The Original God Double Wear: Start Alice, Create Keli

049: I Am Yula Lawrence, A Descendant Of Sinners【Ask For Flowers】

Abedo was slightly embarrassed.

No one expected that Xiao Keli's visit to Blue Star would give him an extra uncle for no reason.

Looking at the "cheap uncle" in front of him, Abedo still bite the bullet and shouted: "Uncle... Uncle hello."

"Good morning, Abe, let's go to the study room, there may be books you are interested in." Lin En said with a smile.

The study room in the villa is bigger and has more kinds of books. There are some books about "alchemy" in it.

Although this alchemy is not the other alchemy, Abedo is still interested.

"Thank you uncle."

Abedo lowered his head and quickly slipped away in the direction Lin En pointed.

It's so embarrassing.

"Father, this is Brother Kaiya."

Xiao Keli grabbed Lin En's arm and came to Kaiya.

Hearing Xiao Keli's introduction, Kaiya's eyelids twitched: "Ahem... I don't mind Xiao Keli calling me uncle in the future. Mr. Lin En, thank you for saving Mond."

He didn't want to call Lin En in front of him uncle like Abedo.

Kaya decisively made a wise choice.

Hearing this, Qin subconsciously laughed. Smelling the fresh and rich fragrance of flowers and feeling the lively atmosphere, she hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

"You're welcome, your favorite Northland smoked chicken and Monde grilled fish are already prepared in the restaurant."

The food rewarded by the system finally came in handy for Lin En.

"Since your Excellency has kindly invited you, then I will not refuse..." Kaiya's eyes lit up, because he had not eaten in the morning because he was coming to Blue Star.

Now that Lin En's invitation is heard, Kaiya will naturally not refuse.

"The leader of the guerrilla team of the Zephyr Knights, Yula Lawrence, the Spray Knight, sends you my greetings."

Little Keli pulled Lin En to Yula, and before she could speak, Yula spoke first.

Although the tone was still cold, there was a light of appreciation in Yura's eyes.

The man in front of him contributed a lot to the dragon disaster in Mond City.

Just relying on this point is enough to be treated with courtesy by the West Wind Knights.

"I know you, excellent Spray Rider, I'm glad you came to Blue Star."

"Kori, let's go play with sister Yura."

Lin En touched Keli's little head and said with a smile.

With the perspective of God, he naturally knows that Yula is a cold-faced and warm-hearted person. For Yula's behavior, Lin En thinks it is very normal.


These words fell into Yula's ears, but she was slightly taken aback.

"I am a member of the Lawrence family, a descendant of sinners."

Yura subconsciously added.

In the eyes of the people of Mond City, she joined the Knights with malicious intentions. She is the ghost of the Knights, a dirty nobleman, and she is the object that everyone stays away from.

Ridicule, name-calling, provocation, finding fault, isolation.

Yula has already experienced these cold and warm worlds.

Even the people she saves hate her for who she is.

But Lin En didn't seem to care about Lin En's reaction just now, and even asked Keli to play with her.

Although the members of the Knights don't hate her, in Yula's eyes, as Keli's father, Lin En's words have a completely different meaning.

"Are you going to hurt Claire?"

Just when Yula was a little surprised, Lin En asked suddenly.

Yula was slightly taken aback, then shook her head subconsciously: "No..."

"Isn't that enough?" Lin En put Xiao Keli's hand in Yula's, and said in a rare serious way: "People can't choose their own origin, and it's not your fault."

"That's right! Dad is right! It's not sister Yula's fault! Sister Yula, let's go play, this house is so beautiful!" Xiao Keli used to think that Yula was weird and not too close.

But hearing what Lin En said, the innocent little Keli changed her mind and dragged Yula towards the outside.

Although Yula hesitated for a while, when she heard "Sister", she still let Xiao Keli pull her and walked towards the blossoming garden.

"Wow... I wish there were no such prejudices in Mond City!"

Amber looked at Yura's back and said expectantly.

Lin En shook his head: "Many prejudices cannot be eliminated overnight, but people have to be happy and happy in life, and caring too much about the world will be too tiring, right Detective Knight Amber?"

"You really have great prophecy skills. Mr. Lin En, I am Amber. I am very glad to meet you and come to Blue Star!" Amber said excitedly.

Everything here is so new and weird to her, she couldn't help but want to look around.

Now that I have greeted Lin En, I am also excited to find Yula and Xiao Keli.

"I didn't expect that you are quite good at enlightening people? Little cutie."

Lisa looked at this harmonious picture, and blinked at Lin En, her gestures were flamboyant.

Compared with the embarrassment when they first met, the witch at this time has found her home.

"Your Master Fengshen is still there, can you be more careful?"

Lin En smiled and looked at Wendy beside her.

Although she is a god who has lived for more than two thousand years, the curiosity in Wendy's eyes is no less than that of other people.

The blue star with a very different style is not the point.

The point is...Wendy feels that the years seem to have become gentle, and the wear and tear that once plagued the gods has become negligible here.

Wendy was pleasantly surprised to be able to reduce wear and tear to such an extent.

"Just call me Wendy."

"Can I come here often in the future? The best bard in the world, I want to show his beautiful singing voice to the people of Blue Star."

Wendy's jewel-like eyes were full of anticipation.

At the same time, Wendy also had some small surprises for Lin En.

If he didn't feel wrong, Lin En had two elemental breaths on his body, and there was no such thing as the eye of God to help him.

It was indeed a bit mysterious.

"Of course you can come here often. I have specially prepared a lot of Blue Star's fermented rice. You can go and taste it."

Apple, one of the two major raw materials for winemaking, has been developed to the extreme in Blue Star.

There are many good wines in the wine cabinet of Lin En villa, which are brought by the system when rewarding the villa.


"However... I would also like to thank you for your help to Mond and Twalin. It is my heart's wish to make Twalin less painful."

Wendy put her right hand on her chest and sincerely thanked Lin En.

Whether he is the lord of Twarin or the wind god believed in by Mond City, he needs to express his sincere gratitude to Lin En.

"This is the wind god..."

Looking at the rare and serious Wendy, Barbara next to her sighed.

Compared with the unscrupulous selling and singing of wine Mengzi, it is more reasonable to be serious.

"Try a good bar first, and after you have tasted it, there will naturally be places that need your help."

Lin En was not polite.

Cough cough... There is no such thing as a free lunch, since you have come to Blue Star, don't even think about leaving without squeezing it.

"Can I look around?"

After Wendy left, Di Luke said thoughtfully.

When he came to Blue Star for the first time, he was full of doubts in his heart and wanted to explore.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want."

Lin En said sincerely.

When everyone was free to move around and was studying what they liked in the villa, Qin walked to Lin En's side.

"Barbara seems to like Lord Lin En very much?"

Looking at Barbara who was swinging in the garden, Qin asked thoughtfully.



[Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly ticket support~~

Thank you, little author!

In addition, thank you for your data support, thank you! 】

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