The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 884: ?Planar Exile



   three times!


   Ten times!

   As the shadow master's continuous expansion, its appearance also began to change to the shadow master's appearance.

   The giant shadow mastermind expanded while drifting towards the direction of the Ant-Man army.

   "Go away, get away quickly, they are launching a suicide attack!" Silvia Dragon Queen could no longer sit and watch, loudly reminded.

   You don't need to remind him. As long as you are a discerning person, you know that the shadow master's state is not normal at the moment, and it is best to be as far away as possible from it.

   Not only is the ant-man army retreating rapidly, but the group of bright golden cranes that are crazily piercing around the shadow jellyfish are also retreating crazily.

   To be more precise, except for ordinary nightmares that are rushing towards the shadow master like moths to the fire, the rest of the shadow creatures are moving away from it at the fastest speed.

Including the shadow masters who were previously stuck by the bright golden cranes, at this moment, they don’t care about cooperating with them and entangle the bright golden cranes who are trying to escape, but flee in the direction away from the shadow master, in their eyes , The shadow master no longer seems to be a companion, but a more dangerous existence.

   The truth is also true.

   When the shadow master brain enters a high-speed expansion state, it seems to have lost consciousness. The shadow tentacles that have expanded nearly a hundred times are wantonly attacking everything that enters its attack range, including previous companions.

   A shadow jellyfish that was pierced and torn by a bright golden crane was too slow to move, and was swept by the shadow tentacles.

   The shadow jellyfish quickly melted before even screaming, becoming a part of the body that swelled like yeast.

   No wonder those shadow creatures run faster than rabbits, obviously they don't want to be assimilated by this shadow master.

Although the swelling shadow mastermind is pursuing the Ant-Man army, the Silver Dragon Queen Sylvia is also on the verge of an enemy, while ordering the Lun soldiers to gather the light of life power that can be mobilized. On the city shield, it enhanced its ability to fight against attacks. While summoning all the silver dragons, he led Elder Lance and Elder Mavis. Inside the city shield, facing the direction of the expanding shadow, he spared no effort to construct the first Two-layer protective cover.

  They have fought with shadow creatures for many years, and they know the power of this trick very well.

  Expansion is only the beginning, the most terrifying is yet to come.

  Because the expansion is only the surface, the true essence power has gathered inside the shadow master. It is constantly compressing and then compressing, and when it is compressed to the extreme, it will be released instantly.

   Needless to say what the situation will be.

   That is a super shadow bomb.

   will destroy everything around, including those nightmares that share the same origin.

   In a chain reaction, they will even become part of the bomb, increasing its power.

   Many of the cities that were occupied were broken by this trick.

  Emperor Lun'en did not suffer from this trick. Many Silver Dragon fighters were killed alive because they didn't know the power of this trick.

   Of course, there is no certainty, nightmares will not easily use this trick.

  Because of using this trick, not only has to catch countless nightmares, but also a shadow master-no matter whether it succeeds or not, they are dead.

   The former is fine, no matter how much wastage, the nightmare commander will not feel too distressed, anyway, it will not take long for them to produce a lot of them.

   But those shadows are not the mastermind.

   In theory, all nightmares have a chance to become the shadow master.

   Actually, this kind of situation is pitiful. In addition to strength, it also requires great luck. If it doesn't work, it will die on the road to growth.

  Uncertainty, they won't use this trick easily—the Lun Empire’s overly thick city shield is listed here.

   This time the nightmare army commander used this trick, the main purpose is not to attack, but to stop loss.

   Whether it is the repeated assaults of the Guangming Golden Crane or the progress of the Guangming Mantis step by step, it is far beyond their cognition.

If it continues according to the previous situation, it is probably not a matter of paying one or two shadow masters, but the large shadow creatures with the nightmare army as the backbone are severely damaged, at least the dozens of slow moving shadow jellyfish, Will be entangled alive by them.

   Not to mention there are three silver dragons led by ancient dragons, who are still on the sidelines and have not completely joined the battle.

