The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 9: Fixed plan

In the process of hunting and fishing, Andis mountain people also know to let go of those cubs and small fish.

The slave hunters do not. There will only be a ruin where they pass. In their eyes, the Andis mountain people are not humans at all, but prey on two legs. In their words, there are only two kinds of security. Diss mountain people are useful, one is able to sell money, the other is dead.

In their eyes, the Andis mountain people are not raised by the mother's father, but the wild leeks on the mountain. This year, there will be another wave of wild leeks.

When Xiao En hurried back to the village, the fire in the village had been extinguished by a sudden heavy rain. Although he was fully psychologically prepared, when he saw the tragedy in the village, an uncontrollable flame rushed in. In the brain, countless tyrannical thoughts are rolling in my mind, I want to shout, but I can't make any sound.

Sean went crazy in and out of the ruins. What he found was only a cold corpse. Only a few of them were able to recognize their faces. Most of them had become distorted corpses. Most were women, children and children. They were burned alive. In the face of this kind of artificial arson, even the secret room cannot protect their safety.

It was not until she found the blue baby girl with her face covered in the arms of a young mother who had been dead for a long time, that Sean recovered from the frenzy. He remembered the baby girl. Her mother had a dystocia. It was he who delivered the baby. He was originally looking for his mother. The mother was not there. He could only bite the bullet. This was his first delivery and the only delivery. The name was also given by him-Elena, The meaning of fawn in the ancient Andes imperial language, she has a pair of fawn-like eyes.

He also remembered her mother, a girl who was a few years older than him. She had been married in the village for less than two years. She was just as old as a flower. She should be able to have four or five children.

Compared to her mother who loves to laugh, her father is a very rigid person. He is also a few years older than Sean, but he is one of the few people in the village who hates Sean. Since childhood, he thinks Sean is a weird. Tire, a cunning hungry wolf disguised in human skin, this may have something to do with being beaten by the five-year-old Sean, leaving behind a psychological shadow.

But in all fairness, he was a young and hardworking guy. He possessed an archery that was only stronger than Shaun. He was the youngest archer in the history of the village. He should have made some extraordinary achievements. Now he has also become a master. An icy corpse, his body was covered with various wounds, but no place was on his back. He died fighting to protect the village and his wife and daughter.

Shaun thought of many people, some who liked him, some who didn't want to see him, some he liked and some he hated, but now most of them have become cold corpses.

Xiao En always thought that he was just a spectator, watching the joys and sorrows of this village, and occasionally joining them is also a kind of resident status. He has never really integrated into them. After all, this is just what Elena chose to give birth to him. If he had chosen other villages, he might not even know them.

But there are not so many ifs in this world, and feelings are not determined by subjective consciousness. When there is communication in life, regardless of the joys and sorrows, feelings have long unknowingly breed.

The only good news that is not good news is that their houses are not in the ranks of burnt down, and there is no trace of their mother’s return, but they want to come, but it is a secret word level warlock, although there is still a certain distance from the control level, but add After so many years of little tricks learned from Xiao En, even if the combat effectiveness is not up to the guard level, it is almost the same. If she is there, it is impossible to say nothing about the noise, the other party dare to attack the city, or Two said.

"Am I ruthless?" This was the first sentence Sean asked when Marshall saw Sean again.

Marshall did not answer, but sat quietly beside him, because he knew that what Sean needed now was just a listener.

"Actually I can do a lot for the village, you know, I know a lot of things, I can make more advanced crossbow arrows, I can set up a more sound defense system for the village, I can teach them more advanced farming techniques, I know There are many ways to make the village more prosperous... but I haven’t done anything. I haven’t done anything for so many years. I just curl up like a mouse in the hole I made, and occasionally use medical skills to help them. Know if it’s out of sincerity or just to test your own therapy."

"Because I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I will be killed, I'm afraid they will treat me like a monster."

