The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1329: Always been friends

Helping him wipe his face and hands, Fang Chixia felt that his forehead temperature was a bit high, and took a towel and turned to go outside the door.

She was looking for an ice pack to help him apply. She didn't know that Luo Yi was drunk, but the temperature was so high. She felt that he should be comfortable when he lowered the temperature.

When I opened the door and went out, I wanted to find a servant who wanted ice. However, the entire corridor was not seen at this time.

Fang Chi Xia helpless, guessing that everyone should be in the dining area at this time, temporarily cover the door, she can only go to the kitchen.

I came to the empty kitchen, however, I turned around and found nothing.

Outside the door, a figure came towards this side, and the footsteps were calm and restrained, and the sound was not high. Fang Chi Xia in the room did not hear.

She was still looking for it in the refrigerator. She still couldn't find it. She wanted to give up. When she stood up, her head was cold and it was not smashed and hit a meat wall behind her.

Very strong chest, it is really knocking out the sound.

"Hey!" Fang Chi Xia smashed his head and snorted.

Looking up, but looking at the situation, when I saw the face behind her, the expression on her face suddenly converged.

Cold praying cold standing behind her, her eyes faintly glanced at her face, and then scanned the refrigerator.

"What are you looking for?" His voice, with the coolness of nature, when he spoke, his brow seemed to wrinkle.

The refrigerator was turned upside down by Fangchi Xia, and there were many things left in the store. Once again, the whole refrigerator was like a junkyard.

Fang Chixia looked back and looked a little embarrassed.

"I want to find an ice bag, but I didn't see it." She closed the door of the refrigerator uncomfortably and blocked her sight.

Cold praying cold eyes seemed to have been taken, but did not express any opinion on her behavior.

"Is not eating? How come?" Fang Chixia's gaze glanced at the other corners of the kitchen, and asked casually.

"The wine is a little bit too much, uncomfortable, come and find a soup to drink." Cold prayer cold answered straightforward.

"Why don't you feel comfortable drinking? Don't like the entertainment, you don't have to force yourself." Fang Chixia returned with a casual sentence.

Her words have not been thought through, and it is natural to say so.

Cold and cold seemed to squat for a moment, watching her eyes unconsciously deeper.

"Are you care about this?"

He asked slowly, his tone was very soft, like a soothing night wind.

Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, his face slowly lifted up.

"Is it?" Cold praying coldly, her eyes were deep and heavy, and it seemed that she was so anxious, as if she was eager to get her answer.

"As a friend, isn't it normal?" Fang Chi Xia answered.

"Friends?" The expression on the cold and cold face seemed to be awkward, and it seemed to be awkward. The lips were taunting. "Is it always a friend?"

He didn't seem to believe her at all, and the smeared arc of the lips was contemptuous. She looked at her eyes sharply and sharply as if she wanted to shoot through her gaze into her heart.

Fang Chi Xia was so stiff in his back spine.

Cold and cold footsteps took a step forward, against her sticking the refrigerator door behind her, one hand slammed her shoulder, one hand on the refrigerator door, he looked at her eyes very deep, "But I didn't treat you as a friend!"

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