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A month later, the immortal secret realm, the city lord's mansion of Shuntian City.

"Mr. Zheng, are the eight hundred students still used to it?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"After all, they are just a group of half-old boys, and they often make mistakes. However, they are extremely persevering and make corrections when they know their mistakes. Under the guidance of my colleagues, they have learned very quickly. This Shuntian City has almost already It's straightened out." Zheng Gan smiled.

"Just straighten it out, Ye Dafu and Ye Sanshui are ready to attack the new city, can the logistics keep up?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"Shuntian City, there were many officials in the past. If they were used, they should be able to keep up. However, these people are of mixed quality. Some people are even talented and immoral. I'm worried..." Zheng Gan worried.

"I know that in the list you gave me, you have eliminated the officials who were treacherous and evil, and the remaining officials of the past, they all have some minor problems, greed for money and lust, and they do not reach the high moral character of Mr. , there is an urgent shortage of talents for the time being, as long as they can be used by me, I have discipline, as long as they don’t overstep, it doesn’t matter. I have signed the approval document and plan to reuse them.” Xiao Nanfeng said.

Zheng Qian frowned slightly, but he didn't object after all. He knows that there is a shortage of talents nowadays, and even if there are 800 students, it will be a drop in the bucket in the face of the next large number of cities to manage.

Zheng Gan thought for a while: "Engong, now the world is in chaos, if we want to pacify the world as soon as possible, we must have a name."

"I have sent people to find King Yan and King Qi, and they will send me a letter to the world." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"I know that they are evil slaves, and Lord Eng can order them to do anything. However, now that the world is in chaos, they themselves are at risk. If they declare that the world is subject to Engong, not only will they not be able to help us reap the territory, but I'm afraid they will also act against it. As a result, the chaotic troops everywhere will use this as an excuse to attack us, and we will get burned." Zheng Gan said worriedly.

"I didn't ask them to surrender to me, I just asked them to admit that I am a descendant of Wei Emperor." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Oh?" Zheng Gan was startled.

"Half a year ago, there was already a lot of uproar in the world of people. The people of the world knew that I was a descendant of Emperor Wei, but the people just heard about it. Now I use the two kings to inform the world, and let this legend change. It's just a fact in the hearts of the common people." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Then the next status of the benefactor is... king?" Zheng Gan seemed to have guessed Xiao Nanfeng's plan, and looked a little excited.

"You guessed it?" Xiao Nanfeng laughed.

Zheng Gan's expression became solemn: "No matter what period it is, a teacher who is famous and carries the righteous name can make the soldiers go forward bravely, can make the officials have no hesitation, and can make the people accept it safely. Although the world is in chaos today, King Yan and King Qi After all, it is the highest orthodoxy. If Engong wants to gain the world, his morality must be higher than them, at least not weaker than them. They are kings, and you must be kings too. Only as a king can you shock the world, only then can you Only by attracting talents from all over the world can the world return to their hearts.”

Xiao Nanfeng nodded: "What do you think of this? We also issued a letter to the world, the realm of people is the inherent territory of the Great Power Immortal Dynasty, and the Yan and Qi royal families, including the great masters, are all descendants of the powerful emperor's soldiers. , stationed in the human domain for Emperor Wei. Emperor Wei gave this human domain to me as a descendant and named me King Xiao?"

Zheng Gan looked solemn and bowed solemnly: "My minister Zheng Gan, see King Xiao!"

"There's only you and me here, sir, you don't have to." Xiao Nanfeng laughed immediately.

Zheng Qian shook his head: "King Xiao, the rules must be established, the owner is clear, the direction is clear, and the people below know which direction to work hard, starting from today, starting from me, all our people will respect you as Xiao Wang."

Xiao Nanfeng looked at Zheng Gan with a complicated look, and finally nodded: "Then follow what Mr. said!"

"King Xiao should issue this letter to the world as soon as possible, and spread it to all parties, so as to attract talents and soldiers in troubled times to vote." Zheng Gan said solemnly.

"After King Yan and King Qi's letter to the world is communicated to the world, our letter to the world will be sent out." Xiao Nanfeng nodded.

"That's very good. As soon as King Xiao's report to the world is published, it means that King Xiao's banner is raised. I am afraid that it will become the target of public criticism. King Xiao should be prepared." Zheng Gan said with some excitement.

"The world of this human domain is infinitely smaller than the fiefs of my Xiao family. The struggle here is just a warm-up for us to conquer the fiefs in the future. Mr. also adapts in advance." Xiao Nanfeng said to himself.


Yan Kingdom Chaotang.

"Your Majesty, the world is in turmoil now. At this time, how can you let Xiao Nanfeng settle on the status of the descendant of Emperor Wei? Your Majesty, get back to the world immediately!"

"Your Majesty, that Xiao Nanfeng's wolf ambitions have already conquered Shuntian City. At this time, he cannot be given any credit!"

"Your Majesty, you should call on the world to attack Shuntian City immediately!"

Hundreds of officials came forward to play.

King Yan looked at Baiguan coldly: "I know all the questions you are talking about. I deliberately gave Xiao Nanfeng a name, saying that he is a descendant of Emperor Wei."

