The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 90: Each has its own way

After watching Al Heyman leave, none of the corpse collectors were willing to leave, and they regrouped back to Old John’s house. Compared with the previous, the atmosphere became more enthusiastic. Everyone whispered and discussed with people they knew. This is an unusual sale.

   The more they talk about it, the more they feel that this matter means very much to them. Eller opened a door to a whole new world for them. This transaction is really done, and the fate of their corpse collectors will undergo a huge change.

But what will happen to them, based on their lack of imagination, is really impossible to describe. At most, they have enough food and clothing every day, and there is surplus food at home. If the old tree is blooming, you can find a good one, even with a young man. It's like returning from **** to heaven.

   "Ahem!" Old John cleared his throat.

   The corpse collector with a long wink immediately said loudly: "Everything is quiet, all is quiet, Father John has something to say."

Old John’s gaze flicked across the faces of all the corpse collectors, and there was a light called hope on them. How precious is this thing. He no longer remembers when he saw this look on the corpse collectors. Thing.

   Even if there is, it will be quickly obliterated by the cruel reality. What is left is endless despair and numbness, and there is a sudden surge of jealousy in my heart. Why doesn't this kind of thing come thirty years earlier? Even for twenty years, at least I still have a chance to start again.

   This negative sentiment was quickly pressed to the deepest part of his heart by Old John, lightly tapping his cane.

"It's not that I want to pour cold water for everyone, but that everything should be prepared for the worst. What if this thing fails? It is really done, what if the expected effect is not achieved? The expected effect is achieved, among which How to distribute the benefits? Like the previous thing that rips the face for dozens of coppers, it must not happen again. After all, this is no longer our internal matter, but involves everyone's common sponsor."

   "It's still the old man's knowledge and prudent knowledge, everything is reasonable, old man, now there are no outsiders, you help us analyze and analyze, what is the other party's picture? How sure is this? How should we do it?"

"Pictures? Didn’t they just say it? In order to promote their medical clinics, but also to earn a good reputation, no matter what the pictures are, it has nothing to do with us. Even if people can make great benefits from it, don’t Jealous, we only need to do our own thing, otherwise, people can kick us off at any time and start a new cook. If you want people to use, you must show the value of people to use, considering that everything else is too far away."

Old John’s eyes are shining with a light called Wisdom. He is old and good, even if he doesn’t know a big character, but he has lived for so many years and has seen a lot of things. The experience is naturally better than the hairy boy. He has Such a reputation is by no means as simple as a good temper and a long life.

Old John paused slightly, organized his own words, and then said: "This transaction is unprecedented, and I can't make an assessment, but one thing is certain, whether it is done badly or well, it is all for us. Gains, after all, we have nothing to lose, just the size of the gains. These are irrelevant. What I really want to say is that this time we ourselves must be united, and we can no longer hang around aimlessly before."

   "What a solidarity law? Don't hesitate to tell me father, we all listen to you!"

   "This time we are going to demarcate the site, but we can't just divide it simply. After all, there are good and bad sites, especially where there are big and small fighting venues, there will be many injuries..."

   Old John's eyes lit up, and he meditated on the arena a dozen times in his heart. He seemed to vaguely touched the true intention of the unmasked gold master.

   The street patients are just a pretense. The other party is going to the gladiators. Now Solo City is preparing for the triennial gladiatorial contest. The battles in the big and small arena are in full swing, and there are many casualties every day.

If it is slightly injured, it is better to say that in order to earn more wealth, the slave owner will hire a doctor for them. If it is seriously injured, unless it is a well-known gladiator, the slave owner will be stingy and unwilling to spend an extra copper on them. At most, it would cost a few coppers to hire the corpse collector to transport the thing away. As for how the corpse collector handles it, that's their business.

That is a group of fighting men on the verge of life and death. The worst is the Cavaliers. The Cavaliers are not rare. Even if one can be saved, it is still a profit. If this is the case, the other party's medical skills are high. What is it like? Actually make this idea.

   "Daddy, daddy, daddy John, what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Old John shook his white-haired head and pressed this speculation to the bottom of his heart. He didn't plan to mention it to anyone. As he said just now, it doesn't matter what the other party plans, as long as they can learn from it. Just get the share that belongs to them, he laughed at himself.

"People are getting older and have all kinds of problems. Sorry, I just lost my mind. Let's go on to say that where there are more injuries, the benefits are more. Let's not talk about equalization. After all, work in places with more injuries. The amount is also large. Everyone is making hard money. Let's implement a rotation method, divide it into different sites, and perform rotation. Do you think this method is feasible?"

"This method is good. We should have done this a long time ago. It can reflect more work and more benefits, but also takes care of fairness. If you have fewer injuries during your rotation, you can't blame others, just blame yourself for bad luck, I Look at this method."

   "I also think this method is good."

"I agree."

"I agree."

   "Okay, now that we have decided on the method, let's divide the area according to past experience..."

  Division is a relatively tedious task, although the rotation method is adopted, the fairness is largely solved.

   But which district is big and which district is small, you also have to consider, after all, it is quite remarkable for a person to collect corpses three times a day.

