Fang Chi Xia ignored his words, staring at him up and down for a while, her voice was a little hoarse, "I am worried about dying you! Why don't you tell me directly before going? It doesn't work, do you know how worried I am?"

Luo Yi's north face was buried in her neck, her lips biting the skin of her neck and kissing, his lips licking her lips slowly.

"There was some situation at the time, it has now been solved! It's okay!"

"What is the situation? Why go to that place?"

"Business matters, when I bought a piece of land, I didn't know the geographical environment of the place. The other party did not tell the truth. The result was a downturn." Luo Yibei did not talk to her on this issue, but in a few words. The situation at the time was brought over.

"How did you solve it later?" Fang Chixia asked.

"The assistant received your phone contact in the past to help." Luo Yibei eyes fixed on her moist red lips, licking her lips/petal gently and gently, answering her words, answering It’s very boring.

Fang Chi Xia sighed.

It is still half an hour before the official start of the ceremony, and she did not urge him to go out to prepare.

Luo Yibei didn't want to go out, she stayed with him in the lounge.

Luo Yibei's arms fixed her circle very tightly, and her body was always attached to her body.

The hand was stroking under her, and the swaying, his hand slammed into the skirt of her wedding dress, seemed to want to break into it.

Luo Yibei rushed back to this road, and in fact, all the way is very arrogant.

Seeing her, he just wants to do something.

I want to hold her in her arms, want to push her into her body, want to kiss her, want to kiss her, feel her body temperature and all her familiar things, his mood will slowly calm down. Quite a lot.

However, Fang Chi Xia does not quite cooperate.

She seems to be scared by his sudden movements.

Before she spoke, she didn't expect him to make such a move. The hand flustered to stop him, and her face was white.

"Don't, can't do it now!"

Luo Yibei only bitten when she felt that the venue was not suitable, and her small ear squatting, he sullenly confused in her ear, "I am lighter!"

I want to explore her skirt again, but Fang Chixia once again pressed her wrist. "No! The wedding is about to begin!"

She seems to insist that the hand presses his hand very tightly.

"Speedy quick decision?" Luo Yibei eyebrows picked.

"Still not!" Fang Chixia's attitude is firm.

Luo Yibei shrugged and did not insist.

Holding her on the sofa next to her, he was sitting on his body with her body, pressing her face and leaning towards him.

"Kiss me ten times, we will go out!"

Fang Chi Xia did not awkward with him in this kind of thing, holding his face in his hand, his lips pointed at him and kissed him again and again.

She kissed him several times in a row, and she counted it in her heart.

After ten kisses were finished, she let go of him and stood up. "Well, let's go out first, time is running out!"

Luo Yibei lifted the watch and looked at the time, a little forty.

It is not too early.

It is still 20 minutes from the official start of the ceremony.

"Let's go!" The slender fingertips took care of his neckline. He walked in front and led her to go out of the room carelessly.

Today's wedding, Luojia invited a lot of people, all walks of life, and even the national heavyweights are present.

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