The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 889: ?Inheritance

Wherever Shaun goes, the mage tower will inevitably follow where it will be built. This does not change whether the opponent is an elf or a dwarf.

   After a period of discussion and discussion with the Queen Sylvia, the final decision was made.

   Sean and Sylvia's dragon queen joined forces to pursue, the elite nightmare.

   In a complex new environment shrouded in mist, Sean really needs Sylvia's unique perception and prediction ability as a guide.

   This ability, Sean had already fully experienced in the search for the Nightmare Commander. Although there was no way to achieve 100% accuracy, there has never been a problem in the general direction.

   For this unique domain spell, Sean naturally yearned for it, discussed and exchanged with the Queen Sylvia in private.

   The Queen Sylvia never hid in this aspect, and answered all questions.

   But the effect is not ideal. There are some things that are obviously only conceivable and unspeakable.

Just like Sean has no way to teach, how the Queen Sylvia uses the power of the law to transform those shadow creatures into light creatures, even if Sean has developed a complete routine with the law of life rune, it must have The law of life rune acts as the activation key.

   Xiao En only prepared to carry one hundred Bright Praying Mantises and five thousand elite Ant Guards, and none of the Bright Golden Cranes, and all of them stayed on the side of Imperial Capital Lun, and handed them over to Elder Lance and Elder Mavis for deployment and command.

   As Sylvia Dragon Queen said, the environment they are about to go to is too special, and the Bright Golden Crane can't exert their strengths there. On the contrary, it is not as good as the land-air dual-purpose Bright Mantis.

   Ant-Man infantry is also not expensive.

   Five thousand three-star elite Ant Guards are enough for Sean and them to cope with most emergencies.

  If you can’t cope with it, a strategic retreat is a wiser choice.

In Sean’s view, his strongest reliance on this pursuit was neither the elite ant-man legion nor the Queen Sylvia and Dragon King Alvin Bod, the two top powerhouses, but the one he carried with him. With the power of 1.5 million laws, he will take away all the power of laws accumulated in the past period of time in the dream world of the 14 cities including the original lair and the Imperial Capital of Lun.

  With the power of 1.5 million laws as his confidence, he believes that he can handle most situations.

"Before setting off, there is one last thing that needs to be explained. Although you have never asked, but I believe you must be curious about how the Ant-Man army that followed me came from. The answer is here. Three of you, please follow me. "

   Sean and the three powers of the Silver Dragon clan are now located outside the original lair.

   "Your Excellency really has a special liking for infrastructure construction. Wherever he goes all the way, where is the construction."

   "This is the first time I have seen such a unique three-dimensional building."

   "The messenger won't tell me that these ant people are not self-reproducing, but like those migratory locusts, they reproduce collectively through mother insects, right?

   "Don't tell me, it's really possible. I suspect that this Ant-Man is not only a colony, but also has a close relationship with the messenger. Have you ever seen or heard of this race before?"

   "Really never!"

   Facing the initial nest like a honeycomb maze, the three ancient silver dragons were surprised and couldn't help but talk.

   For the Ant-Man army led by Sean, they said it was not good to be false.

   It's just that Sean didn't take the initiative to mention it to them, and they couldn't take the initiative to ask, after all, this is something that involves people's foundation.

"Ant-Man is not so much created by me as it is more suitable for the goddess to create with my hands. I just did a few simple multiple-choice questions in the process." Sean went deep into the initial nest. Walked and explained modestly, "You guessed it, ants do belong to the colony to multiply, and their foundation is on the queens here. As long as they protect the initial nest, at least new ant soldiers will be produced every week. .

After these ant-man soldiers hatch, they must be deployed as soon as possible, because the entire sap of the original nest is used by the first queen to incubate the ants. If there are too many ant-man soldiers piled up here, separate them. Too much sap will slow down the hatching speed of the first queen ants. From now on, I will ask Elder Lance and Elder Mavis here. "

   "Your Excellency, handing over such a precious existence to us, we will definitely protect it carefully, and we will never cause any problems with him." Elder Lance patted his chest with beaming eyes.

   Shaun gave them not only the task of protecting the original nest, but also the deployment rights of the Ant-Man army produced by the original queen.

   The power of the Ant-Man army, he has already seen it with his own eyes.

  They may not be able to deal with those large shadow creatures, but they are definitely good at dealing with ordinary twisted nightmares.

  The silver dragon clan has always suffered from the loss of fighting alone?

   If they have an inexhaustible army of Ant-Man, why have they been suppressed in the Royal Capital of Lun and unable to move for so many years?

   "Here, this is the first queen ant." Sean took the Queen Sylvia and they quickly reached the center of the original lair.

After the Queen Sylvia wandered around the original queen, she couldn't help but exclaimed sincerely: "It's amazing! Her Excellency, you must have worked **** it to make it perfect. This It is simply an incubation machine."

   Compared to the beginning of the transformation, the size of the first queen was doubled, and the whole body was green. Even if Sean and his party arrived, it did not affect the fast feeding and hatching of the first queen.

   Only when Sean approached her, did he make an intimate grunt.

   "Thanks for your hard work, I'll help you." Sean gently patted the bloated body of the queen ant at the beginning, and the hand on it was filled with a steady stream of golden light.

   At first, the queen screamed joyfully, inserted into the mouthparts in the branch pond, and the speed of sucking the branches suddenly increased.

   One gold and one green, two rays of light converged in the middle of the abdomen of the first queen, and the existence of a giant ant egg was vaguely visible.

   Along with the gathering of a large number of golden light and green awns, the position of this giant ant egg is also slowly moving until it is completely discharged from the body of the first queen.

