The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1371: I have something important to tell you.

"What's wrong? Is there something else?" Luo Yibei's voice came from the other end of the phone, and it seemed that she was a bit strange.

Fang Chi Xia did not directly tell him about his uneasiness in his heart. He just tried to say, "Will, tomorrow, I will also buy a ticket to come over?"

"When you are here, I am already back." The voice of Luo Yibei is more like a faint banter.

Fang Chi Xia Xian is awkward, but think about it too.

He only planned to go for a day or two. She really bought the ticket. He really should have returned.

Fang Chixia was helpless and could only give up this matter.

"Early rest, the country should not be early?" Luo Yibei's voice came again, clear and faint, like the water in the Jinghu Lake, can not hear any fluctuations.

He seems to be ready to hang up the phone, and when the fingertips are pressing the hang up button, Fang Chixia’s eager voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone. “Easy, I will go to the hospital tomorrow!”

Luo Yibei stunned, the hand that stretched out stiffened and took the phone back again. "Is it uncomfortable?"

"The specific is not clear, you will come back and tell me the situation!" Fang Chixia explained.

Luo Yibei's eyebrows slanted upwards, and the lips were lightly hooked. "Well, come back and say!"

"I remember to come back before the wedding, it is too late, the wedding day is also OK." Fang Chixia reminded.

Luo Yi’s north corner was pumped down, and her words were a bit speechless, but the curvature between the lips was raised. “Good.”

The two phones were hung up after that.

Fang Chi Xia lay in bed, thinking about his promise, and he was practical.

After a rest, the next day, she went to the hospital.

Did not say to anyone in the family, go alone alone.

Registered, like an ordinary person, queued for more than an hour, made a B-mode. After coming out, she waited for a few minutes. A middle-aged nurse came out with an inspection report.

"It’s been more than 30 days. How come you check it out now? The young people are not alert at all. If you accidentally made something that hurt your child in your stomach, this is a sin!"

When she handed the inspection report to Fang Chi Xia, she said a lot, and it was very embarrassing, but there was nothing malicious, and she was reminded of her.

Fang Chi Xia trembled and took the report and looked at it. Looking at a lot of dense data on it, her heart was like what was being manipulated, and it was difficult to calm down.

Her physiological period has been a bit inaccurate, and occasionally there have been more than ten or twenty days late, but this nurse did not say anything wrong, this time, it is indeed her negligence!

Fang Chixia stared at the report for a long time, and the chest seemed to be filled with something, swelled, swelled, and full of swelling as if it was about to overflow.

Out of the hospital, the first thing she did was to call Luo Yibei.

However, the connection tone beeps several times, but it has been left unattended.

Luo Yibei said that he went to Nice, Fang Chixia thought of the difference between Nice and the country, this time may still be resting, did not insist.

She put the matter off and decided to try again later.


After Luo Yibei flew abroad, go to Nice first.

In the Nice branch, it took less than two hours to get a detailed understanding of the company's situation. He flew to Ghana on the same day.

Ghana is the country where the diamond mining site of the Nice branch was purchased. The weather environment has been very bad these days, and mudslides have occurred from time to time.

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