   I have to say that from this alone, it can be seen that the commander behind this nightmare army is indeed very human. He knows how to choose, but it is still terrifying.

   Squeak! Roar! Tweeted!

   There was a new change in the field that made the silver dragon and dragon queen also shocked.

There are several shadow masterminds who have suffered too much, knowing that they are doomed to escape, and stopped escaping. They also started to scream in the same band as the swelling shadow mastermind, attracting the surrounding nightmare to start surging towards them, and followed in. Inflated state.

   Now there is not one or two Super Shadow Bombs, but four or five Super Shadow Cluster Bombs bundled together.

   This kind of battle has never been encountered before even in Imperial Capital.

   The city shield of the Imperial Capital of Lun is very reluctant even against a super shadow bomb, let alone a super shadow cluster bomb.

   Once the city shield is washed away, it is absolutely disastrous for the citizens living here.

   There is no need for the nightmare army to attack on a large scale again. Mere chaos and extreme external weather can kill most of them.


   A loud dragon chant came from the direction of the Ant-Man army.

   Among the Ant-Man army retreating like a tide, there was a countercurrent, a huge golden figure like a small mountain, vibrating its wings, and flew towards the expanding shadow mastermind.

   "Is it the Dragon King Alvin Bod?"

   "Looking at the size and breath, it should be it, but hasn't it been completely crazy and has fallen into the dark? How did it become like this?"

   "What is it going to do? Does it want to fight this explosion on its own?"

   All the silver dragons couldn't help but exclaimed in exclamations, and their gazes at the golden figure were very complicated.

   Although the appearance of the other party changed drastically, they still recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

   The Golden Dragon Dragon King Alvinbod Raymond Caron, who was famous all over the world in Abigail.

   Although it has the title of Dragon King, it is not a husband and wife relationship with Silver Dragon Queen Sylvia. Whether it is Dragon King or Dragon Queen, it is an uncrowned title.

   Although the two are the backbone of the dragon guardian good camp, they have serious differences because of their treatment of other intelligent creatures.

Especially when the cataclysm came, the main energy of the Abigail World Tree was placed on a large number of intelligent races, but they ignored the races with strong individual strength, or the goddess Abigail believed them With his own ability, he can survive the initial stage of disaster.

As a result, a shadow mistress took advantage of the emptiness, and directly took the opportunity to tear the barriers of the plane and broke into the Golden Dragon Mountain. When the goddess Abigail arrived, the entire Golden Dragon was almost annihilated, although Alvin Bod survived , But also suffered heavy losses. When the shadow mistress retreated, he planted in his heart the seeds of hatred for the goddess Abigail and other wise races, which became the primer for him to fall into darkness.

Compared with the silver dragon queen who is famous for its wisdom, Alvin Bod can be named as the dragon king, relying on his own terrifying force. It is ranked second among the dragons of Abigail, and no one dares to call it. the first.

   After he fell into the darkness, there was no less than the silver dragon clan clash, and the injuries of the Sylvia dragon queen that were not fully healed were left behind during the confrontation between the two sides.

   Plane Exile!

   The Dragon King Alvinbod, who rushed towards the inflated shadow mastermind, was covered in golden light, and countless fragments of energy chains stretched out from it and sank into the surrounding air.

   That's right.

   is like a metal chain sinking into the water, these golden energy chains are inserted into the plane barrier around the body in this strange form.

   Then the entire plane barrier began to melt, turning into a substantial wave of water.

   As this wave of water spread, the swelling shadow masters were the first to bear the brunt, swallowed directly by them, and appeared on the other side.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

   The shadow masterminds who were forced to enter the transformation still maintained a bit of saneness. They found that the situation was not right, and did not wait for the compressed energy to reach the extreme, and they detonated.

   Boom! boom! boom!

   The violent shadow energy splashed around, forming a terrifying shock wave, even those nightmares in front of this shock wave, there is no reason to be spared.

   But the damage they cause is quite ordinary.

   On the one hand, their accumulated strength is insufficient, on the other hand, their bodies have been repelled by the barriers of the sea, and they have swallowed most of them.

