"Call me to listen! I like to hear your voice at this time." His voice was still very ridiculous, and the laziness in his bones, like a poisonous medicine, seemed to break into the human bone marrow. in.

Fang Chixia hated him for his behavior tonight, but he glanced at him coldly and did not respond.

"Call out!" Luo Yibei does not seem to let go, magnetic voice, lure / confused.

Fang Chixia turned his face to the side and ignored it.

Luo Yibei has always been a patient person. He has patiently told me two or three times. He didn't get a half-point response. He was too lazy to continue to lick his temper.

Leaning over, in the case that Fang Chi Xia had not reacted, he suddenly raised her hand and bit it down against the back of her hand.

"Pain... Luo Yibei, are you a dog?" Fang Chixia suffered from pain, and his hands were shrinking. The original white face was flushed and the color was very colorful.

Luo Yibei also did not respond, see her face now, how to see, how to be pleasing to the eye.

"Isn't this your usual way?" The eyebrows pick one, and he doesn't feel embarrassed about his own behavior.

His eyes fainted on her face, and he suddenly made a more direct move -

Fang Chi Xia's face rose red to burst, and did not respond for a long time.

Son of a bitch!

She wants to swear!

The action of Luo Yibei is very direct and very rude.

He is telling her by action, to talk to her and not listen to it, then change the way of communication!

The two were still on the balcony. At the end, Fang Chixia’s blush was bleeding.

She was very angry, her body was trembling, and she climbed the hand of Luo Yibei's shoulder, and her fingertips broke into his flesh.

"Shameless!" The word, she almost bite her teeth.

"I think you should prefer this kind of communication." Luo Yibei raised his hand and squeezed her face, feeling the warmth and delicateness of the palm, watching her red like a drunken face, his lips The corner is well ticked.

Fang Chi Xia Xiu Liu / 氓 不过 不过 他 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"I will take you in and take a shower." Luo Yibei hit her and picked her up and went straight to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the sound of water is screaming.

I don’t know how long it lasted. When the two came out, the morning passed.

Fang Chi Xia's room was naturally unsuccessful. After coming out, he was directly taken back to the bed by Luo Yibei.

The next day she slept very hard, and she accidentally slept until she had finished working.

Luo Yibei did not wake her up, she was going to sleep, he let her.

After Fangchi got up in the summer, the hair was only caught casually, and went straight to the main house without having to take care of it.

When he arrived, Luo Yibei did not leave.

It’s past nine o'clock. At this point in time, the Luojia people naturally all got up.

Luojia is a big family, and people like to eat together and eat together.

Fang Chi Xia appeared at the latest, a bit embarrassing.

"I slept late last night, sorry, you don't have to wait for me later." Staring at a group of people, she whispered apologize.

"It's just waiting, what's the relationship?" Sha Zhixing stood up indifferently and walked up to her in a few steps. She stared at her and looked at her. "Or, don't go to the company recently, how is it at home?" ?"

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