The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 874: ?The situation reversed

The law of life rune frantically absorbs the original material to fatten itself, and the power of law spit out more or less replenishes Sean's inventory, but it only brings the inventory of Sean's power of law back to just over 200,000.

  'S three-day and three-night fight with the ancient shadow dragon, once again knocked Sean back to his original shape, the amount of the power of the law dropped to the cordon, leaving only a little over 90,000.

   This is the reason why Sean has adapted to the fighting rhythm of the ancient shadow dragon, and the flying state of the law fighter and the law giant is constantly switching to reduce consumption as much as possible.

   If the law fighters have been maintaining a high-intensity combat state, the power of the law of 100,000 cannot be sustained for a day.


   Shaun once again flew past the ancient shadow dragon in the state of a law fighter, leaving a small scar on its body.

The ancient shadow dragon leaped like thunder, roared again and again, but it was helpless. The opponent was as slippery as ever. Before he launched a counterattack, he had already slid away once, after pulling the distance between the two sides, once again turned into a law of giant flight. , Flaunting his might and making a silent mockery.

   That's right.

   In order to save consumption, Shaun kept acting in two states of Law Fighter and Law Giant.

   fell in the eyes of the ancient shadow dragon who didn't know the foundation of Sean, it was an outright provocation in disguise, mocking his slow flight speed.

   The ancient shadow dragon slid a long distance away as always before turning his head completely.

   Although the size is large, it has many advantages such as a strong foundation and terrifying power, but it also has the disadvantage of relatively slow flight and difficulty in turning around.

   In the struggle that lasted for three days and three nights, Sean did not take advantage of this shortcoming of the ancient shadow dragon to take him back and forth in circles.

   Only this time, after Sean turned around 180 degrees, he didn't turn into a regular giant flying state again as before, waiting for the ancient shadow dragon to catch up.

   Instead, he has been maintaining the state of the law fighter, and the speed is full.

   By the time the ancient shadow dragon turned its flight direction, Sean had already flown out of sight.

   "Coward! Coward! Don't run if you have the ability! This king wants to extract your soul and turn it into a furnace. It will be burned by the ruining dragon flame day and night, so that you will be immersed in the regret that arouses the king day and night."

   "No, this **** is ready to return, how could I make such a stupid mistake?"

   "Cunning bastard, this time I must tear down your lair first. You can run, but your lair can't run!"

  The ancient shadow dragon just roared in anger at first, but it flew around and figured it out.

   This time the cunning flying mouse left in the same direction as the original lair they had come to.

   Although the ancient shadow dragon doesn't think that Sean can pose any threat to him, he has to admit that the other party does have his own uniqueness.

   At least the shadow dragons under his command, in front of him, must only be slaughtered.

  Although the opponent's attack method is very monotonous, there are so many tricks back and forth, especially the crazy piercing attack, which is a standard starting style.

   But not all nightmares can be resisted.

   A bad one, those shadow dragons will be solved by his several charge drills.

  The more I think about it, the more the ancient shadow dragon feels that its guess is correct, and the more anxious it becomes.

  The ancient shadow dragon doesn't take the life and death of those flying nightmares into heart. They are all mass-produced goods on the assembly line.

   As long as he is given enough time, he will have as much as he wants.

But those shadow flying dragons are not. It is the family that he has finally collected and cultivated. The future potential is far from that of the flying nightmare on the assembly line. This is what he will dominate in this collapsed field in the future and seize more. The key to interest and territory.

No matter how strong the individual strength is, it can only control hundreds of miles. Even if it is as powerful as the shadow mistresses, they don’t need them as master generals to help her control the army, charge into battle, occupy territory, and it is even more said that it is him. .

   The ancient shadow dragon knew that the situation was going to be bad, but did not expect it to be so bad.

   When it returned to the original lair again, it was no longer the glorious scene when he led the warped nightmare army to crush the land three days ago.

   At first, there were only three or two scattered flying nightmares around the lair, as for the elite army that he had cultivated so hard.