   If the area is too large, it can't be taken care of. From the requirements of the funder, the timeliness is very important, otherwise they will not send people to help them repair the corpse truck.

   Everything else is secondary, and meeting the requirements of the sponsor is the most important.

Driven by their interests, they were all motivated and discussed till late at night without feeling sleepy. It was not until Old John drove people to find that the sky was going to be bright. After squinting for a while, he was about to go to work, but nothing A person feels sleepy and full of energy.

   Eller, the boss who has never seen his face, is a resolute and resolute person. Eller took the letter back the night before. Early the next morning, three waves of people came in the Forgotten Lane.

   The first wave is a group of Andis people wearing linen coats and covering their noses and mouths with linen cloth. Not surprisingly, they are the doctors in the medical clinics who are most talkative among the bottom people in Solo City.

The second wave was a person dressed as a waiter. He transported several carts of food in a row. On the street outside Old John’s door, five or six cauldrons were set up. At dawn, the hot water in the pot was already gurgling. bubble.

   In the last wave, a large group of carpenters and guys came in with wood.

  From here, it also reflected the other party's confidence. It is expected that the corpse collector will not refuse him, and all preparations have been made in advance, and the corpse collector nodded.

The third team is still headed by El Heyman, who smiled and said to Old John: "Originally, our boss had to come here in person today, but a seriously injured patient was sent in the morning and he needed to be treated personally. , Come back to visit Father John another day."

   "I can't afford it, I can't afford it. I should take the initiative to visit your boss, because I am afraid that I will bring this full of bad luck into your store and affect your business."

"My father dare not say that. Without your sacrifice and dedication, this city would have been reduced to a smelly city of death. This is what our boss said. Not only did our boss never look down on you, but he was right. Your praise is high. Father is willing to come, and my boss will definitely go out to meet him personally."

"Your boss really said that?" Old John's waist straightened uncontrollably, and his eyes were shining. From Eller's words, he could hear a sense of identity. This is undoubtedly a part of a lifetime collector. Kind of recognition.

  Although he is engaged in the corpse collection business, it is not entirely voluntary, and he does not necessarily have much love, but he has been doing it all his life, and some things have been integrated into his bones.

   "These are the original words of my boss. Even if I make up, I can't make up such a level words." Eller smiled and said, "I can confirm this personally after seeing my boss."

"No, no, with this sentence, even if I haven't lived in vain in my life." Old John murmured to himself, "I must see your boss, I must see your boss before I die. "

   "It's hard to say if I want to see our boss. After the arrangements are made, I have to go back. Then I will let them take the old man with the trailer."

   "I'm afraid this is wrong?"

"What's wrong with this? My boss is not a nobleman, and I need to inform in advance when I meet. I spread the word in the middle. When there is always no place, Dad will meet our boss in person. It is also a good thing. From the hearts of gentlemen, our boss is the best speaker I have ever seen."

   Speaking of the last sentence, Eller couldn't help but smile, and he suddenly remembered the trembling he had seen his boss before.

   "It's okay, but I'm going back to clean up." Old John turned around and wanted to go back to his house, wanting to be more decent, so as to live up to the other's evaluation.

   "Father, this can't work, I still need your help here! You are gone, what should I do?" Eller grabbed Old John.

   "It's me who is messing around, business matters, business matters."

Eller said to the corpse collecting people who came up after hearing the news: "Our boss is kind, and the boss agreed to everything you requested last night. Whether it is for ourselves or our family members, we provide free medical care, but the ugly is ahead~www.wuxiaspot. com~No medical technique is omnipotent. We can only do our best. We can't guarantee whether it can be cured."

   "This is natural, this is natural. If your boss can promise to help you heal, it is already an act of supreme benevolence. I dare not force others or force others."

"The number of doctors is limited. You can seek medical treatment in accordance with the order. Don't worry, these doctors will not be transferred back until everyone is checked. And our boss provides free porridge soup for those who are delayed in work today. Apologize for missing work."

   "Your boss is really thoughtful. It is a blessing to be able to follow a boss like this."

   Many corpse collectors express their gratitude freely. Although they may not have surplus food in their homes, most of them are struggling. One day less income is enough for them to feel distressed.

Many people still plan that if they don’t go to work today, they don’t need much energy to work. Tighten their waistbands and push them past today. It will save a little bit of food. After all, it will take two months for the wild to have vitality and get some wild. Goods subsidize the household.

   can have a hot porridge and drink, even if they are half full but not hungry, these corpse collectors will have a good impression of this unmasked boss. Together, they are full of enthusiasm.

Although the scale of the corpse collectors in Solow City is not small, it is a special industry after all, and the number of people cannot be really large. After all, Lin Lin finally came down, and it is less than 100. Most of them are alone and there are only a handful of family members. There are only two hundred people.

After half a day, Eller basically got a familiar face, and he didn’t need Old John for the rest. He also arranged it properly, so that the old John who was with him sighed in his heart that a young waiter has this ability, and the boss again What will happen, can't help but look forward to the upcoming meeting even more.

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