"Haha, I didn’t do anything because I was afraid of being treated as a monster, but I was a monster from the beginning. Have you ever seen a baby who can understand other people’s words just a few months after birth? Have you seen two or three Have you adopted a bunch of orphans at the age of 10 and taught them how to read and do things for themselves? Have you ever seen cold-blooded monsters who see their compatriots still living under the food and clothing line, but there is a way but not to take it out? I have been from start to finish It’s a cold-blooded monster through and through,"

"You are not a monster, let alone cold-blooded." Marshall corrected seriously, "If you are really cold-blooded, you won't pick us back from the wilderness, if you are really cold-blooded, you won't sit here Make a big complaint. You yourself said before that wealth without matching force is the source of the greatest evil. If you really create a lot of wealth for the village, you don’t need people outside the mountain, the people in the mountain will razed the village to nothing. In the final analysis, the flat ground is because we are too weak. If we are strong enough, we naturally don’t have to do things that we wanted to do before, but we didn’t dare to do things like we did before. We just counted them, and the number is only one-third of the population. One, except for a part of hunting that has not returned, and a part of it should be taken away by the slave hunters. According to time calculation, they will not be able to return to the Bastille before sunset the day after tomorrow. I think we should be able to do something now. "

"Yes, we do have the ability to do something, and we should do something." Marshall woke up Sean who was in self-blame, his eyes bursting brightly, "Blood debt must be repaid with blood debt. ."

"Blood debt is paid back." Marshall, Arnold, and Irving responded in succession.

"Come on, let's plan." Sean drew an arrow and drew a few simple strokes on the ground. A simple and lifelike map appeared in front of the four, if there were other old Andysla mountain hunters present. I will definitely be shocked, because this is a small map of the Andes Crater. Many Andean people who have lived here don’t know what they live in. The other three are accustomed to it, because they have been Accompany Sean through most of the places here.

"From the perspective of the scale of the battle, the opponent is a large slave hunter team, with at least five knights, fifty knights and one hundred auxiliary soldiers, otherwise they would not dare to go so deep here. They should have A lot of gains have been gained. 80% of our village was the last village they breached. In other words, our village was only easily breached by them on their way home."

Shaun's brain was regaining his composure. His speculation was not an unfounded guess. After crossing this mountain ridge to the north, it was the site of Clayton the Scavenger.

Clayton's strength is not terrible, but the old fox itself is not clear about the Bastille of Hunter City. It is said that they have secret transactions about population in private, but there has been no substantive evidence, even if it is presented. It’s also useless. The Andis mountain people themselves are scattered sand. The various forces in the mountains of Nuoda are not fifty or thirty. There was originally a Sanzhai and Eight Holes that could be considered a powerful force. Fighting with people outside the mountain for several rounds, but since the discovery of an iron ore thirty years ago, the Sanzhai and Eight Caves were smashed, and after hurting their vitality, they collapsed and gradually became an ordinary village.

Clayton the Scavenger only likes to **** blood, he does not like to govern. The surrounding area is not lightly harmed by him, unless it is attacking the base camp of Clayton the Scavenger, where the slave hunters are simply unprofitable. If they want to deal with food For the corrupt, this force is far from enough. It must be increased by more than three times. This old fox gets more timid and cherishes his own life. The archer squadron under him has a squadron (about 30 people). ), the strength cannot be underestimated.

If it goes to the east, it will be the territory of Skullcrusher McGee. Compared with Clayton the Scavenger, this lord is a real powerful faction. His ancestor is Shangshui Village, one of the eight caves in Sanzhai~ Although it's a bit of a decline now, the camel that starved to death is bigger than the horse. Shangshui Village is still one of the largest villages in the surrounding area. Since the last village owner, that is, the father of Skullcrusher McGee and After the Kentana barbarians on the east were married, their strength improved, and the surrounding villages began to lead them one after another.

Compared with Clayton, the Scavenger, who likes to use the archer, McGee the Skullcrusher, who is half of the Kentana barbarian blood, is more interested in the Berserkers. He is surrounded by bloodthirsty and militants. He is a typical racist who hates people outside the mountain. Not to mention the slave hunters. Even the caravan from outside the mountain will kill a chicken or dog if they find it. Usually it is them. To find trouble in Hunter City, the Hunter squad rarely dared to run to his territory.

The slave hunters are just jackals who bully the soft and fear the hard-they come to the mountains to make a fortune, not to fight a war. If they lose too many manpower in the process, the gain is not worth the loss.

"It is very difficult for us to accomplish this thing. In this way, we will be divided into three groups. I will follow up to find the slave hunters, investigate their situation as much as possible, and hold them back. Arnold and Ivan will stay. In the village, when the villagers who went out hunting, the first important thing for them to come back is not to support me, but to deal with the corpses in the village. Now that the weather is so hot, once the plague is triggered, it will not be the casualties of one village or one village. , Marshall, think of a way to find more reinforcements, in the name of my mother and me, or if you don’t do it, you have to do it more."

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