   "This is..." Sylvia cast a searching gaze on Sean.

   Even though they have never seen other ant-man eggs, they can still see that this ant egg is extraordinary.

   is just the ant egg state, which is bigger than any ant man they have ever seen, including those elite ant guards.

   has an emerald green background, glowing with golden light.

   Soon the creatures in the giant ant eggs broke their shells.

   The newborn Ant-Man is a golden body, but his body is not as huge as imagined. At best, he is comparable to the elite Ant Guard.

   After being exposed to the air, the golden light on the newborn ant-man is fading bit by bit, and it is more similar to the elite ant guard. If it is thrown into the elite ant guard, it can't be distinguished at all.

   It's just that, Sylvia Dragon Queen and the others are more certain that it is extraordinary.

   This is obviously a disguise of self-protection, just to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

"The queen's inheritance body, she carries all the genes and functions of the original queen. After entering a suitable nest, she can grow into a new queen. I let the original queen start preparing for it a long time ago. It came in handy so soon, she will go deep into the world tree with us. "Since they were shown the entire process of the queen incubating her, Sean was not prepared to hide it from them.

   "Your Excellency, the consideration is really comprehensive. I am already looking forward to what we will achieve within the mother tree." Queen Sylvia did not hesitate to praise her.

   "Be prepared without trouble." Xiao En replied with a smile, "Now that everything is ready, let us pick out those **** and let them pay the price!"

   "This is exactly what I want to do." Sylvia's eyes showed a rare coldness.

   Both Sean and the Queen Sylvia are truly actionists. After finalizing the plan, they will do their best to implement it.

   After only three days, they reappeared at the entrance of the mother tree crack.

Facing the Abigail World Tree, it is often difficult to think of it as a tree. This feeling is especially strong when it is in front of its main pole, because if you are too close to it, you can’t see it by visual inspection. The thickness.

   And the composition of the Abigail World Tree is never pure wood.

   can only be said that wood is its main component.

The proportion of    wood is also different in each part.

  In the main part of the branch, the wood part is relatively heavy, which can account for about 50 to 60%.

  In the main pole part of the main body, the wooden part is greatly reduced, and the ratio is only about 30%. The remaining 70%, mostly earth, rock and metal, are mixed and twisted together.

   is not so much the main pole of a tree as it is a huge mountain with a unique shape.

   Sean and they are now drilling into the belly of the mountain.

There is a natural passage in the belly of the mountain, and the size of the passage is amazing. Even the bodies of Avon Bernard and Sylvia can easily climb in and out here, let alone relatively slender. Only the bright praying mantis, which is one-tenth the size of their body, is not difficult to fly at low altitude.

  With the continuous deepening, the terrain becomes more and more complicated.

   Large and small cave passages, like a maze.

Some of these passages were naturally formed when the Abigail World Tree was born-the Abigail World Tree itself is a patchwork. During the patching process, large and small gaps and channels are left, which is normal. .

   There is a part with heavy artificial traces.

   Judging from those traces, only a small part of them came from the hands of Abigail dwarves, and most of them came from the hands of various primitive creatures born during the cataclysm.

   At this time, Sean discovered that it was a wise choice to agree to the Queen Sylvia coming together.

   Her powerful prophecy perception allows her to easily judge where is the main passage that can accommodate them to continue walking forward, and where is the narrow dead end.

   Sylvia's dragon queen can lead Sean and the others to catch up with the nightmare commander, I don't know for the time being.

   At least they walked all the way, the speed was quite balanced, and they didn't delay too much time because of turning back.

   This is undoubtedly good news for Sean and the others.

   The time difference between them and the Nightmare Commander is a bit big. I believe that the time saved through this process can help them narrow the distance between the two sides.

   The situation inside the World Tree is far from what Shaun and the others expected.

   The environment here is not gloomy, whether it is wood or stone, it glows with bright green light.

   And the thick main pole of Abigail World Tree has become the best protective layer.

   Extreme natural changes such as hurricanes and hail cannot invade here.

   "It's incredible! It's so beautiful!"

   The Queen Sylvia who was walking in the front suddenly stopped and couldn't help but let out a low sigh.

   "What's the matter?" Sean hurried to catch up, standing next to Sylvia's dragon queen, suddenly feeling bright.

   An empty valley appeared in front of A valley completely inside the Abigail World Tree.

   If it's just a valley, it will never surprise Queen Sylvia with this look.

   But this valley is full of life, full of strange-looking plants.

  Many of these plants are in a semi-material and semi-energy state, and they also glow with green light.

   Make this valley cave a bit brighter than other caves.

On the contrary, it was Sean, and his expression of surprise was not strong: "It is reasonable to say that when all life factors such as light, temperature, nutrients, water sources, and all kinds of life factors should be available, the probability of life being born is very high, and the degree of life stubbornness has never exceeded Our imagination will always find new outlets in ways and angles that we can't imagine."

"Compared to the tenaciousness of life, the erudition and reason of the messenger is equally surprising." The Queen Sylvia couldn't help but look at Sean again, as if she was reacquainting him, "In this world, still Is there anything that will surprise you?"

"This may have something to do with my current state." Sean shrugged. "If the soul is in a state of pure energy, emotional fluctuations will be greatly reduced. This situation has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it allows me to be in any situation. Next, you can observe and think rationally. The disadvantage is that your sympathy will be much weaker... Your Excellency Sylvia, have you noticed that something is wrong here!"

"It's true that something is not quite right. The scenery here is beautiful but beautiful, but it's too quiet." Queen Sylvia closed her eyes, power surged, silver light flashed, and the silhouette of the silver dragon body loomed behind her. .

   That is a sign that her perception abilities are being mobilized.

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