His words are especially proud.

Lan Ya itself is famous in the design world, his words are more proud than her.

He didn't put her in the bottom of his eyes. For him, she felt that it was not important to be fit, as long as he looked pleasing to the eye!

Lan Ya did not dare to say anything in front of him, only standing quietly.

Luo Yibei slowed down and walked in, while walking, staring at Fang Chixia.

Fang Chixia's upper body effect is actually very good, the waist is a bit round, but it adds a bit of femininity to her, and the other can hardly affect anything.

Compared to the body of the bones, Luo Yibei actually prefers her like this.

"The flesh is very good!" No matter what other people were present, the slow-striped came to her, the arm hooked her body, and took her to her arms. He was very badly kneading on her waist.

Fang Chixia's body was stiff, and his eyes glanced at him.

Luo Yibei ignored it, his hand still stayed on her waist, and she slid her skin with a ride.

He seems to have a bit of addiction to his heart, pinching his hand and not moving his hand.

Lan Ya and a few servants looked at each other and looked at each other. Lan Ya took the lead and went out.

She is not there, a few servants are even less willing to stay in the room, you push me, I push you, and all the swarms of bees go out.

Luo Yibei held Fang Chixia to the sofa, pressed her to sit on her lap, and hooked her hand to her waist. He pinched her skin for a while, spit out a certain sentence, "Baby. It seems that it has recently become fatter."

Fang Chi Xia is really fat recently, not very obvious, almost invisible to the naked eye, but the feel can be felt.

"Do you dislike?" Looked at him from the side, and Fang Chi Xia snorted.

"I like it!" Luo Yibei didn't want to tell her. In fact, many men like their own women with a little bit of flesh.

When Luo Yibei’s hand touched her waist, she was full of thoughts about her. She was lying under him and let him feel as if he wanted it!

No, you have to find a time to try!

The corner of the lips evokes a sinister arc, her face buried in her neck, her lips kissing along her collarbone, and his hand picking up the skirt of her dress.

I found out that a thin layer of cloth was just about to be torn off. Outside the door, the voice of the maid suddenly came.

"Young master, young lady, the dinner time has arrived."

The sound outside is still a bit big, probably because of the relationship that people inside can't hear.

Luo Yibei’s hand was so stiff there, his face was a bit ugly.

Fang Chi Xia looked up and carefully glanced at him. He took the opportunity to drill out of his arms and took care of the skirt. She stood up without any problems.

"Go, go eat first!" I was afraid that he would continue, she didn't even dare to look back, and stood up and went to the room.

Luo Yibei line of sight moved along her figure, stiff behind her, face, sullen.

Dinner is used in the main house, the servants have prepared a lot, and all are seafood.

Fangchi summer meal used half, a stomach nausea, directly rushed into the bathroom spit!

For the first time in so many days, she vomited, went into the bathroom, and leaned down on the sink. She didn't come out for a long time.

"What happened to Xiaoyan?" At the table, Xiao Zuo suspicion asked.

"I'll see!" Luo Yibei stared at the empty position on his side and glanced up. He stood up and walked toward the bathroom.

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