The Original Seeker

Chapter 167: the truth

   "This kind of substance seems to be able to annihilate and counteract all kinds of energies." In his perception, he found that the boundary part of this kind of substance in the Ghost King was constantly annihilating, and then slowly regenerating.

   The high-energy radiation produced after the nuclear explosion is also being rapidly consumed, and it can break through the blockades to reach Bai Mo's location.

   "Does it mean that the key to reaching a level above the financial period is to create this special substance?" He couldn't help thinking of this question.

   "The sublimation of the life field... massive mental power... creates a special substance..." All kinds of clues are mixed in his mind, and finding the answer is like unraveling a complicated thread.

   "Report to the headquarters that the target has not received a fatal blow. The weight loss is about 50%, but it is still recovering quickly. Request the next round of attacks!"

   In order to observe the effect of nuclear bombs on this invisible spirit body, the army also selected two soldiers with the ability to observe spirit bodies as observers, and let them report the effects of strikes on the helicopter in real time.

   "It has been received. The next batch of nuclear bombs will be loaded in half a minute. Please pay attention to all units."





   Ten more nuclear warheads exploded on the Ghost King. Its body shrank further under the impact, and at the same time it began to emit high-frequency electromagnetic waves similar to howling. Various electronic equipment on the helicopter responsible for the observation were instantly destroyed and could only be landed in a safe area in an emergency.

"I feel the pain now? That is to say, the first round of nuclear bomb attacks did not attack its body at all?!" Bai Mo quickly thought of this, "Isn't my previous guess wrong, the unknown substance is actually not its body? a part of?"

   "The helicopter responsible for the observation is broken. It will take at least fifteen minutes to replace it. There should not be a nuclear bomb attack during this period, and the ghost king here seems to have suffered serious injuries. It's time to let the clone in."

   Because the ghost king entrenched in the entire city absorbed most of the impact, the ruins of Tianzhou City were miraculously unchanged.

It didn’t take long for the clone to enter the enchantment, and it was discovered by the ghost king who was nesting in the center of the city. The original size was calculated in kilometers and spanned the entire city. Now it occupies less than one square kilometer, more than 80% The volume was evaporated by the nuclear bomb.

   But even so, it is still a huge monster for a psionic clone that is only the size of an ordinary person. It is just that it can't be seen at a glance, and it can probably estimate the boundary.

   "This kind of monster, what kind of enchantment can it be firmly trapped?" Bai Mo suddenly thought of this question.

   "Dead!" "Let's become one!" "It hurts!" "Me too"...As the ghost king approached the clone, countless mental fluctuations were also transmitted to the clone.

Just like there are countless people chattering endlessly, if ordinary people face this situation, the interference of information alone is enough to drive them crazy, but this kind of information flow is better than Baimo who has completed the psychicization of the brain. I can absorb knowledge a bit faster when I study on weekdays.

   "Schizophrenia still hasn't improved at all, can it be said that the will in its body will not swallow each other?" The more he touches this monster, the more questions Bai Mo has.

   He decided to let the clone perform the same trick again, and then cut off a piece of unknown substance for research.

   "It is too far in wisdom from the guy I met in Tianhai before." Bai Mo thought after playing with the material he reapplied from the old trick, "The exact same trick can be used twice."

   "A strange state of matter, but it is obviously different from air." After a little effort with his right hand, he found that it could be crushed.

   Then within a few seconds, this unknown substance dug up by the clone thief also turned into air as before, even if it was shattered, it did not change its nature.

   "Report to the headquarters that the target has lost roughly 80% of its volume, and request a third round of attack." More than ten minutes later, another helicopter flew over Tianzhou to report.





   The third round of bombardment arrived very quickly. With the guidance of the observers and the help of the laser guidance system, ten nuclear bombs still accurately landed on the shrinking ghost king.

   After completing the guidance work, the helicopter carrying the observers immediately drove off in the opposite direction of the explosion. Through the previous two tests, they knew that the ghost king would definitely not be able to stop all the power this time. Most of the energy would leak out. If you don't want to get hurt, you have to leave quickly.

  Only this time, the nuclear bomb really revealed its hideousness.



   The only signal left from the center of the city was this.

   Since the outbreak of the fourth nuclear bomb, the power has been leaked to the outside world without any hindrance. The helicopter that has escaped for nearly a kilometer is also tottering under the violent air currents.

   The white ink, which was only a few hundred meters away from the explosion center, released a streamlined mind shield together with the clone, holding on like a tenacious reef in the vast ocean impacted by the air current.

   The energy-absorbing skin that is part of the cave sky mysterious is also working at full capacity, like a black hole of ability, absorbing the billowing heat waves in this direction.

   "It's not right, the radiation feels not as good as when I was in Rome at that time. Could it be said that in the subsequent nuclear bomb explosions, most of the high-energy radiation was also consumed on the Ghost King's body?

   After the shock wave, Baimo began to let the clone go to the central area to test.

A few nuclear bombs behind    directly burned the ground at the center of the explosion into something similar to glass, and the ghost king, like a mountain, made up of unknown substances, has completely disappeared.

   Suddenly, the clone found a ball of light in a remote corner, and the blue substance swimming in the ball seemed familiar.

"It seems to be the same thing as the blue substance left after the Spirit Gathering Flower burned in the Sky Sea before. Take it away first. They will soon lead the team. There are also two smart high-level guys who are with you. I don’t feel much about nuclear radiation of this intensity."

   The clone grabbed the ball of light and started to leave Tianzhou at full speed, but when it reached the border, it was hit hard, and some cracks could be seen in the air.

"Could it be that this thing is specifically designed to prevent these blue substances from leaving? My body can go in and out freely, but the clone with the ball of light is blocked. Such a barrier can even stop the ghost king in its heyday. Obviously Not what I can break now."

   "No, I just seemed to see the cracks that appeared, and there may be hope of breaking."

   So the clone carried the ball of light and began to hit the barrier one by one. With the constant impact of Bai Mo, he keenly discovered that the ball of light he was carrying was also constantly darkening.

"I understand, the source of energy that traps the Ghost King formation is itself! The blue substance should be used to extract its power to form the formation! In this way, it will never escape. It is really ingenious. Conceive, who will be the black hand behind doing all this?"

   "The source of the ghost king is the countless dead people brought by nuclear bombs, and nuclear bombs...sea clan!" He quickly thought of this.

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