The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1385: Familiar with the memories of the bone marrow

Standing cold as the sky, he just looked at this scene from beginning to end, his eyes fell on Luo Yibei.

It seems that most of his eyes today are looking at Luo Yibei, after arriving at the scene from Luo Yibei.

His hand is always holding, and there is something in his hand.

The light in the place where he stood was a bit dark, half of his face was hidden in the shadow, and the scorpion was again swayed, and the look in the scorpion was completely covered.

Luo Yibei stood in front of one side of the guardrail, his back was very straight, his face was slightly lifted, and the swell of the chin was like a frost, and the chillyness made people feel cold.

He did not know that he stood for a while for Fang Chi Xia, and his eyes turned stiff.

However, he looked at her eyes, not the expected relief of Fang Chixia, the anger in his eyes did not fade, it seems to be more concentrated.

He was like an angered lion. She looked cold and her eyes were red and bloody. The anger in her eyes was like a fire. It seemed to be detonated when she was stunned, and she swept her into the sea of ​​fire!

Fang Chi Xia was seen by every inch of his skin as if he had already burned, one inch and one inch, from point to face, like a prairie, as if in the next second, she would burn her!

This way, the temperature of Fang Chi Xia's blood suddenly cooled down.

She didn't know that he looked at him like this. She believed that she hadn't said anything. Fang Chixia was so watched by him, and his head was suddenly confused.

Not far away, cold prayer is still staring at the two people here.

He seems to be thinking about something, the ball in his hand is still spinning, the speed is very slow, very slow.

On the stairs leading to the deck, a waiter looks at the deck with a cocktail full of cups.

The cocktail in his tray was flamed, dark and dark, and when it came up, the fire flickered under the sea breeze.

On the deck, dead.

The waiter was still heading up and boarded the deck. When he walked around from Luoyi North, he didn’t know if it was not stable. The body suddenly fell and the cup in the tray slanted down to the ground. .


The sound of broken glass shone.

Falling into the glass on the ground, the flame is still burning slowly.

When the fire is about to go out, the scene does not know which direction to roll out a small bead, very small, small enough not to look carefully, can not see.

The flame and the direction in which the beads roll away are all around Luo Yibei.

Fang Chixia is still staring at Luo Yibei.

She was completely unpredictable and could not understand the meaning of his eyes.

The ball is still rolling on the cruise ship, the sound is very small and small, and it is almost inaudible.

When I arrived at the foot of Luo Yibei, the position of Fang Chi Xia’s chest heart was like being pulled down by something.

The line of sight was stiff and she did not see what happened at the scene. However, her move was that the body flew directly toward Luo Yibei.

Along with the collision of two bodies, an explosion of the explosion on the deck rang, and the fire blew a bit and broke the sky.

"Chi Xia!" an exclamation in the guest group.

Fang Chi Xia did not hear anything and could not see it.

When the fire was picked up, she only felt a burning sensation in her eyes, and then she fell into a darkness...

Luo Yibei fell into the water and began to look at Fang Chi Xia.

In the water, he and her, very familiar pictures, familiar with it seems that some time, the two also fell into the water together...

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