   Not to mention the shadow flying dragon, even the small shadow flying dragon that can be transformed by absorbing and destroying the dragon flame can not see half of it.

   is on the enemy's side, and the emerald green city shield reopened.

   There is an elite army of elite ant guards of no less than 10,000 on the ground, and no less than 30,000 Abigail flying ants are suspended in the air.

   No matter the elite ant guards or those flying ants' bodies, they all shone with a very dazzling golden light.

   This kind of light makes the ancient shadow dragons instinctively hated, because it is not only their greatest enemy, but also a trophy from them.

   Just seeing this continuous golden light, the ancient shadow dragon knew where his army of cannon fodder was going.

   Where did these ants emerge from?

   Can it be said that they are not natural products, but artificially manufactured like those reptiles?

   Even if it is artificially made, how can the other party have such a fast manufacturing speed?

   Or is it that the Gaia consciousness of this plane intervened in this matter and spawned them regardless of consumption?

   is wrong.

   The World Tree is still half-dead, suffering from the erosion of shadow energy.

   Even if Gaia's consciousness is regained, he shouldn't come to calculate himself, but give priority to dealing with the body being corroded by the shadow energy and digesting the shadow master.

   When facing those plane creatures, he is indeed almost invincible, but he is obviously not qualified for Upper Gaia consciousness.

   This self-knowledge, the ancient shadow dragon still has it.

   The figure that made the ancient shadow dragon gritted his teeth with hatred, stood in the city shield, in front of the Abigail flying ants, and said solemnly at the ancient shadow dragon: "surrender or die."

   "Ant, you dare to taunt me." The ancient shadow dragon suddenly felt that he was in a burning state, and his anger could not be concealed.

   The flying mouse in front of him seems to have its own taunting skills, and easily can provoke the deepest anger in the heart of the ancient shadow dragon.

"Because of these reptiles, you can kill me? This king allows you to see and see. In the face of absolute power, quantity is just a joke. Today, this king will destroy your lair, destroy your army, and let you also Become a pauper with nothing."

   The ancient shadow dragon vibrated its wings and flew towards the mage tower that should have been destroyed three days ago.

  Since I have made a mistake once, I will not make a second time.

   This time, the ancient shadow dragon didn't even use to destroy the dragon flame, so it slammed straight into the city shield of the original lair.

   He will use the most violent and shocking means to vent his anger.


   The sound of this impact is no longer deafening to describe.

   But a small meteorite hit the earth.

The city shield of the initial nest was pierced on the spot, not to mention, as the visible concussion ripples dissipated, the entire initial nest was shaking violently, and the edges even collapsed, and large tracts of soil broke away from the bondage. Meter fell from high altitude.

   The Abigail flying ants, who were closer to the city shield, were even more washed away.

   The ancient shadow dragon is right, the disparity between the strengths of the two sides is too great.

   Ants can certainly kill elephants.

   But that is based on quantity.

   Not to mention how many ants will be trampled to death by elephants during this process.

   Not to mention the disparity in power.

   Many Abigail flying ants rushing to fight against the ancient shadow dragon have not been able to get close to the ancient shadow dragon and take a bite.

   Either it was blown away by the violent wind that the opponent's wings vibrated, or it was soaked by the shadow energy emitted from the opponent, and it was covered with a layer of gray, eroding its body.

   According to this posture, the Abigail flying ant has no chance to rush to the ancient shadow dragon at all, and will be killed by the shadow energy released from its body.


   Xiao En repeated his old skills, took the lead and ran into the ancient shadow dragon.

But this time, the ancient shadow dragon ironed his heart, first tore down the mage tower in the original lair, and then destroyed his troops bit by bit in front of Sean, letting him feel his own anger now. .

   completely ignored Sean's provocation.

   Anyway, he has mastered all of Sean's tricks. The back and forth are nothing more than those tricks. Even if he stands there and doesn't resist, let it hit, he can't even hurt his core.

   "Stupid guy, where do you go? Your goal is here!"

   "Come after me, why don't you come after me?"

   "Aren't you afraid of me?"

   Shaun was like a fly, not only spinning around the ancient shadow dragon, but also buzzing.

