His body is very heavy, and Fang Chixia can't support him when he helps him.

When I walked in the garden, I just saw a few bodyguards passing by. Fang Chixia wanted to come over and help her together. Who knows, Luo Yibei did not appreciate it.

Her words had not been spoken yet, but his long arms took her into her arms and directly slammed her mouth.

Is this Lai Ding?

Fang Chixia was helpless and dismissed this idea.

"Hands open!" She bit his hand, pushed his hand and held him to the villa of the two.

She helped him very hard. She entered the door and went upstairs. She stumbled and hit the guardrail several times.

If she hits herself, she may not hurt.

To her annoyance, every time she was hit by Luo Yibei body!

Luo Yibei was originally high, and the weight of the body was pressed up. Fang Chixia felt that his meat was embedded in the armrest of the guardrail.

It took a minute or two to spin the stairs. In such a difficult way, it took her six or seven minutes to get Luo Yibei up.

Going back to the room, placing him on the bed, she turned to the bathroom.

This is in the room of two people, Fang Chi Xia is not so cautious when not in the cold home.

Look at Luo Yibei this way should be a bath problem, she directly touched the warm water with a towel back to the bed, began to pull the clothes on his body.

She doesn't feel embarrassed. What should two people do to do nothing? What is it?

Luo Yibei and her may flirt when she flirts, but this time is naturally very good.

Anyway, his consciousness is weak and he wants to play with it. That is her business.

Helped him take off his clothes, and she began to untie his pants.

Luo Yibei is only a slight sigh, not drunk to the point of no consciousness.

Feeling her movements, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at her.

His eyes were less sharp, softer, and even more playful than when he was awake.

Fang Chi Xia was quite natural, and suddenly he was so hopeful that the hand that was taking off his pants was so stiff.

"Continue." His voice was very light, and the old wine was mellow.

"I will help you wipe your body." Fang Chixia calmed his face and took off his pants.

Sitting next to him, she took a towel and helped him wipe it up a little bit.

He woke up, and she did this kind of thing to correct the big light.

The action helped him wipe the body all over again, and she put the bathrobe on him.

Stared by Luo Yibei, she was actually a bit embarrassed, but did not show it, the action is even very simple.

It’s big winter now! Don't hurry, freeze him out of illness, and it is still her tossing.

The towel was tied, and the last level was fixed. Fang Chixia's face slowly lifted up.

"I went to take a shower." Standing up and wanting to leave, Luo Yibei had a long arm and stretched her and fell on him.

"What's wrong?" Fang Chixia gave a slight look and looked at him.

Luo Yibei looked at her eyes very quiet, like the lake in the night, the microwave smashed.

"On the cold and pray, only love?" His words were very serious, obvious, just the problem, he still has some must.

Fang Chi Xia Wei Wei.

In fact, she is not admired for the cold and cold feelings, she is not very clear.

At that time, the age was small, the age was small, and many emotions were easily confused.

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