The Original Vampire

Seventy-seven Blades of Judgment

The library is very quiet.

Only the sound of rustling writing.

It was Colin writing to Marquis Dawson.

After being reminded by the Ciel Knight, Colin immediately realized that if he needed a warhorse and armor, it would be better to go to Marquis Garcia than Marquis Dawson.

This dwarf marquis is actually the big butler of the Black Cavalry, at least the former big butler.

Colin didn't know if Marquis Dawson was willing to help him, but he had to give it a try.

After writing a sincere letter, Colin dripped sealing wax on the mouth of the envelope, stamped with the coat of arms of the Angele family, and handed it over to Charles: "Send your men to deliver this letter to Ironforge. ."

"Yes, my lord!"

After the Ciel Knight left, Colin couldn't wait to hold up the water glass and drank the blood in it.

Then, he waited in peace.


However, after waiting for a long time, I still didn't get the familiar feeling of heat.

what happened?

Could it be that the blood of the blood descendants, like the blood slaves, can't help you advance?

Colin was a little depressed.

But then, he remembered again, didn't he have two high-level knights who were not blood clans under his command?

Moreover, Rego is also a third-order knight.

Just get his blood...

Colin paced back and forth in the study, thinking about how to "borrow" some blood from this stupid big man.

Soon, he had a solution.

Opening the door, Colin called the guard at the door and instructed, "Go and inform Knight Rego to accompany me to hunt in the suburbs tomorrow morning."


After the explanation, Colin returned to the study.

For a while, he didn't know what to do.

After all, things have already been allocated, and he only needs to be responsible for grasping the overall situation.

It's cool to be a leader!

Colin leaned on the back of the chair, raised Erlang's legs, his eyes wandered in the study, and finally landed on the [Blade of Judgment] hanging on the wall.

When he had nothing to do, Colin stepped forward, took down the sword given by the duke, and examined it carefully.

This is a typical knight's sword.

The sword is about 80 centimeters long, and the whole body is dark. The body of the sword is covered with flame-like patterns. It is an arcane magic circle engraved on it, which can have a burning effect.

The blade is a sharp isosceles triangle, and under the sunlight, there is a chilling white light.

The grip can only be held by one hand, and has a large counterweight ball. I believe it can exert a strong thrusting power in horse battles.

Looking at this knight sword, Colin suddenly remembered what Marquis Garcia had said to him after the marquis ceremony.

At that time, Colin had just been canonized as a viscount by the Duke of Saint Hilde, and he was given the [Blade of Judgment].

At that time, Colin also swore an unconditional loyalty oath to the duke while his mind was hot.

This obviously stimulated Marquis Garcia, who had just been betrayed by his brother.

Thinking about it now, Colin suddenly felt that the Duke of St. Hilde treated him so favorably, I am afraid that he was deliberately trying to provoke his relationship with Marquis Garcia.

Of course, regret doesn't help right now.

What Colin is thinking about now is the last sentence that Marquis Garcia said to him:

"Go back and find out the origin of the [Blade of Judgment] in your hand, and rethink what true loyalty is!"

The origin of [Blade of Judgment]?

Colin suddenly became interested.

With the sword sheathed, Colin immediately left the study.

He remembered that there was a special library in this castle.

After the trolls captured this place, they looted the wealth of the Su Duo family, but did not move the books in the library.

Obviously, books have little appeal to trolls.

"Lord Viscount!"

After arriving at the library, an old man with white hair and beard at the door immediately stood up and saluted.

"Are you the administrator here?"

"Yes, you can call me Quincy. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Ke Lin raised the knight sword in his hand and asked, "Do you have any books here about the origin of famous swords?"

"Blade of Judgment?"

"Oh? You actually know this sword?" Colin was a little surprised.

Quincy nodded and explained: "Yes, I had the honor to see this sword in Winter City. At that time, it was the sword of Duke St. Hilde."

Colin narrowed his eyes.

To be able to recognize the sword of Duke St. Hilde, it must not be crowded and watched from afar, but must be very close.

Colin did not believe that the caretaker of the library of a viscount castle could be so close to the Duke of St. Hilde.

"Have you always been an administrator here?"

"No, I was the tax officer of Ice Rock City before."

Colin was relieved.

In this world, the most important task for nobles to govern their territories is actually to collect taxes.

And to be the tax officer of Ice Rock City, Quincy is already the core retainer of the Su Duo family.

Of course, this was before he was transferred here as a librarian.

"Then why were you transferred here?"

"Because I offended Viscount Sudo."

"How offended?"

Quincy hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully: "I once suggested that Viscount Su Duo reduce the commercial tax in Ice Rock City. Viscount Su Duo was furious, so he deprived me of my position and transferred me here."

"Reduce the business tax?" Colin suddenly became interested.

The nobles can't wait to increase taxes every day, and this former tax officer of Ice Rock City actually wants to reduce taxes, no wonder he was dismissed by Viscount Su Duo.

However, Colin felt that he might have found a treasure.

"Then tell me, why should the commercial tax be reduced?"

A glimmer of hope flashed in Quincy's eyes, and he said eagerly:

"Lord Viscount, if you have read the tax documents of Ice Rock City in previous years, you will understand that in this city, the agricultural tax is not the biggest income, but the business tax!

Ice Rock City is located in the northeast corner of the North Territory. A large number of caravans traveling between the North Territory and the Sky Icefield will pass through here. This is the fundamental reason why Ice Rock City is so prosperous.

However, Ice Rock City is not without its competitors.

There are still two or three cities on the northern border that are qualified to compete with us.

So, if you want more merchants to pass by, you have to give them more benefits.

That is, lower business taxes! "

Colin smiled and asked: "But this way, isn't my tax also reduced?"

"No! Although the tax rate has been reduced, the tax base will increase, and the total tax amount will not necessarily decrease!

I've calculated that if you do it right, you don't have to worry about lower tax revenue at all.

Moreover, more caravans also means that the hotels in Ice Rock City will be full, the taverns will be noisy day and night, and food, clothing, medicines, etc. will be in short supply! Local merchants will earn a lot of money from these transiting caravans, and the whole city will be more prosperous as a result!

Trust me, there is not much potential to be tapped for agricultural taxes!

And business tax, but there is a lot to do!

If it is up to me, I am confident that within three years, I can double the business tax revenue of Bingyan City!

In ten years, this city will become the most dazzling pearl in the north! "

Colin looked at Quincy, who was flushed, and did not speak.

And Quincy gradually calmed down from the excitement.

Colin's silence made him think he had failed again.

However, he was used to it.

Let the nobles lower their taxes, which is more uncomfortable than killing them.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I'll take you to the book..."

Just when Quincy gave up completely, Colin's voice suddenly sounded:

"Okay, I'll give you this chance."

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