"What?" Baiguan asked in surprise.

"Those rebels and thieves of Dayan have raised troops everywhere and want to rebel, and I can't pacify the forces I dispatched from all directions. Even, some people in the DPRK actually secretly colluded with the chaotic army, trying to overthrow me? Hmph, when I don't know? I have already Reached a covenant with Xiao Nanfeng and invited him to bring troops into Dayan to help us destroy the rebel army. We must let those rebel rebels die without a place to be buried." King Yan said grimly.

Baiguan looked at King Yan in astonishment, and some officials were even more sincere and fearful.

"Your Majesty, you are bringing wolves into the house, you will only expand Xiao Nanfeng's territory." An official exclaimed.

"Shut up, as long as the chaotic army can be destroyed, I am willing to pay any price. Are you pleading for the chaotic army? Are you colluding with the chaotic army?" King Yan said coldly.

The official's expression changed, and he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, while the officials were speechless for a while, not knowing how to persuade them again.

"Okay, there is nothing else to do, just go back and study how to destroy the chaotic army, retreat!" King Yan said solemnly.

The officials looked at each other and could only leave the hall in dejection.

This scene was not only staged in Yan State, but also in Qi State.

Xiao Nanfeng was the descendant of Emperor Wei, and the dust was completely settled, and he was soon known by everyone in the world.

At the same time, King Xiao's banner was raised, and Ye Dafu and Ye Sanshui attacked two chaotic cities at the same time. There were patriarchs there who cooperated with each other to assist the two. For a time, King Xiao's army was extremely powerful. .

The major clans were in constant civil turmoil, and they didn’t have the energy to target Xiao Nanfeng for a while. However, some smart people in some small clans smelled a strange smell. They felt that the sky was going to change, and many people began to inquire about this Xiao Nanfeng. King's message.

Yan King's Palace.

Every day in the court hall, there will be officials shouting that Xiao Nanfeng is more harmful. Let King Yan immediately order all parties to attack Xiao Nanfeng's army. However, King Yan has never paid attention to it. After going down to court, he went straight to a hall in the harem.

In the hall, some chaotic officials and thieves who had just been caught were bound.

"Brother Wang, I was wrong. I also heard them say that you have become a devil. I was deceived. I won't rebel. Let me go." One of the bound people shouted in horror.

King Yan's eyes suddenly glowed red, revealing a ferocious look, two fangs emerged from his mouth, slammed towards the man, and bit down.

"Brother Wang, don't eat me, ah, you really have become a devil, no..."


"Devil, devil!"

The other bound people in the hall all showed fear. They roared incessantly. However, this hall has a sound insulation formation, and people outside can't hear it at all.

King Yan has become a monster that is neither human nor ghost, eating human hearts and livers, drinking human blood, like a beast.

At this moment, a red mist floated from the top of King Yan's head, and a red rope seemed to be looming in the red mist.

"I'm revived, hahaha, I'm revived! The **** of Wushenhou actually chopped my evil body into seven segments, controlled my evil soul body, and let me consume my evil soul power to possess the body and manipulate these evil spirits. Slave. But that's okay, the evil slave has my evil soul power in the body, which can facilitate my recovery as soon as possible. When I come back, you all have to die." Red Rope made a hideous cry.

The red mist penetrated into King Yan's body again, and King Yan suddenly jolted, with a fierce look in his eyes, as if his body was manipulated by the red rope.

King Yan stood up and slowly closed his eyes, as if he was sensing something.

After a long time, King Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

"My other evil slaves actually occupy important positions in this world? Good! All evil slaves obey orders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to arrest those with soul power, bring them into the illusion, and devour their soul bodies, Strengthen the evil soul power contained in your body. Wait for me to take it back at one time." King Yan ordered coldly.

At the same time, King Qi and the masters of the various families, although they were separated by countless distances, suddenly trembled, and bowed down respectfully as if they had fallen into evil: "Yes, master."

Only then did King Yan show a hint of satisfaction, and he turned his head. He looked at the remaining people bound in the hall, and there was a trace of evil light on his face.

"Devil, don't come here." Several people exclaimed.

King Yan showed a sinister smile: "Unfortunately, my evil body is not here, the evil soul power contained in my body is too weak, it is not so easy to bring you into the illusion, but I want your souls. ."

I saw King Yan's probing hand pressed on the top of a person's head, and a burst of red light appeared in the palm of the man's palm.

In the illusion, the man found himself free, and ran quickly into the distance while ecstatic, but suddenly a red rope rushed out of the thick fog, tied him, and then strangled him by the neck, completely strangling him to death. After that, the red rope came out with a big mouth, sucked sharply, and sucked the soul of the man into the body.

King Yan opened his eyes, and he woke up. But the man he was holding on his palm suddenly slumped to the ground, without a trace of sound.

"Don't come here!" The rest of the bound people cried out in horror.

King Yan sneered: "It will be over soon, give me all your soul power and let me make up for it."

"Do not!"

There was a shrill scream in the palace hall.

At the same time, the same thing is happening in the hall where King Qi is located, and the residences of the various masters. The evil slaves are not only bloodthirsty, but now they are eating their souls.

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