She naturally heard the meaning of his words, Luo Yibei is trying to speed up the progress of pregnancy.

"I think too!" He looked at her and his eyes were deep.

He looked at her eyes very deep. From his eyes, Fang Chixia could clearly see the true meaning of his eyes, like a soldering iron with temperature, through his eyes, ironing into her heart. .

Fang Chixia actually had a special feeling about this matter in the past few days, but his words still touched her.

"I know." Arms licked his neck and pulled down his face. She was able to get up, and the cool lips gently applied to his lips.

The temperature of her lips is cold and looks like a stubborn look.

Luo Yibei didn't want to be embarrassed about this kind of thing, her brow wrinkled, and he raised his hand and rubbed her hair. "Change it!"

Fang Chi Xia seems to have a sigh of relief, it feels like a lucky escape after a catastrophe, Luo Yibei is very clear and even see her breath.

Very light and light, but I can see it in the winter room.

This kind of her, let him feel mixed for a while.

Why can this woman hold it for so many times?

Fang Chi Xia, who knows what he thought? After Luo Yibei let her go, she relaxed a lot.

The body drilled into his arms and put his back on his chest. She took his arm and wrapped his body around him. He also rubbed his back against him. "Easy, how long it takes for the villa to build." time?"

"One year!" Luo Yibei was absent-minded to her.

“Does a villa take so long?”

"Look at what kind of villa." Luo Yibei answered very perfunctory.

His tone seemed to be a little careless, which made Fang Chi Xia brow wrinkled. "What are you thinking about?"

Luo Yi's north lip corner evil hook hooked, my heart returned to her two words, want you!

He didn't say anything out of this way, but he was very embarrassed and smiled.

Fang Chi Xia did not look back, and then he talked with him a lot, what style of interior decoration is to be used, how to design the garden, how long it takes to decorate.

Luo Yibei heard what she was going to do. What he thought in his mind was how to mobilize what she felt.

He even wondered if his charm was weakened.

Luo Yibei was very depressed for a night, and the next day, when he was washing in the bathroom, he couldn't help but stare at his face and watch it for a while.

When Fang Chi Xia came in, he saw that he was staring at the mirror and looked at it. She asked, "What are you doing?"

Luo Yibei thought about her all night last night, and she didn’t even sleep well.

If there is nothing wrong with it, let his chest add some time.

With his long arm stretched out, he didn't care if there was water stain on the washstand. He picked her up and sat down on the stage. He leaned over and his lips slid up at her lips. He licked her lips and bit it.

"What are you doing?" He bit hard, Fang Chi Xia’s protest in his arms, his head daring out of his arms, and she slammed down from the sink.

"The skirt is wet!" After touching her own tun, she glanced at him with grievances.

"Need me to help you change?" Luo Yibei corner of the corner of the eye slanted to her, saying that his face is not red and not breathing, especially shameless.

Fang Chi Xia’s face rose red, and he was stunned by a word for a long time.

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