tree's method, but originated from the young man in front of him.

   This made the High Priest DeWitt even more curious about the origin of the other party. Where did he come from, and he has so many whimsical ideas?

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