   If it were before the change, the ancient shadow dragon would have been irritated long ago. He had bitten on Sean before, and that kind of insidious mouth and gun would have also contributed to the same.

   fell into the ears of the ancient shadow dragon this time, it was extremely sweet, even a bit proud.

  Because the more the other party does this, the more it means that I have found the key point of the other party this time.

   If you chase the other person again, that would be an out-and-out idiot!

  Especially when Shaun’s tone showed a sense of irritation, the ancient shadow dragon's flight speed was intentionally or unintentionally slowed down by one point. Only in this way, can one more experience the sense of accomplishment of success.

   Boom! boom! boom!

   The counterattack from the Mage Tower also started.

   The huge golden thunders connected one after another, stroking a zigzag pattern, falling towards the ancient shadow dragon.


  In the huge eyes of the ancient shadow dragon, there was obvious disdain.

   The shadow energy gathered, forming a shield directly on the outside of its body.

   The golden falling thunder fell on it, and disappeared just with waves of waves. It still couldn't hurt the body of the ancient shadow dragon.

   At the same time, the wizard tower has disappeared from the ancient shadow dragon.

   To be more precise, the sight of the ancient shadow dragon has been restricted since entering the city shield of the original lair.

At first, the entire nest was shrouded in thick fog, and the more serious it gets inside, Shaun, who originally followed the ancient shadow dragon, has disappeared without a trace. The entire original nest seems to be the only thing left. One dragon exists.

   There is no doubt that the realm covering the original lair has changed.

   The petrochemical and no-fly domains do have miraculous effects on ordinary twisted nightmares.

   The defensive army at the original lair was able to wipe out most of it, playing a vital role.

   Without this dual realm, their ability to move is greatly restricted, and if those flying nightmares disappear in a rush, the lair will not be able to catch up even if it has an advantage at first.

   But the effect of the ancient shadow dragon, even if it is not ignored, is greatly reduced.

   might as well switch to this strategic defensive tactic.

   Regarding the initial changes in the lair domain, the ancient shadow dragon still doesn't care. This method just slows down the opponent's pace of destruction and death.

   Destroy the dragon's breath!

   The destructive power that burns like a flame gushes out.

Wherever    passed, the white mist fell into a burning state.

   is naturally a place that has been baptized by the Destroying Dragon's Breath, and it will be covered with a light gray mist.

  With the existence of this kind of gray fog, no matter how thick the surrounding white fog is, it is isolated by an invisible force, and it will never flow back.

   Destroying the dragon's breath also contains power that belongs to the law.

  The ancient shadow dragon only needs to baptize the original lair with the Dragon's Breath of Destruction once, and the target that he wants to destroy will naturally be exposed to him.


   A sharp breaking sound came from An emerald green vine with a diameter of no less than five meters broke through the dense fog and drew towards the ancient shadow dragon.

  The ancient shadow dragon instinctively rushed up and shredded it directly.

   But I immediately realized that something was wrong.

   Although he looked down on the flying mouse, he had to admit that the other party's brain was very useful, and various methods were emerging in an endless stream, and even the unfavorable situation was reversed bit by bit.

  Especially when the other party first came up with a thick fog to obscure their realization.

   This giant vine may be a bait, a trap to jump into by using his habits.

   If he rushes forward rashly, there may be more giant vines waiting for him. Once caught in the giant net, it will be a very troublesome thing.

  The ancient shadow dragon changed from pounce to breath.

   A destroying dragon's breath sprayed towards the giant vine.

   The giant vine shatters with one touch.

   That is just an analog image with extremely realistic sound and image.

  Because the dense fog itself has strong and intense fluctuations, it has a strong misleading effect, and even the ancient shadow dragon almost swayed past.

   The ancient shadow dragon not only hasn't become relaxed, but its expression has become a little dignified.

  Because he realized that from rushing into this white mist, he once again hit the opponent's trap.

   Compared to a simple image, it prefers that the vine that has just been sprayed is a real superstar vine, which is tantamount to ruining a trap for the other party.

   is now hard to distinguish between true and false.

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