"Okay!" He clap his hands and straighten up. He seems to be proud of the spring breeze.

"Thank you." Fang Chixia bypassed the front of the car and went straight to the direction he was in.

Luo Yibei listened to her voice "thank you", how to feel how to feel comfortable.

When he came out this morning, he looked a little bit ugly and unconsciously tightened.

Fang Chi Xia did not look in his direction, pulled the door and motioned him to get off the bus. "You can let me come!"

Her tone, obviously is to break the bridge across the river, and even more care he is not willing.

Luo Yibei's stretched face curve directly condenses into an icicle.

“Working time is coming soon!” Fang Chixia raised his wrist and looked at the time of the watch, reminding him.

Luo Yibei Li did not care about her words, her wrist suddenly buckled her wrist, and then a little, Fang Chixia's body was directly screwed from the car to the car, the dog fell like a co-pilot On the seat.

Luo Yibei didn't even look at her, and didn't wait for her to sit down. She was so embarrassed that he started the car.

Fang Chixia kept her posture and squatted for a while in the passenger seat. When she got up, she smothered his calf.

Luo Yibei's hand was stiff and stiff, and her eyes glanced at her.

Fang Chixia sat down in the body and fastened his seat belt. If nothing happened, he turned his eyes to the window.

"Going to work, it’s coming soon!"

Her tone of voice was like urging a taxi driver, and Luo Yibei’s face was a stiff one.

Fang Chi Xia Guangguang did not look in his direction, did not see his expression, but she can imagine his black face at the moment.

Luo Yibei driving a car, naturally it is impossible to care about her.

Fang Chi Xia still has a bag on his forehead, and it is impossible to fight too much with this ugly state.

On the way back, neither of them spoke.

Her forehead seems to be still hurting, and the car will lift her handkerchief from time to time, and will pour out.

Very small and very small voices, mosquitoes are called, in fact, do not pay attention to listening to the roots can not hear, and there are so many noises outside.

However, what is the ear force of Luo Yibei?

The sound of her almost every breath was introduced into his ears.

The car is still driving on the road.

What made Fang Chi Xia a bit surprised was that halfway through, Luo Yibei suddenly parked the car in a pharmacy.

When she stared at the door of the pharmacy, she was initially surprised.

Luo Yibei did not explain, pushed the car and got off the bus. He went inside and went out, then walked out with a small bag.

He bought a swelling-type medicine, which was applied by balls.

As soon as the vial was opened, a fresh herbal scent came out, and it seemed to have a hint of mint. It was very good.

Fang Chixia stared at the things in his hand and looked at her. She seemed to be surprised. The expression on her face was stunned.

Luo Yibei faintly glanced at her, and said with a blank expression, "I just don't want to have a domestic violence in the company."

Fang Chi Xia has been slowly turning his face, and it stretched again in an instant.

Luo Yibei did not say much, holding a medicine bottle to continue to help her wipe the medicine.

He said so, saying that he did not care about her pain at all, but when she helped her to rub the medicine, the movement was very gentle, as if she was afraid of hurting her.

Fang Chi Xia Yu sat next to him, letting him move, all the touch was concentrated on the fingertips he helped her massage.

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