   Only a small part of the explosion occurred inside the plane barrier, and some were outside the barrier.

   When facing the powerful shadow shock wave, the plane barrier that was as soft as sea water immediately became muddy like a swamp, impacting on it, and there was nowhere to focus.

   When he came back through the barrier of the plane again, it was almost like a breeze.

   The shadow mastermind that first began to ferment was also detonated by their serial explosion.

The energy accumulated by the two parties is not the same, and the power is naturally not the same. It is just the destruction formed, but it is upgraded from a breeze to a strong wind, and it is gone after it is blown. It is not even as powerful as the previous shadow masters. .

   It received Alvin Bod's intensive care, and most of its body was excluded from the barriers.

   The laws of the plane of Abigail's plane collapsed, and the barriers of the plane were unprecedentedly weak, compared to other planes.

   Compared with individual existence, even the shadow masters have not yet come and go freely, let alone the shadow masters force to absorb power, but they look similar to the shadow masters, and there are essential differences between the two.

   "What a powerful domain spell." Elder Lance, those who know the goods, couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning, and explained the essence of the method.

   "This is not just a domain spell anymore. It is a way of manipulating the laws of the plane through domain spells. It has half-footed into the realm of gods." Queen Sylvia added.

   "Go, let us go to meet the guests! Let all the warriors follow!" Queen Silvia canceled all her defensive spells.

   "Understood!" Elder Lance understood, waved his wings and circled all the silver dragons, and said in a deep voice, "Be energetic and don't lose the name of our silver dragon clan."

   Although it is not clear why the Dragon King Alvin Bodrum suddenly turned back, I don't know where he came back with such a powerful army.

   Sylvia, the queens, instinctively didn't want to lose.

   "Elder don't worry, we are all in good spirits now!"

   "Which one of the silver dragons here is not a battle-hardened one, will never give you a shame to your Majesty the Queen."

  The silver dragons responded, one by one, full of energy. They also saw the hope of counterattack from the Ant-Man army.

   The super shadow cluster bombs formed by the shadow masterminds failed to severely damage the ant-man army, but it still played another role-blocking the ant-man army's pursuit and covering the retreat of the nightmare army.

   After the last swelling shadow main brain exploded outside the plane barrier, the main force of the nightmare army had already escaped.

   The ant-man army headed by the Dragon King Alvinbod has no intention of pursuing it. For them, completely eradicating that nightmare army is also not a top priority.

   The top priority is to establish a relationship with the Royal Capital of Lun.

   The sturdy fighting power of the Silver Dragon is also obvious to all. Relying on the city shield, even if it faces a large shadow creature ten times its own, it still does not fall behind.

   Not to mention, there are three ancient silver dragons who have been watching coldly, and have not joined the battle before.

   Fight alone, none of them is Alvin Bod’s opponent.

   One-to-two, the outcome is a bit unpredictable, it depends on both sides' mastery of domain magic.

   If it is one to three, it must be Alvin Bod who fled.

  If the two sides can reach a consensus and send troops together to destroy this nightmare army, I believe it will not be difficult.

   In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, the Ant-Man army stopped in place, and the Dragon King Alvin Bodder flew towards Emperor Lun, alone.

   "The dragon king Alvinbod seems to be riding a person!"

"How is it possible? Are you wrong? How arrogant is King Alvin Bodrum? Needless to say, he has an attitude towards humanoid intelligent creatures. He would rather die than allow someone to ride on his back... Uh, God Now, he really rides a man on him."

"No, that is by no means an ordinary person. It is a body of pure energy. It's just that this kind of appearance has never been seen before. The overall ratio is shorter than that of elves, and higher than that of dwarves. You have seen humanoid races of this ratio before. ?"

   "Never saw it!"

When the distance between the two sides kept getting closer, the silver dragons were surprised to find that the Dragon King Alvinbod was not alone from beginning to end. There was a golden giant sitting on its back, only hidden by its huge figure. Living.

   The deeper the understanding of the character of the Dragon King Alvinbod, the stronger the surprise.

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