The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1401: Xiao Yi disappeared

Over the side, she continued to pick up food in the ordering area.

The little milk bag was sitting in the back seat, holding the scorpion in his hand, and seemed to have been thinking thoughtfully about something.

After looking at Sha Xingbao, who is still focused on ordering food, she estimated that she might have to wait for the dishes to do a little while, and the eyes of the small milk bag suddenly turned to the restaurant door.

The little body climbed down from the chair and he suddenly opened the door and went out.

There were a lot of people on the entire cruise ship. His body was very short. He was drowned in the crowd after he went out, and he disappeared in a flash.

Sha Xingbao only stayed in the ordering area for less than five minutes, carrying some small desserts, turned and prepared to return to the table first, and found out that the big restaurant was empty, no one!

Xiao Yi is gone!

Sha Xingbao looked at this scene and put the food in his hand to the side. She took out the phone and gave a call to Qi Chengxi.

"Chengxi, Xiaoyi is gone! Just talking to me, when I finish the meal and go back, the child has no shadow! Chengxi, what should I do? You can help find it together!"

Her voice was very anxious. She hanged the phone in three or two sentences and turned her eyes to the door opened by the restaurant. She ran out a few steps.

After receiving the call, Yan Chengxi ran off the deck and looked around on the cruise.

The cruise ship is very large, there are still many people, and people are crowded everywhere, and they are divided into several layers.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yi is too small. He left himself or was taken away. This can't be said clearly.

Yan Chengxi even sent people to look outside the cruise.

The entire cruise ship, because a missing child was busy after that...

Fang Chi Xia Deng went directly to the area where the table was located after the cruise.

She has been doing translation since she arrived at the scene, quietly standing next to the customer, the customer encountered a language that she could not understand, and occasionally turned her head and whispered a few words with her.

Fang Chi Xia’s French has always been very skilled. After more than three years of work, it is basically no different from the native French.

Even so, sometimes she encounters some professional words that she is not familiar with, and she will still be a bit blunt when she translates.

For example, today's gambling.

Some gambling words, she has not touched, will be more difficult to translate.

It doesn't matter whether it is good or not, just just see if you have contact with this field.

Outside the scene, a small figure walked alone in the crowd, while walking, looking around.

There are many people walking around. The cruise ship itself will sway from time to time under the impact of the waves, and it will not be very stable when walking on it.

The little guy almost did not hit the inexplicable person several times.

However, every time the other person's body has not touched his body, he is always avoided by his movements.

Children under the age of four encounter any situation that may endanger themselves. Their ability to adapt is far greater than that of their peers, and even more agile than many adults.

This is almost invisible to ordinary children.

After several people who almost hit the small milk bag and fell to the ground, their eyes could not help but linger on him for a while.

The small milk bag is like not seen, still taking care of himself and from now on, will also hinder the crowd in front of him.

"Children, Mom and Dad?" A waiter who passed by, seeing that he was pushed and squeezed in the big crowd, couldn't help but bend down and ask.

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